NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 10 - Who will be Ningthou FREE PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 10 Who Will Be Ningthou
1. How do you avail the study materials for NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English?
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English are available on Vedantu’s official website. They are available in the PDF format and you can download them on your phone, computers, laptop and any other device. The teachers have extensively researched and written NCERT Solutions English in detail and are self-explanatory. Students can revise and solve as many questions to master the topic.
2. What do you learn from the story ’Who Will be Ningthou’?
The king and the queen of Manipur are good and kind natured people, and people in Manipur love them a lot. In fact, the king and the queen also love the animals and birds in the Kingdom. However, when the time comes to choose the next king, the king and the queen are confused. They believe that it is not just power but kindness that makes a good leader. So finally they crown their youngest daughter as the next queen who showed kindness and love towards animals and nature while their sons were fighting and trying to prove their power.
3. What is Chapter 10 in Class 5 English NCERT about?
Chapter 10 in Class 5 English NCERT Marigold is known as “Who will be Ningthou?”. This chapter is based on the culture, tradition, the king, and the queen of Manipur. The author of this story is Indira Mukherjee. She writes about how the good qualities possessed by the king are the main factors leading to a happy and successful kingdom. The incident the story is based on discusses these qualities.
4. How are the king’s children tested?
The king and queen of Manipur had four children and they felt the need to assess if their children possessed the required good qualities that would make them the appropriate heir to the throne. For this, a horse riding competition is organized by the king where all of his children do well. However, he puts a twist to the competition which helps him determine that his daughter is more suited to be the next ruler instead of his sons.
5. What type of questions are covered in the NCERT Solutions for “Who Will be Ningthou”?
Chapter 10 - Who will be Ningthou in Class 5 English NCERT Solutions covers various in-text questions that are meant to help students recall the things they will read about in the chapter and enhance their understanding. These questions include short-answer questions based on simple details of the chapter, questions based on general knowledge related to the chapter, exercises to improve vocabulary and speaking skills, and some group discussion exercises at the end.
6. How does the writer describe the king and queen?
According to NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 10, the king and queen are the main characters in this chapter. The writer describes them as good and caring people. They have been good leaders for the kingdom who have always been there to take care when their people needed them. They not only care about the people but also other creatures like birds and animals in their kingdom and treat them very nicely.
7. How are the NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold beneficial?
NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 10 provides students with many advantages. Referring to these solutions will not only provide students clarity about what they read in the chapter but also help them increase their knowledge about various facts related to Manipur. The NCERT Solutions are essential during the preparation for the class 5 English exam as students can learn the accurate answers to all questions from this chapter.