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Last updated date: 29th Apr 2024
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Hint: Health means a state in which the individual is physically, mentally, and socially well. In addition to it, it also means the individual is free from disease.

Complete step by step answer: Health can be defined as a state of physical, mental, and social well-being of an individual. It also states that the individual is free from disease and infirmity. Individual health status and quality of life are of great importance and depend on the context in which individuals live. Not only the advancement and application of health science are important for maintaining and improving health but also the efforts and intelligent lifestyle choices of the individual and society matters. The factors which influence whether the individual is living a healthy or unhealthy life depends upon the following things. They are as follows: income and social status, biology and genetics, physical and social environment, health care services, education, and literacy. Mental health is of great importance. The absence of mental illness doesn’t mean the individual is good at mental health. Mental health can be defined as a state in which the individual can realize his or her own capabilities and can manage daily life stress and can still work fruitfully. In addition to it, the individual should also contribute to his or her community.

Note: Along with health, the mental health of an individual should also be taken good care of. In the USA and Canada, mental illnesses are the leading cause of disability. Factors contributing to mental illness are biological factors, life experiences, and family history of mental problems.