Public Facilities Class 8 Notes Political Science (Civics) Chapter 7 - Free PDF Download
FAQs on Public Facilities Class 8 Notes CBSE Political Science Chapter 7 (Free PDF Download)
1. Why is water supplied by private companies minimal?
Water is a fundamental necessity of every human being. Thus, one must get universal access to only secure drinking water for boosting their quality of life. Water must be given to every individual living in the country, either at a reasonable rate or free of cost. However, private companies have only one goal- to boost their sales and profits. Thus, they seem to charge water at an exorbitant rate. This circumstance made it quite a struggle for people to afford water. After several protests and riots, the government decided to take back water supply services from private companies. This is why you may stumble across only minimal cases of private water supply.
2. What is your opinion on the distribution of public facilities in India? Do you think it is fair and enough?
While public facilities must be made available to every individual, we must look into the factor that public facilities as a whole are limitedly available. The distribution of these public facilities in India is neither fair nor enough. In Delhi, almost every individual has access to all public facilities, including water, electricity, healthcare, sanitation, and so on. However, smaller cities like Mathura and Aligarh have only limited availability of these facilities.
3. What topics does Class 8 Political Science Chapter 7 - Public Facilities cover?
Chapter 7 explores the concept of Public Facilities, covering areas like healthcare, education, and sanitation, examining their importance in society.
4. How can I access the free PDF download of Class 8 Political Science Chapter 7 notes on Public Facilities?
You can download the PDF of Chapter 7 notes, focusing on Public Facilities in Political Science, from Vedantu’s website or the links provided in the page.
5. How do these notes aid in better understanding the significance of Public Facilities for Class 8 students?
The notes provide detailed insights into the importance of Public Facilities, covering key topics and offering a comprehensive resource for better understanding and exam preparation.