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JEE Main - Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions (Free PDF Download)

Last updated date: 24th Jul 2024
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Score High in JEE Main 2025: Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions With Solutions PDF

Vedantu offers a valuable resource with its precisely selected JEE Main Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions by Vedantu's Master Teachers. They stay well-informed about current trends, ensuring that questions align closely with the JEE Main exam syllabus. Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions for JEE Main come in various formats, including multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and Integer Questions, allowing students to assess their proficiency across different levels. With comprehensive solutions and explanations, the JEE Main Electromagnetic Important Questions PDF helps students grasp the correct approaches and techniques. Furthermore, the Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions for JEE Main PDF incorporates Previous Year Questions from JEE Main Exams, offering students enough questions to solve and excel in the upcoming exam. The best part? These resources are completely free and easily accessible in PDF format for direct download from our website.


JEE Main Important Questions


Text, Images, Videos and PDF


JEE Main

Chapter Name:

Electromagnetic Waves

Academic Session:



English Medium



Available Material:

Chapter-wise Important Questions with PDF

JEE Main Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions PDF should be essential material for students since this chapter explains how changing electric fields generate magnetic fields and vice versa, propagating as self-sustaining electromagnetic waves. You will get an idea of the importance of Electromagnetic Waves in JEE Main by looking at the table below. 

Year Wise Weightage of Questions: JEE Main Electromagnetic Waves

Sl. No.


Average No. Of Questions Asked

Marks per Question

Total Marks





















Take advantage of the opportunity to boost your preparation with our JEE Main Important Questions for Electromagnetic Waves. These Important Questions cover the entire JEE Main Physics Syllabus; you can download them for FREE.

Competitive Exams after 12th Science

Important Topics from Electromagnetic Waves JEE Main 2025

Below are some important topics students must consider while studying the Electromagnetic Waves chapter. These topics are picked from the previous year’s JEE Main exams. Hence, before downloading the Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions for JEE Main, you can go through the list of important topics in this chapter:

  • Electromagnetic Spectrum

  • Properties of Electromagnetic Waves

  • Electromagnetic Wave Equations

  • Electromagnetic Wave Propagation

  • Electromagnetic Wave Interference and Diffraction

  • Polarization of Light

  • Huygens' Principle

  • Polarization of Electromagnetic Waves

  • Polarization by Double Refraction

  • Electromagnetic Wave Applications

JEE 2025 Physics Important Questions: Get Chapter-wise Links Here

Access organized JEE 2025 Physics Important Questions with convenient chapter-wise links. Dive into essential topics, grasp key concepts, and prepare effectively for your exams. Get the edge you need with these focused Important Questions.

Learn With Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions and Score High in JEE Main 2025

Electromagnetic Waves are like the backbone of physics, and they play a pivotal role in Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions for JEE Main. By mastering this chapter, you grasp the fundamental concepts of electromagnetic radiation, Maxwell's equations, wave properties, and the characteristics of electromagnetic waves, providing a comprehensive understanding of one of the fundamental forces of nature and its applications in various scientific disciplines. Here, we'll delve into why acing this chapter is essential for excelling in JEE Main and conquering those high-scoring questions.

Electromagnetic Waves: Sparking the Magic of the Universe

The electrifying realm of Electromagnetic Waves – where the invisible dance of energy and fields shapes the very fabric of our universe! From the glow of the sun to the convenience of wireless communication, these waves weave a tapestry of wonders around us. Let's embark on an interactive journey to uncover the secrets of Electromagnetic Waves!

Waving Hello to the Basics:

Imagine tossing a pebble into a calm pond, watching ripples spread out. Electromagnetic waves are like these ripples, but they travel through the 'pond' of electric and magnetic fields. You'll soon find out that these waves need no medium to travel through – they can navigate through space and even vacuum!

Wave Parade: From Radio to X-Rays:

Meet the charismatic members of the electromagnetic wave family:

  • Radio Waves: These laid-back waves power your favorite tunes and enable radio communication. Tune in, and you're in for a groove!

  • Microwaves: Hungry? Microwaves have got your back. They heat up your leftovers and keep those popcorn kernels poppin'!

  • Infrared Waves: Ever wondered why your TV remote needs a clear line of sight? Infrared waves are the silent messengers that beam commands.

  • Visible Light: The rainbow spectrum is all thanks to these waves. They allow us to witness the vibrant world around us.

  • Ultraviolet Waves: While they give you a summer tan, they also serve as cosmic detectives, unveiling mysteries of distant stars.

  • X-Rays and Gamma Rays: These high-energy waves are like cosmic X-ray machines, peering into the depths of matter and space.

Wave-Powered Communication and Beyond:

Hold on tight as we leap into the world of communication! Cell phones, Wi-Fi, and even satellite TV – they all owe their magic to electromagnetic waves. Imagine sending emojis through space – that's the power of these waves!

Let's Play with Electromagnetic Waves:

Ready for some hands-on action? Use a radio receiver to tune into your favorite station. Or grab a pair of polarized sunglasses and see how they block certain orientations of light waves – a fun experiment with visible light polarization!

Cosmic Serenade:

But wait, there's more! Electromagnetic waves are the messengers from the cosmos. Telescopes capture their whispers, revealing distant galaxies, sparkling stars, and the breathtaking beauty of space.

Rocket into Tomorrow:

As you soar through this interactive exploration, remember that the knowledge you're gaining about electromagnetic waves paves the way for countless advancements in technology, communication, and our understanding of the universe. It's like holding a key to a universe of possibilities!

Unveil the captivating world of Electromagnetic Waves – a journey that's both enlightening and electrifying. Get ready to ride the waves of discovery and explore the endless horizons they reveal!

Power of Equations: How Formulas Amplify Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions for JEE Main

Equations aren't just symbols; They're your key to solving problems in Physics. By grasping Electromagnetic Wave formulas, you'll tackle complex concepts effortlessly and boost your confidence. Dive into the world of equations along with JEE Main Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions and amplify your study sessions. Explore our Physics formula pages to start your preparation journey for JEE Main today!

Important Formulas of Electromagnetic Waves

1. Maxwell's Equations

$\begin{aligned}& \oint E \cdot d A=Q / \varepsilon_0 \\& \oint B \cdot d A=0 \\& \oint E \cdot d \iota=\frac{-d \phi B}{d t} \\& \oint B \cdot d l=\mu_0 i_c+\mu_0 \epsilon_0 \frac{d \phi_E}{d t}\end{aligned}$

(Gauss's Law for electricity)

(Gauss's Law for magnetism)

(Faraday's Law)

(Ampere-Maxwell Law)

2. Oscillating Electric and Magnetic Fields

$\begin{aligned}& E=E_x(t)=E_0 \sin (K Z-\varpi t) \\& =E_0 \sin \left[2 \pi\left(\frac{z}{\lambda}-v t\right)\right]=E_0 \sin \left[2 \pi\left(\frac{z}{\lambda}-\frac{t}{T}\right)\right] \quad E_0 / B_0=c\end{aligned}$

$c=1 \sqrt{\mu_0 \epsilon_0} \quad$, c is speed of light in vaccum

$v=1 / \sqrt{\mu \epsilon} \quad, \mathrm{v}$ is speed of light in medium

$p=\frac{U}{c}$, energy transferred to a surface in time $\mathrm{t}$ is $\mathrm{U}$, the magnitude of the total momentum delivered to this surface (for complete absorption) is $\mathrm{p}$

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Electromagnetic Spectrum Type

Wavelength Range




> 0.1m

Rapid acceleration and decelerations of electrons in aerials

Receiver’s aerials


0.1m to 1mm

Klystron value or magnetron value

Point contact diodes


1mm to 700nm

The vibration of atoms and molecules

Thermopiles, Bolometer, Infrared photographic film


700nm to 400nm

Electrons in atoms emit light when they move from one energy level to a lower energy

The eye, photocells, Photographic film


400nm to 1nm

Inner shell electrons in atoms moving from one energy level to a lower level

Photocells, Photographic film


1nm to 10^-3nm

X-ray tubes or inner shell electrons

Photographic film, Geiger tubes, Ionisation chamber

Gamma rays

< 10^-3nm

Radioactive decay of the nucleus


Other Important Links for JEE Main 2025 Electromagnetic Waves 

Discover the links of extra resources beyond JEE Main 2025 Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions. Check out other important links that open doors to learning, practice papers, mock tests, and insights. Boost your readiness, conquer challenges, and embrace success by using these resources made just for JEE Main 2025.

Excel in Your Exams with Vedantu’s JEE Main Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions

In the journey to excel in your exams, Vedantu’s JEE Main Important Questions stand as your steadfast companions. These Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions for JEE Main Focus on High-Weightage Topics, reinforce your understanding, and prepare you comprehensively. With Vedantu’s guidance, you’ll confidently navigate exams and achieve success. Embrace the power of JEE Main Important Questions – download them today to elevate your preparation and reach new heights of accomplishment in your exams. Your path to excellence starts here, with Vedantu’s JEE Main Important Questions. Get your FREE Important Questions on JEE Main Electromagnetic Waves now and seize success!

JEE Mains PYQ Chapterwise: Mastering Electromagnetic Waves with Past Papers

Conquering JEE Mains requires unwavering dedication and strategic preparation. One invaluable tool in your arsenal is the treasure trove of previous year question papers (PYQs). But navigating those years of questions can be overwhelming, especially for a crucial chapter like Electromagnetic Waves. Enter JEE Mains PYQ Chapterwise: your key to targeted practice and exam mastery in this foundational subject.

By delving into JEE Main Chapter-wise PYQs for Electromagnetic Waves, you gain laser-sharp focus on specific topics within this crucial domain. Imagine tackling your weakest areas, with a targeted set of past questions, building confidence and competence one problem at a time.

Whether you prefer the convenience of a JEE Mains Previous Year Questions Chapter Wise for Electromagnetic Waves with PDF download or prefer working directly from online resources, the benefits are undeniable. You'll hone your problem-solving skills, learn to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios involving Electromagnetic Waves, and develop the exam temperament needed to excel under pressure, especially when faced with Electromagnetic Waves questions. Remember, these questions are like blueprints for future JEE Mains papers – studying them is like peeking into the exam itself!

So, unleash the power of JEE Main PYQ Chapterwise for Electromagnetic Waves. Download your chosen resources, pick your weakest topic within this chapter, and start practicing. Each solved question is a step closer to your JEE Mains dream. Remember, consistency is key! Make chapterwise PYQs for Electromagnetic Waves a daily ritual, and watch your confidence and competence soar as you approach the exam with a laser-sharp focus and a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips, ready to conquer even the most challenging topics in Electromagnetic Waves.

FAQs on JEE Main - Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions (Free PDF Download)

1. What are JEE Main Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions?

JEE Main Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions are a set of questions that are considered to be essential for students preparing for the JEE Main exam. These questions cover the important topics in Electromagnetic Waves, as per the JEE Main syllabus.

2. Where can I find Important Questions PDF of Electromagnetic Waves for JEE Main?

There are many resources where you can find JEE Main Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions PDF. These include:

  • Online question banks

  • Textbooks and study materials

  • Practice papers and mock tests

  • Coaching institutes

  • Tutorials and online courses

3. How should I use JEE Main Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions PDF?

Here are some tips on how to use JEE Main Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions PDF:

  • Start by identifying the important topics for the exam. You can do this by referring to the JEE Main syllabus or by consulting with a teacher or mentor.

  • Once you have identified the important topics, find a set of JEE Main Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions that cover these topics.

  • Start by solving the easier questions first. This will help you to build your confidence and to get started.

  • As you progress, try to solve more difficult questions. This will help you to challenge yourself and to improve your skills.

  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes when they are learning. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes and to keep practicing.

  • Track your progress. Keep track of the questions that you are able to solve correctly. This will help you to see how you are improving over time.

  • Solve questions under timed conditions. This will help you to get used to the time pressure of the exam.

4. What are the important topics in Electromagnetic Waves for JEE Main?

The important topics in Electromagnetic Waves for JEE Main include:

  • Electromagnetic waves

  • Properties of electromagnetic waves

  • Electromagnetic spectrum

  • Reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves

  • Diffraction of electromagnetic waves

  • Polarization of electromagnetic waves

  • Propagation of electromagnetic waves in different media

  • Applications of electromagnetic waves

5. How can I avoid common mistakes in Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions for JEE Main?

Here are some tips on how to avoid common mistakes in Electromagnetic Waves:

  • Make sure you understand the basic concepts of Electromagnetic Waves.

  • Practice solving problems carefully and avoid making careless mistakes.

  • Solve a lot of questions under timed conditions to get used to the pressure of the exam.

  • Get help from a teacher or mentor if you are struggling with any of the concepts.

6. What are the benefits of solving JEE Main Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions?

Solving JEE Main Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions can help you in many ways. These include:

  • Help you identify the important topics for the exam.

  • Practice solving problems in the important topics.

  • Learn from your mistakes and improve your skills.

  • Get a feel for the format of the exam and the type of questions that are asked.

  • Stay motivated and keep up your momentum in your studies.

7. How many Important Questions of JEE Main Electromagnetic Waves should I solve?

The number of JEE Main Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions that you should solve depends on your individual level of preparation. However, as a general rule of thumb, you should aim to solve at least 1000 questions before the exam.

8. How should I prepare for JEE Main Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions?

Here is a suggested preparation plan for JEE Main Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions:

  • Start by identifying the important topics for the exam.

  • Find a set of JEE Main Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions that cover these topics.

  • Start by solving the easier questions first.

  • As you progress, try to solve more difficult questions.

  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes when they are learning. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes and to keep practicing.

  • Track your progress. Keep track of the questions that you are able to solve correctly. This will help you to see how you are improving over time.

  • Solve questions under timed conditions. This will help you to get used to the time pressure of the exam.