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Understanding Laws Class 8 Notes CBSE Political Science Chapter 4 (Free PDF Download)

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Understanding Laws Class 8 Notes Political Science (Civics) Chapter 4 - PDF Download

Embark on a journey into the world of legislation with our comprehensive collection of Class 8 CBSE Political Science Chapter 4 notes, titled 'Understanding Laws.' This chapter delves into the intriguing realm of laws, exploring their origin, significance, and impact on society. From understanding how laws are made to their role in maintaining order and justice, this chapter equips students with a deeper understanding of the legal framework that governs our lives. Our free PDF download notes provide a valuable resource for students to grasp the essentials of laws, their enforcement, and the crucial role they play in upholding the principles of justice and equity in our society. Step into the world of 'Understanding Laws' and unravel the legal intricacies that shape our democratic nation.

Access Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 4 - Understanding Laws


Law is nothing more than a system of rules that a society or the government develops in order to establish harmony in society. Laws contribute to the smooth running of society. In a democracy, the parliament is responsible for making this set of rules. Their function is to regulate the actions of the members and impose penalties in case of any violation. These laws cannot discriminate between individuals. Violation of these laws can lead to serious punishment.

Do Laws Apply to All?

  • Laws are equally applicable to all the citizens residing within the territory of the country. No discrimination can be made on the basis of the religion, caste, or gender of the person. 

  • The rule means that all individuals are equal before the law and no individual can be above the law. This rule not only applies to the citizens of the country but also to the government officials or any other government employee. Any crime or violation of the law has punishment as well as a process for establishing the guilt of the person.

  • It is thought that it was the British colonialists who created the rule of law in India. According to many historians, the colonial laws were arbitrary in nature. Indians criticized them and protested against these laws made by the Britishers. 

  • This nationalism also needed greater equality and wanted a change of law that they were obliged to obey, to laws including concepts of justice. 

  • In the nineteenth century, Indian lawmakers also began to develop and demand respect in the colonial courts. Therefore the Indians played an important role in the evolution of the legal system of India.

How Did the New Laws Come About?

  • The parliament played a vital role in making laws. 

  • The role of parliament is to judge the problems that are faced by the citizens.

  • Domestic violence acts in order to ensure the protection of women were implemented to protect women from being mistreated and wounded by their husbands or any male member of the family. 

  • The domestic violence issue was brought to the parliament where it became a law that was implemented in 2005

  • Citizens played a vital role in helping parliament to maintain their laws. 

  • The voice of citizens was heard through newspapers, editorials, television news, biography stories, meetings, etc., which helped the parliament in making new and transparent laws for each problem faced by the people.

Unpopular and Controversial Laws 

  • In democratic India, people can express their feelings and willingness to accept the laws that are made by the parliament. 

  • Sometimes a law made by the constitution can be legal and valid but becomes unpopular and unsatisfactory to people as they feel that the purpose behind making this law can be harmful or unfair. 

  • People used to criticize the law by holding public meetings, reporting in television news for newspapers, etc. 

  • When a vast number of people feel that the law which is passed by the parliament is wrong or unacceptable, then they force the parliament to change it. 

  • Law is equal for each and every community or group. If it favors one community and disrespects the other, it will create a difference in opinion and disputation. 

  • If a law is not in regard to the constitution, the court has the ability to declare it null and void or modify it. 

  • In India, the role of citizens is: 

  1. To elect their own representatives. 

  2. To properly make use of newspapers and media.

  3. Watch out for the work done by the elected ministers. 

  4. Find out fault by their actions if required.

How Understanding Laws Class 8 Notes CBSE Political Science Chapter 4 (Free PDF Download) Helps in the Exam Preparation?

Understanding Laws Class 8 Notes CBSE Political Science Chapter 4 (Free PDF Download) serves as a valuable tool for exam preparation in several ways:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: These notes provide a concise yet comprehensive overview of the chapter's key concepts, ensuring that students have a solid understanding of the material.

  • Clarity and Conciseness: The notes present information in a clear and concise manner, making it easier for students to grasp complex legal concepts and principles.

  • Structured Format: The notes follow a structured format, aligning with the chapter's content, making it simpler for students to organize their study materials.

  • Key Points: Important points and terms are highlighted, helping students identify and focus on the most critical aspects of the chapter.

  • Exam-Targeted: The notes are designed with the exam in mind, ensuring that students are well-prepared to answer questions related to the chapter effectively.

  • Supplemental Resource: These notes can be used as a supplemental resource alongside textbooks and classroom lectures, enhancing the overall learning experience.

By using these notes, students can reinforce their understanding of Chapter 4, 'Understanding Laws,' and feel more confident and prepared when facing related questions in exams.


Vedantu's free PDF download of CBSE Class 8 Political Science Chapter 4 notes, "Understanding Laws," provides a valuable educational resource. These notes offer a comprehensive understanding of the legal principles and the role of laws in our society. Vedantu's commitment to accessible education ensures that students have access to well-structured and informative materials that enhance their comprehension of the subject. These notes not only facilitate academic excellence but also foster a deeper appreciation for the legal framework that governs our lives. Vedantu's dedication to making education accessible makes these CBSE Class 8 Political Science Chapter 4 notes an essential tool for students aiming to excel in their political science studies and understand the significance of laws in society.

Important Questions and Answers 

1. What is the sedition act? 

Ans: The Sedition Act permitted the government to detain or arrest anyone without a fair prosecution in the court who was seen criticizing or disputing the British authority. Under this act, individuals were detained without being notified of the reason for their arrest and were kept in jails without a trial. 

2. Describe the phrase “An equal relationships are violence-free”.

Ans: According to the domestic violence act of 2005 The phrase “equal relationships are violence-free” depicts that women and men have equal rights and privileges and they stand equal in every manner. For example- if a boy is going to school to get educated, then a girl also has an equal right to go to school, acquire knowledge, and have freedom. Similarly in a relationship, if one person is getting more advantages and tortures the other partner making himself superior, then conflict arises. If both the partners are treated equally then the relationship will be violence-free. 

3. What is the meaning of “rule of law”? 

Ans: Rule of law is a legal saying where absolutely no one is above the law, and government decisions are made by applying legal principles. This law was made to prevent autocracy and to protect the rights of the citizens of the country. People in the country should follow and obey the clearly mentioned laws of the nation. It is important for people who do not respect laws and commit maximum crimes. 

4. When did the domestic violence act establish? 

Ans: For the protection of women, the domestic violence act 2005 is enacted by the parliament of India to safeguard women from domestic violence. It came into force on $26^{\text {th }}$ October 2006.

5. Name five British laws that are still applicable in India? 

Ans: British laws that are still applicable in India today are: 

  1. Khaki dressing of the government officials and on-duty special police force. 

  2. Indian police act 1851 was framed by the Britishers to introduce a police force to tackle any revolt which took place against the Government of India. 

  3. Indian evidence act 1872, which says that the evidence found in the crime scene is presented to the court in advance. 

  4. Foreigners act 1946 is an act where the individual is said to be a foreigner if he is from outside India. And if they illegally reside in India more than the permissible time, then they must be jailed. 

Indian penal code 1860 specifies the definition of the crimes and punishments for the criminals of India.

FAQs on Understanding Laws Class 8 Notes CBSE Political Science Chapter 4 (Free PDF Download)

Q1. What do you understand by law according to Chapter 4 of Class 8 Civics?

Ans: Law is a set of rules and regulations that must be followed by all the citizens of the country. A set of norms that a country or society acknowledges as governing its citizens' activities and that it may enforce via the application of sanctions. There are certain laws followed worldwide and offenders are punished. Law is a collection of rules that a country or society creates and enforces through social or political organisations to regulate the conduct of its citizens.

Q2. What is the importance of laws according to Chapter 4 of Class 8 Civics?

Ans: People's prosperity and welfare are the goals of laws. They are used to promote social transformation and the establishment of an equitable society. Our Constitution governs the relationship between the government's framework, ministries, responsibilities, and powers. In a typically unequal country like India, where social ills like dowry, gender based violence, and alcoholism are present, the necessity for laws to be enforced becomes even more critical. Law ensures effective working of the government and its citizens.

Q3. How do new laws come about according to Chapter 4 of Class 8 Civics?

Ans: The Parliament has a significant role in enacting legislation. One of Parliament's most essential responsibilities is to be sympathetic to people's issues. In our country, laws are enacted by the Parliament. A bill is the name given to a proposed law that is originally developed in either House of Parliament. The subject of domestic violence was brought to Parliament's notice, and a mechanism was established to make it a law. Following House approval, the Bill is printed and hardcopies are sent to Members of Parliament.

Q4. What is the Rule of Law?

Ans: Nobody is above the laws, according to the Rule of Law. This not only limits the state's power, but it also emphasises that everyone is equal in the eyes of the law. A rule, a norm, or a direction for conduct based on an established concept. Rules are necessary for a country's effective and proper government. We might claim that democracy and the rule of law are mutually beneficial. The interaction between the several organs is governed by our Constitution.

Q5. Why was the Dowry Prohibition Act passed?

Ans: Dowry is the cash or presents given by the bride's family to the groom at the time of the wedding. Dowry requests are frequently made after a marriage. The Dowry Prohibition Act came into action in 1961. This Act made it illegal to give or receive dowry. If the bride is unable to meet the expectations, she would be subjected to physical or mental torment, and in severe circumstances, death. Anyone found offering or receiving dowry is subject to both jail and a fine under the Act. For detailed notes on Chapter 4 of Class 8 Political Science, visit Vedantu website or mobile app and download the notes free of cost.