English (It So Happened) Chapter 3 The Selfish Giant Class 8 - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 3 The Selfish Giant
1. Why was there winter in the garden for so long?
There was winter in the garden for so long because the giant denied the children the access to the garden and behaved selfishly. He didn’t want to share his garden with anyone, and this made the children very sad.
2. Who do you think was that little boy the giant helped?
According to the chapter, we can decipher that the boy was God himself in the form of a child. He wanted to make the giant realise that sharing, kindness and empathy are very important in life. He also knew that the giant was not evil at heart, just a little selfish. So, when the work was done and the giant realised his mistake, he disappeared and came back when the giant was very old to take him with himself to Paradise.
3. What happened in the second meeting when the little boy and the giant met?
It’s been a long time since the little boy and the giant have met. On seeing the little boy, the giant ran towards him and asked about his well-being. While he was looking at the boy, he noticed a wound on his hands, and after which he became agitated. But to cool down the giant, the little boy guaranteed that it was not an injury but the trace of the giant.
4. Where can I get the summary of English Class 8 The Selfish Giant?
The summary of The Selfish Giant Class 8 can be read from Vedantu website. Here, you can read the entire summary in detailed form. Apart from the summary, you can even get the exercises of this chapter, which are entirely solved. The summary and the exercises solutions are made by the industry professionals. Some portals charge a specific fee, but on ‘Vedantu’, all the study materials for Chapter 3 of Class 8 English are free.
5. When was the first meeting where the little boy and the giant met?
One day the boy was not able to climb on the branch of the tree. Disappointed by this, he started crying. When the giant saw him crying, he helped him to lift him on the tree. The boy was very happy and in his happiness he showed his affection and kissed the giant. This benevolent gesture made by the boy impressed the giant. This was the first meeting when the giant and the little boy met.
6. What are the main themes of the story? What do we learn from this story?
Kindness, Agitation, and Compassion are the main themes of the story ‘The Selfish Giant’ of the Class 8 English book It So Happened. The thing we learn from this story is not to be selfish. Happiness can only be doubled if you share a part of it with others. Thinking about others is a kind gesture that develops empathy in us. Selfishness only leads to repentance. So, it's upon us what we want to choose.
7. Who is the Author of The Selfish Giant Class 8?
Oscar Wilde is the author of English Class 8 The Selfish Giant.
8. Where can I find The Selfish Giant Questions and Answers?
You can access a FREE PDF of Class 8 English Chapter 3 The Selfish Giant questions and answers on Vedantu.