NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Civics (Democratic Politics-II) - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Civics - Free Latest PDF (2024-25)
1. Are the NCERT Solutions Class 10 Social Science civics found on our website enough to do well in your board exams?
The solutions found on our website, Vedantu are all prepared by top-notch master teachers. The solutions are listed neatly and are all perfectly written as per the expectations of the Invigilators. All our teachers are highly qualified and experienced. They also know exactly what the board exam Invigilators would expect and make the solutions as per the standards. The solutions are listed neatly and intriguingly which the students would find easy to understand. Once you open our website you can find these well-written solutions! NCERT Solutions Class 10 Social Science would ensure you perfect marks in the civics board exams!
2. Are the NCERT Solutions Class 10 Social Science Civics found on the Vedantu website free to use?
Vedantu doesn't believe in being a money-minded organisation and aims to provide the best-in-class NCERT solutions to you without any cost! Hence, all our exclusive NCERT Solutions Class 10 Social Science and our premium study resources can be availed free of cost by any of the students belonging to the 10th standard! To benefit from our solutions penned down by our master teachers, all you have to do is head to the NCERT solutions section which can be easily located on our website, and then locate the chapter whose solutions you need.
3. Are political science NCERT Solutions Class 10 Social Science available for every chapter?
10 the standard is one of the most important years of a student's life and scoring well in the board exams is a big deal for all the students! We believe that all the chapters are equally important and hence all of them should be studied equally. We aim to make our students well versed at all the chapters in the NCERT and preach the same to our children! Therefore, on our website, you can find chapter wise solutions to every chapter in the NCERT which will cover every little detail which you would need to write in your solutions.
4. What is a democratic government in NCERT Civics Class 10?
In NCERT Class 10 Political Science a democratic government is a government wherein officials are elected by the citizens. The native people have a big role in choosing the government. The democratic government is for the people, by the people, and from the people. People can take part in the decisions for them, and their actions are exercised by them directly or through elected representatives. The supreme power is vested in the people of the nation. Elections are held to choose such a government.
5. How many chapters are there in NCERT Civics Class 10?
There are six chapters in NCERT Civics Class 10. All the detailed solutions of these chapters are given on the Vedantu website free of cost. They are also accessible on the Vedantu Mobile app. This subject deals with the rules and responsibilities of citizens and political parties. It will give you knowledge of the formation of the constitutional design.
Chapter 1 - Power Sharing
Chapter 2 - Federalism
Chapter 3 - Gender, Religion, and Caste
Chapter 4 - Political Parties
Chapter 5 - Outcomes of Democracy
6. What is Political Science in NCERT Civics Class 10?
It is a subject that revolves around the functioning of a democracy. It tells us the importance of a government and how it works. Class 10th Political Science is very easy and understandable. It deals with democracy and its diversity. It will give you an overview of popular struggles and movements. It will also make you learn about the centrality of power-sharing in a Democracy and social differences in our society.
7. What can we learn from Democratic Politics class 10?
Democratic politics, commonly known as civics, is one of the fascinating courses studied by students in Class 10th Political Science. It is particularly interesting to individuals who are interested in current events, politics, and international politics. Politics Class 10 chapters are considerably more than a standard orthodox textbook subject that you would just remember the night before the exam.
8. What are the outcomes of democracy as discussed in Politics Class 10 Chapter 5?
In Politics Class 10 Chapter 5 explores the outcomes of democracy, focusing on political, social, and economic aspects. Democracy ensures political equality, allowing every citizen to participate in decision-making. It promotes social justice and equal treatment for all individuals. Economically, it aims to reduce disparities and provide opportunities, enhancing individual dignity and respect.
9. How does the book suggest citizens can contribute to a successful democracy in NCERT Class 10 Political Science?
The book highlights the importance of active citizen participation for a successful democracy. Citizens should be aware of their rights and responsibilities to make informed decisions. Engaging in community activities and voting in elections are crucial for meaningful participation. Constant vigilance and holding representatives accountable are essential for a thriving democracy.
10. What role do political parties play in a democracy according to the textbook in Class 10th Political Science?
Political parties are vital for the functioning of a democracy, as explained in the textbook. They form governments by contesting elections and representing the electorate's interests. Parties frame policies and make decisions reflecting public concerns. Class 10th Political Science provides a platform for political participation, ensuring democracy remains dynamic and representative.