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Headquarters of Biodiversity International is located at?

Last updated date: 15th May 2024
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Hint:The biological diversity or biodiversity is the occurrence of various ecosystems, different organisms (different species) along with their variants and genes adapted to various climates, environments along with their interactions and processes. Agrobiodiversity or agricultural biodiversity is a subtype of biodiversity. It is relevant to food and agriculture and all the components that are included in the agriculture ecosystem.

Complete step by step answer:Biodiversity international has been set up with an aim to deliver evidence scientifically, management practices, and policy options to protect and use agricultural biodiversity. Thus it is an organization for global research as well as development.
Attaining the security of global food and nutrition is the main aim of Biodiversity International. It works with partners from low-income countries where there is agricultural biodiversity.
Apart from the fact that breeding of the diversity of plants and animals offers opportunities, Biodiversity International also promises to deliver other benefits.
Some benefits are direct while some are indirect. Locally adapted crops giving better nutrition and greater sustainability is one type of direct benefit.
Pollinators, soil microbes, biological control agents provide ecosystem services. This is an example of indirect benefit.
We can cope with the impacts of climate change on agricultural biodiversity.
Though the headquarters of Biodiversity International is located in Rome’s Maccarese borough in Italy, it has its regional offices in America, Africa, and different parts of Asia.
Thus, the Headquarters of Biodiversity International is located at A) Rome.

Note:Thus, it is a non-profit organization used for research cum development purposes.
The main motto of this organization is the nourishment of agricultural biodiversity and sustaining the planet.