NCERT Solutions Class 11 English Woven Words Poem Chapter 2
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 2 Let Me Not To The Marriage of True Minds
1. What is the Metaphor Used in the Poem Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds?
In Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds poem, written by William Shakespeare, the speaker draws a comparison between love and “a star to every wandering bark.” It is a metaphor where love has a collation with the North Star, which acts as a guide for sailors to lead their ‘barks’ or ships.
A metaphor can be defined as a resemblance between two different things where a poet describes one thing as another. Over here, the metaphor relating love with Northern Star demonstrates that love and stars both can ensure constant guidance and reassurance.
2. What is the Theme of Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds?
This poem Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds is a sonnet that describes love, and how it supports everything. It is a narration where Shakespeare himself is talking about love. Besides, it can be said that the poet is now an established adult, presumed by his acquaintances with love.
Moreover, Shakespeare also confers how spiritual or real love can never change or fade away with time.
3. When Was the Poem Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds Written?
Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds was published in the year 1609. The poem’s form and structure are a quintessential example of a sonnet prepared by Shakespeare. It consists of three quatrains and ends with a rhyming couplet.
4. What is the definition of true love according to the poet?
A true love according to the poet cannot be destroyed and changed. The poet has explained beautifully the essence of true love with nature, the sun and the North star. True love is always like a guide and never changes or is destroyed. True love is beyond the imagination and cannot be measured. The sonnet is extremely nice and very interesting. Refer to Vedantu's NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English for the detailed summary of the poem and the relevant study material can be downloaded from Vedantu absolutely free of cost.
5. Who composed the sonnet “Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds”?
The pleasing sonnet “Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds” is written by William Shakespeare. The explanation of true love is well portrayed and it has been compared to the sun and the stars in the universe which stays constant throughout and cannot be destroyed. As the Sun and the stars guide the ships in the sea, similarly true love always remains constant and never gets destroyed and shows the way in the path of life.
6. What is a sonnet?
A sonnet is a poem written in a single stanza that consists of fourteen lines. This particular sonnet has 4 lines each and a couplet at the end. This sonnet is a bit different and has its structure. The scheme of the sonnet is rhyming. The sonnet is a description of the nature of true love and nothing can change if the love is true. Chapter 2 of Class 11 English is a sonnet.
7. What is the concept of the poem “Let me Not to the Marriage of True Minds”?
This Sonnet of Shakespeare is the explanation of true love and the faith in the power of true love. True love never fails or changes neither can be destroyed. If the love is true between the lovers nothing can come in the way of true lovers. True love never yields or bends towards anybody. It always remains constant and true love protects you in every hurdle and gives you strength.
8. How is the description of beauty with time?
According to Chapter 2 of Class 11 English, time is the destroyer and nothing remains as it is. Everything fades as time passes. The physical beauty of a lady vanishes and this is because the physical beauty is temporary and vanishes with time. Time weakens everything, even the most beautiful thing won't have any hold before time but only true love is permanent and never yields before anyone. It always protects and never lets you down.