About JEE Main FAQs 2025 - 80+ Important Frequently Asked Questions
JEE or Joint Entrance Examination, is an all India engineering entrance exam which is conducted every year for admission to various undergraduate technical programs provided at famous universities such as IITs, NITs, IIITs, and others.
JEE is regarded as one of the most challenging engineering admission examinations due to its extensive syllabus and high level of competitiveness.
About 11.99 lakh students appear for the JEE Main exam every year!
Considered one of the toughest exams worldwide, the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main is conducted by the NTA. Until 2018, the exam used to be held by CBSE or the Central Board of Secondary Education.
JEE Main 2025 Exam Dates (Tentative)
The official dates for JEE Main 2025 are yet to be released. However, we have provided the tentative dates for JEE Main 2025 to help you prepare for the exam accordingly. You can check the table below to know the tentative JEE Main 2025 exam dates.
A lot of questions arise in the minds of students, teachers, and parents related to JEE Main and Advanced. All common JEE Main FAQs are given in FAQ section.
All the relevant and most asked questions are provided in the above article. Every year students, parents and teachers have a lot of queries in their mind related to JEE Main. All such queries are answered here. For more information and latest news visit our website.
FAQs on JEE Main 2025 FAQs - 80+ Most Important Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is JEE Main 2025?
JEE Main 2025 is conducted for admission to Undergraduate Engineering Programs (B.E/B.Tech.) at NITs, IIITs, other CFTIs, and Institutions funded by participating state governments. JEE Main will be an eligibility test for JEE Advanced 2025, which is conducted for admission to the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).
2. What role does NTA play in the JEE (Main)-2025?
The NTA's role in JEE (Main) -2025 is restricted to inviting online applications, managing the entrance exam, and providing the JOSSA and CSAB with the test results. The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Apex Board (JAB) has the final say in establishing the guidelines for the JEE (Main) test.
3. When can students fill out the Online Application form for JEE Main 2025 for Session 1 on the website?
The Online Application Form for JEE Main 2025 Session 1 to be available in the month of December on the website.
4. What is the tentative date of JEE Main 2025 examination?
The tentative dates of JEE Main 2025 examinations for session 1 will be conduct in the month of January and session 2 will be conduct in the month of April.
5. What will be the mode of JEE Main 2025 examination; offline or online?
The examination of JEE Main - 2025 will be conducted online in “Computer Based Test” (CBT) Mode, but the Drawing Test for architecture students for B.Arch. will be in offline mode i.e through Pen & Paper mode.
6. How can students fill up the ‘online’ application form for JEE Main 2025?
The instructions or the guidelines for the application form are provided by NTA. For more details, students can visit the Information Bulletin Appendix-VII (Replica of Application Form)
7. Do candidates require to fill out a separate application form for each session?
Yes. At the time of opening the portal for that session, candidates can fill out the application form and pay the required examination fee for each session separately. The candidate cannot apply for both sessions at the same time.
8. If the candidate has opted for English as a medium for examination and wants to appear in the Hindi medium, what action needs to be taken?
The medium of examination is selected while applying online. The candidates can also select their opted medium of question paper in Computer-Based Test mode.
9. Is uploading Thumb Impression mandatory while filling JEE Main 2025 application?
The uploading of a thumb impression in the online application form of JEE Main - 2025 is not necessary.
10. During the filling of the online application form of JEE Main 2025 if ‘continuous timeout’ or ‘file not found error’ occurs, what should be done in this situation?
This is a common problem while applying online and to deal with this problem, updated versions of search engines such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome should be used. If this problem still occurs then clear the cookies and history of the browser and fill in off-peak hours.
11. Is it required to send documents including Confirmation Page to the National Testing Agency through Fax/Post/ By Hand?
No, candidates are not required to send any document(s) including Confirmation Page to NTA through Post/Fax/by Hand. They are only required to fill out the application form online through the official website.
12. Are the GenEWS, SC, ST, OBC (NCL), and PwD certificates need to be uploaded?
Yes, candidates who fall under the Gen-EWS/SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PwD categories must upload original certificates in the forms specified by the relevant state's responsible authorities.
If a candidate doesn't already have the certificate on hand, they can upload a self-affirmation instead.
13. Can a candidate apply for Session 2 if they did not submit an application for Session 1?
Yes, if a candidate has missed filling up Application Form for the January session, he/she can fill up the Application Form for April session at the time of opening of the portal for that session. The application window for Session 2 is now available at https://jeemain.nta.nic.in/.
14. Can a candidate appear in only one session or must they appear in both?
It is the candidate's choice. It is not required for candidates to attend both Sessions. If a candidate appears in more than one session, the best of his or her JEE Main 2025 NTA scores will be used to compile the Merit List/Ranking.
15. Will NTA exercise its discretion in determining the centre of a city listed in Appendix-I?
Exam centres are assigned as closely as feasible to the cities selected by candidates in their online application form. Efforts are undertaken to allocate the centre according to their preference(s) while remaining within city jurisdiction.
16. Can a centre be allotted to students by the National Testing Agency manually?
No, a centre cannot be allotted to students by the National Testing Agency manually.
17. Do the dates of the JEE Main 2025 examination overlap/clash with any other national or state level examination?
If any such situation arises, the NTA will investigate the problem and resolve it based on the availability of examination dates.
18. How can I choose the date and time of the JEE Main 2025 examination?
The computer assigns the date/shift/slot of the examination at random, which is essential for the normalisation process. As a result, the candidate's preference for day and shift/slot cannot be accommodated.
19. In the event that the candidate uploaded a blue signature rather than a black signature on the JEE (Main)-2025 application form. Is it alright?
Sure, it's alright. Your application will not be denied because of this error alone.
20. Whom should aspirants contact if any problem arises in JEE Main 2025 examination?
Details of helpline number and emails where aspirants can contact during any problem are 01169227700 and 011-40759000 E-mail: jeemain@nta.ac.in
21. In the online application form, can the candidate modify or change his or her personal information, including the city of the exam centre?
According to the directions given to candidates for filling out their online application form, they must fill out their personal information with the same care, and NTA is not liable for any errors made by them. Furthermore, after the application form is submitted, candidates will not be given the opportunity to make any changes.
22. Can someone withdraw their JEE (Main)-2025 Session 2 application?
Online application forms cannot be canceled or withdrawn after being successfully submitted.
23. Can one email ID and mobile number be used for the submission of multiple application forms?
One email Id can be used for only one application form. The used email address should be unique for each application.
24. Is it mandatory to fill in the contact and income details of parents/guardians?
Yes, both details are mandatory to be filled at the time of registration. OPT-based verification will be done once details are entered.
25. How will the candidate obtain the JEE (Main)-2025 confirmation page?
Only after the candidate has successfully paid the money will the confirmation page of the online application form for the session be generated. The candidates' registered email address will receive a copy of the JEE (Main) 2025 confirmation page.
26. What should be done if anyone does not receive the admit card?
Everything is now online so the candidates should know that admit cards will not be sent by post. The Admit Card of JEE Main 2025 can be downloaded from the NTA website.
27. Can the candidate make changes to their personal information—including the city where the exam will be held—in the online application?
Candidates should carefully enter their information into their online application form in accordance with the instructions provided, and the NTA is not liable for any mistakes they may make. The candidates will not, however, be given the chance to make such modifications.
28. What are the things that the candidates need to carry to the exam centre?
The following items must be brought to the examination centre by the candidate: admit card, photo ID proof and a passport-size photograph. On the attendance form, one passport-size photograph must be attached. Candidates should not bring any additional goods to the testing centres.
29. Can a candidate leave early after completing the exam?
No, candidates can only leave after the duration of the exam is completed.
30. List the steps to download and install the SANDES App on mobile phones.
On mobile devices, the SANDES APP can be downloaded and installed. The following are the steps to download and install this app: On your mobile device,
Go to the Google Play Store,
In the search bar, you are required to type "Sandes App",
The software is then displayed in the Play Store,
After you click Install, the app will be downloaded to your phone,
SANDES Mobile App users can now take advantage of its services.
31. Is the SANDES App required to be downloaded and installed?
Candidates are encouraged to download and install the SANDES programme as a backup method of receiving NTA notices and updates.
32. What will be the advantages of Two Sessions in JEE Main 2025?
JEE Main 2025 is going to be held in 2 sessions for admissions. Applicants will profit in the following ways:
This will provide candidates with two chances to enhance their exam marks if they are unable to provide their best effort in one try.
Students will gain first-hand experience taking a test and will be aware of their mistakes, which they can correct when completing the exam again.
This reduces the risks of dropping a year and eliminates the need for droppers to waste a complete year.
If someone misses an examination due to circumstances beyond their control (such as the Board test), they must make up the exam.
33. Has the syllabus for JEE Main 2025 changed by NTA?
No, the syllabus for JEE Main 2025 has not been changed by NTA. However, in light of decisions made by several boards across India, the NTA has determined that the question paper shall contain a total of 90 questions, with applicants being required to attempt only 75 of them. The curriculum can be found in Appendix-VI of the Information Bulletin, which is available at website.
34. Will the JEE Main 2025 have any negative marking?
Both Section A (MCQ-style questions) and Section B (essay questions) of the paper have negative markings (Numerical value) this year.
35. How long will the exam last for those who want to take it for both the B. Arch and the B. Planning?
The exam will last 3.30 hours, or from 3:00 PM. to 6:30 PM, for applicants who want to take the B.Arch and B.Planning exams.
36. What is the JEE Main 2025 duration, scheduling, and shift?
The duration, shift, and timing of the test may be found in the JEE Main 2025 Information Bulletin under Important dates (IMPORTANT INFORMATION AT A GLANCE). Details can be found in the Information Bulletin.
37. How will students check their JEE Main 2025 results?
JEE Main 2025 result will be uploaded on the official website of the National Testing Agency (NTA) website: NTA and JEE Main according to the schedule. A copy of the result will be sent to the registered email id of the student.
38. Are AIEEE and JEE the same or different?
AIEEE and JEE Main have the same structure, and AIEEE is currently included in the IIT-JEE exam. AIEEE and JEE Main are similar for those candidates who will pass these tests and will be admitted to engineering programmes at NITs, government-funded technical institutes, or private institutions. These examinations, however, will not get you into IIT. Aspirants must first pass the JEE Main exam after which they must take the JEE Advanced exam to be admitted to IITs for engineering.
39. What are the minimal requirements/qualifications to participate in JEE (Main)-2025?
Only those applicants are eligible to participate in JEE (Main) - 2025 who have passed the Class 12 or equivalent exam in 2024, 2025, or who are taking the exam this year. See the Information Bulletin for more information.
40. What are the age restrictions/relaxation requirements for applicants to JEE (Main) 2025?
There is no upper age limit for applicants who wish to participate in the JEE (Main) - 2025. Regardless of age, applicants who passed the class 12 or equivalent exam in 2024, 2025, or who are appearing in 2025 are eligible to sit for the JEE (Main) - 2025 test. Nonetheless, the applicants might need to meet the institute(s)'s age requirements if they want to be considered for admission.
41. What will be the pattern of JEE Main 2025?
Paper 1 will be for B.tech and Paper 2 will be for B. Plan, B. Arch. JEE Main exam for B.E/B.Tech courses will consist of 90 MCQs carrying 300 marks. Paper 2A will be conducted for the architecture students for getting admitted into course B.Arch. It will consist of 82 questions carrying 400 marks. B.Plan will consist of 105 MCQs totalling 400 marks
42. How can I accept the option of taking Five Questions in Section B of Papers 2A and 2B?
You have the option of answering any five questions. Before submitting the final version, you can edit the answers to the selected questions. Before submitting the question paper, you can choose questions that are different from the ones you selected previously and answer them.
43. Which scores will be used to compile the results and prepare the merit list/ranking:
An applicant can attend either one or both sessions. In each session, he/she will be given an NTA score based on his or her performance. For the purpose of preparing the Merit List/Ranking, the candidate's best NTA Scores List/Ranking from both sessions in which he/she has appeared will be considered.
44. Is the JEE Main 2025 exam going to be held in a changed medium?
Hindi and English are not the only two mediums of JEE Main. The JEE Main 2025 will be held in different languages such as Tamil, Urdu, Odiam, Assamese, Telugu, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Odia and Punjabi as per the National Education Policy (NEP).
45. What is the state's eligibility code?
The state code of eligibility is the code of the state from which the candidate has completed the qualifying examination for Class 12 (or equivalent) and is thus qualified to participate in JEE Main 2025.
If a candidate passed the Class 12 qualifying examination in one state but applied for improvement in another, the candidate's state code of eligibility will be that of the first state where the candidate passed the Class 12.
Candidates who passed/appeared in NIOS class 12th should select the State of Eligibility based on the location of the study centre.
The state code of eligibility for Indian citizens completing the Class 12 (or equivalent) examination in Nepal/Bhutan will be decided based on the candidate's permanent address in India as shown in their passport.
46. Does NTA grant the Divyangjan candidates any exemptions?
Divyangjan candidates are allowed to use a scribe or compensated time, but not both.
a) CMO, Civil Surgeon, or Medical Superintendent of a Government Health Care Institution must certify this in the approved manner (Annexes IV to VIII) if the candidate needs a scribe to write the exam on their behalf due to a physical disability.
b) One hour of compensatory time for exams lasting three hours, regardless of whether the candidate uses the scribe's service or not.
Please refer to the Information Bulletin of JEE (Main) - 2025, which is posted on the NTA website at jeemain.nta.nic.in, for further information.
47. Shall quota seats for admissions under MEA (Welfare) for the academic year 2024-25 be based on the Joint Entrance Examination Main 2025?
Yes, admission against the engineering seats provided to MEA for Wards of Government of India personnel posted in Indian Missions/Posts Abroad will be based on the JEE Main 2025.
48. How many times may a candidate take the JEE (Advanced) exam in 2025?
The JEE (Advanced) 2025 Information Brochure has more information. Kindly click on this link: jeeadv.ac.in
49. Is the Common Service price included in the application fee?
Yes. Please see the 'Information at a Glance' section of the Information Bulletin for more information.
50. How does one pay for JEE Main 2025?
The JEE Main 2025 examination fee can be paid in the following ways: Using SBI/Canara/HDFC/ICICI/Paytm online gateway payment facility/Net Banking, you can pay using any debit/credit/UPI card.
51. What can a candidate do if a failed transaction causes a problem with fee remittance?
The payment status of an online transaction (by credit/debit card) will not be delivered in real-time by the payment gateway, and the candidate will be unable to download the acknowledgement page. In this case, the candidate must remit payment via the internet and obtain an acknowledgement page.
After the result of Session 2 of JEE Main 2025 is announced, the sum due to unsuccessful credit/debit card transactions will be returned. AADHAAR/Umang/Digilocker Clarification in Section V
52. Is AADHAAR a requirement for JEE Main 2025?
The Aadhaar number is a sort of identity that is given voluntarily. You are advised to carry your Adhar Card to the examination centre.
53. How do I utilise the UMANG Mobile App?
You can get the UMANG Mobile App from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. Search for the National Testing Agency in the Mobile App (NTA). Choose your exam and fill in the required information. Example: Select JEE Main 2025, enter your application number and date of birth, and then download the confirmation page.
54. How can I use the DigiLocker Mobile Application?
The DigiLocker App can be downloaded in your Mobile Application from Android Play Store or Apple App Store.
55. How can I apply for JEE Main 2025?
First of all, you need to fill out the 2025 online application form for this exam on the official website. Before filling it, read every single instruction carefully. The application form is to be filled out online only. Any kind of wrong information found will get your form rejected right at that moment.
56. What are the eligibility criteria for 2025 JEE Main?
The eligibility criteria for 2025 JEE Main are as follows:
Candidates who have passed Class 12 or equivalent exam for the academic year 2024/2025.
Those who shall be appearing for their Class 12 exam or equivalent ones in 2025.
Students who appeared for their Class XII exam/equivalents in 2019 or before are not eligible. Also, students who will appear for their final school exam in 2025 or after are not qualified.
There is no upper age limit in JEE Main. Candidates who have passed in 2024/2025 or will be giving the exam in 2025 are entitled to appear for it.
(Note: In case a student has passed in 2025, and let’s say, has appeared again in 2025 for improvement, then also, he or she is qualified to sit for the exam.)
57. Is there any provision for candidates with disabilities?
Every student category (GEN/SC/ST/Others) as prescribed by the official body of JEE holds a 5% reservation provision for Persons with Disabilities (PwD). This has been adhered to as per the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.
*Special Mention: Persons with benchmark disabilities such as blindness, cerebral palsy, and locomotive disability shall get the facility of a reader, a scribe, or a lab assistant as needed.
58. How many times can you apply for JEE Main?
As stated earlier, this exam will be held twice a year. So, your number of attempts within an academic session shall be counted as one. Candidates are usually allowed to appear for 3 consecutive years.
59. What are the photographs to be uploaded for the 2025 application form?
Applicants shall have to upload scanned photos of their own along with a scanned image of their signature. The signature (again scanned) of their official guardian also has to be uploaded.
60. Is the exam going to get tougher due to NTA conducting it?
There is no need to get paranoid! The JEE Main examination pattern and also the JEE Main syllabus remain the same as that of the previous year. The exam paper is going to remain similar only.
61. Can you tell me about the examination pattern?
It is common amongst the frequently asked questions on JEE. The exam consists of 2 papers; I and II. Check out the table below to know the question types and subject combinations –
Paper | Subject | Question Type | Exam Mode |
Paper I | Physics, Maths, Chemistry | Objective type questions giving equal weightage to all 3 subjects | CBT (Computer Based Test) |
Paper II | Maths - Part I, Aptitude Test - Part II | For Part I, you have objective type questions. For Part II, you have questions testing your drawing aptitude. | Part I - CBT, Part II - Pen and Paper on a drawing sheet. |
62. Can you use a calculator in the online examination?
No, candidates are NOT allowed to use calculators or any electronic devices as such.
63. What shall candidates appearing from Assam/Jammu and Kashmir/Meghalaya do where the Government has not issued an Aadhaar Card yet?
This is a crucial query amidst other JEE Main FAQs. Applicants from such states where Aadhaar has not yet been issued are to submit details such as passport, ration card, or voter ID.
64. In case I forget my JEE Main password for the application, what shall I do?
You can reset your password for the JEE Main 2025 application form via a security question and the correct answer selected during the process. A verification code shall be sent to your registered mobile number. Otherwise, a reset link will be sent to your provided email ID.
65. How much is the JEE Main Application fee?
The application fee will be set according to your category and gender. Payment has to be made online via credit or debit card. You can also opt for offline payment mode through an e-challan. The fee shall be shown to you while you are filling out the form.
66. How do you check your JEE Main 2025 exam fee status?
You have to check your status by visiting the official website of NTA which is www.jeemain.nic.in. Take out a printout of your confirmation page for future convenience. If you have paid through e-challan, then visit your nearest SBI branch to update your fees status. In case you have paid online, then wait for 48 hours before checking.
67. What is the cut-off for JEE Main 2025?
The cut-off for JEE Main is determined by the National Testing Agency (NTA), which conducts the exam. The cut-off for JEE Main is different for each category (General, OBC-NCL, SC, ST, EWS) and varies from year to year. It's also important to note that cut-offs are based on the number of students who have taken the exam, the difficulty level of the exam and the number of seats available for the different programs.
So, the Cut-off for JEE Main 2025 has yet to be made available, and it will be updated by the National Testing Agency (NTA) after the examination.
68. How many attempts are allowed for JEE Main 2025?
Candidates are allowed to take the JEE Main exam multiple times before they reach the age of 25. However, the number of attempts a candidate can make in a given year is limited. As per the recent updates from NTA, candidates can take JEE Main 2025 a maximum of two times a year. Also, It is to be noted that candidates can choose any of the two attempts as their best score.
69. How to fill JEE Main 2025 Application form?
To fill JEE Main 2025 application form, visit the official website of NTA JEE Main, register with a valid email id and mobile number, fill in personal and educational details, upload the required documents, pay the application fee and submit the form. It's essential to review and submit the form before the deadline. For more information, check out Vedantu’s page on JEE Main 2025 application form.
70. What are the important dates for JEE Main 2025?
You can find the details on important dates for JEE Main 2023 on Vedantu’s page, starting from the date of release of the exam notification, application release and deadline, admit card release date, and exam and result date. For reference, check the below table for JEE Main 2023 session 1:
Events | Exam Dates |
JEE Main 2023 Notification Release | November 2022 |
JEE Main 2023 Application Form Release | 15 December, 2022 |
Last date of Application submission | 12 January 2023 ( till 9:00 pm) |
JEE Main application correction | January 2023 |
JEE Main Admit Card Release Date | January 2023 |
JEE Main 2023 Exam Date | January 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31, 2023 |
JEE Main 2023 Result Date | January 2023 |
71. Can the exam centre be changed in JEE Main 2025?
Yes, it is possible to change the exam centre for JEE Main 2025, but it can only be done during the centre change window. This window is usually open for a limited time before the exam, during which candidates can log into their JEE Main account and request a change of centre. The request is subject to the availability of seats at the new centre; the fees would also apply to change the centre.
72. How is the JEE Main result calculated?
The JEE Main result is calculated based on the number of correct answers given by the candidate and the difficulty level of the exam. Each correct answer carries 4 marks, and each incorrect answer has a penalty of -1 mark.
The final score is calculated by adding the total number of correct answers and subtracting the total number of incorrect answers. This total score is then used to determine the candidate's rank.
It's important to note that the score in JEE Main is normalised for the different sessions so that the difficulty level of papers in all the sessions is equalised.
It's also worth noting that the JEE Main result is used as a screening test for JEE Advanced, which is the final stage for admission to the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). Candidates who qualify for JEE Advanced are eligible for admission to the undergraduate engineering programs at the IITs.
73. What should I do after clearing JEE Main?
After clearing JEE Main 2025, candidates can check their ranks and scores on the official website and proceed to register for JEE Advanced if they meet the eligibility criteria. Candidates should also start researching colleges and programs and preparing for counselling and seat allotment. They should also check for any updates related to the admission process on the official website of JoSAA (Joint Seat Allocation Authority).
74. When is the JEE Main exam?
NTA has not released JEE Main 2025 exam dates. There will be two sessions. The JEE Main 2025 session 1 will be conducted in January . And session 2 will be held on April.
75. How many times a year is the JEE Main exam conducted?
JEE Main is usually conducted twice a year. One in January and another in April. The exam dates are determined by the National Testing Agency (NTA), the body that conducts the exam. Candidates can check Vedantu’s website to know about the latest updates on the dates of the exams and plan accordingly.
76. What is the format of the JEE Main exam?
The format of the JEE Main exam includes two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2.
Paper 1: It is for students who wish to pursue an undergraduate engineering program. It is divided into three sections: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Each section contains 30 multiple-choice questions, for a total of 90 questions. The exam is conducted online (computer-based) and offline (pen and paper) modes. Each correct answer carries 4 marks, and each incorrect answer has a penalty of -1 mark.
Paper 2: It is for students who wish to pursue an undergraduate architecture program. It consists of three parts: Part I - Mathematics, Part II - Aptitude Test and Part III - Drawing Test. The exam is conducted in offline mode only.
It's important to note that the pattern, difficulty level and number of questions of the JEE Main Exam changes every year, subject to the guidelines provided by the National Testing Agency (NTA).
77. How is the JEE Main exam scored?
The JEE Main exam is scored based on the number of correct answers. For multiple-choice questions, one mark is awarded for each correct answer, and there is a penalty for incorrect answers. Specifically, one-fourth of a mark is deducted from the total score for each incorrect answer. There is no penalty for unanswered questions.
The total score for paper-1 (B.E/B.Tech) will be calculated based on the number of correct answers in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, and then the scores will be normalised across multiple sessions.
The total score for paper 2 (B.Arch/B.Planning) will be calculated based on the number of correct answers in Mathematics, Aptitude Test and Drawing Test. The scores will be normalised across multiple sessions.
78. What is the minimum qualifying percentile for JEE Main 2025?
The minimum qualifying percentile for JEE Main varies for different categories and programs (B.E/B.Tech, B.Arch, B.Plan).
For B.E/B. Tech programs:
For General category candidates, the minimum qualifying percentile is 75th percentile.
For OBC-NCL category candidates, the minimum qualifying percentile is 65th percentile.
For SC/ST/PwD category candidates, the minimum qualifying percentile is 65th percentile.
For B.Arch/B.Planning:
For General category candidates, the minimum qualifying percentile is 80th percentile.
For OBC-NCL/SC/ST/PwD category candidates, the minimum qualifying percentile is 70th percentile.
These are general figures; the actual cut-off might vary year by year depending on various factors such as the number of applicants, exam difficulty level, number of seats available, etc.
79. What are the eligibility criteria for JEE Main 2025?
To be eligible for JEE Main, candidates must have passed the class 12th examination or equivalent in the previous year or should be appearing for the same exam in the current year. Also, the candidate should be born on or after 01/10/1997 for the general category. A relaxation of five years is there for SC/ST/PwD category. Also, candidates should have secured a minimum of 75% aggregate marks in the class 12th examination or should be in the top 20 percentile of their respective boards.
80. Is there any age limit for JEE Main 2025?
For JEE Main 2025, there is no age limit for appearing in the exam. Those candidates who have passed Class 12th and equivalent examinations in 2023 and 2024 and appearing in 2025, irrespective of their age, can give JEE Main 2025 exam.
81. What is the syllabus for JEE Main 2025?
The JEE Main 2025 syllabus covers Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics subjects. The syllabus for Physics includes topics such as Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Optics, Electromagnetism, and Modern Physics. The syllabus for Chemistry includes topics such as Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry. The syllabus for Mathematics includes topics such as Algebra, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus and Vector algebra.
82. Is there a fee for JEE Main 2025?
Yes, there is a fee for JEE Main 2025 exam. The fee is determined by the National Testing Agency (NTA), which conducts the JEE Main exam. The fee varies depending on several factors, such as the candidate's category, the number of papers attempted, and whether the candidate is taking the exam for the first time or as a retake. For Indian candidates, the fee for JEE Main is as follows:
For Paper- 1 (B.E/B.Tech) or Paper-2 (B.Arch/B.Planning) - Rs. 900 (for General/OBC-NCL) and Rs.450 (for SC/ST/PwD)
For both Paper-1 (B.E/B.Tech) and Paper-2 (B.Arch/B.p\Planning) - Rs. 1300 ( for General/OBC/NCL) and Rs. 650 (for SC/ST/PwD)
83. Will JEE Main 2025 be conducted online or offline?
There are 3 papers in JEE Main 2025, and they will be conducted in the following modes:
Paper 1 will be in Computer-Based Test (CBT)or Online mode.
Paper 2A (B. Arch) Mathematics (Part-I) and Aptitude Test (Part-II) in Online mode only and Drawing Test (Part-III) in pen and paper (offline) mode.
Paper 2B (B. Planning) in Computer-Based Test (CBT) mode only.
84. How many sessions will there be for JEE Main 2025?
JEE (Main) is administered twice, in January and April. The registration period for Session 2 (April) has opened up now that Session 1 is completed.
85. What is the use of Mobile Number and e-mail address authentication?
Applicants must input the two OTPs they received on their registered mobile number and email address each time they log in.
Email address and mobile number will be particular to each Application.
The parent's mobile phone and email addresses are also noted.
86. How to see the choice of cities?
Candidates will be given a list of exam cities based on their permanent and current addresses while registering. The candidates are offered a choice of four cities.
87. Where will I receive the score information?
The candidate's registered email address and the parents' registered email address will receive copies of the confirmation page and the scorecard for both Sessions, i.e., Session 1 and Session 2.
88. What are the steps to fill out the online application form?
Both English and Hindi will be used on the labels of the online application form. The application form has been improved for candidates' convenience, allowing them to complete it in manageable chunks. They can complete one segment, save it, and go on to the next. As a result, we made a small change to the registration and application form-filling procedure. The revised procedure is as follows:
Step 1: Fill out the registration form.
Step 2: Fill out the application form, which includes your personal information, the cities where you'll be taking the test and applying, your qualifications, any optional information, and the ability to upload documents.
Step 3: Pay the fee.
89. What kind of photograph is required on the form?
A real-time photo is required on the form instead of an already clicked picture.
90. Is Aadhar required during the registration process?
Yes, Aadhar authentication will be done for the applicants. However, it will be an optional field.
91. How to upload address proof?
During the online application process for JEE (Main)-2025 Session-2, all candidates—both those who have already enrolled and those who are new—are asked to upload address proof—both their current address and their permanent address. AADHAAR Cards, Domicile Certificates, Passports, Voter ID Cards, and other documents may be used for address verification. The proof of permanent and current addresses must be combined into a single PDF file before uploading. The same document will be sufficient if the Current and Permanent addresses are the same. To prove their current residence, candidates living in rental housing can upload their rent agreement.
92. What is the option of Scribe?
Scribe option is offered to candidates. Candidate may bring their scribe, or NTA may offer one.
93. What kind of proof of current and permanent address can be uploaded?
Candidates can upload their school ID card, rent contract, bank passbook, and other documents to prove their current address. Candidate may submit AADHAAR Card, Passport, Voter ID, domicile certificate, Ration Card, Electricity Bill/Water Bill, etc., for a permanent address.
94. Do I have to upload the address proof again for Session 2 if already submitted during Session 1 registration?
All applicants—both those who have already enrolled and those who are applying for the first time—must upload verification of their current and permanent addresses when completing the JEE (Main) 2025 Session 2 online application.
95. Will an affidavit work in case of no proof of present address?
If a candidate is unable to upload an AADHAAR card, school ID card, rent agreement, bank passbook, etc. as proof of their current address, a court affidavit stating that they have lived at that address for a particular amount of time may be posted instead.
96. What should be done if the permanent and present addresses are the same?
One document will do if the current and permanent addresses are the same.
97. Is a rent agreement a valid address proof?
A candidate can use the rent agreement as its address proof in case of a rented accommodation.
98. Can a certificate from a guardian, parent, or mother serve as proof of address for a temporary or permanent address?
If a candidate is living with his or her guardian, parent, or parent and they have been transferred to a different city, can they use the guardian, parent, or parent's certificate as verification of their current address
99. What is the registration start date for JEE Main-2023 Session 2?
On the website https://jeemain.nta.nic.in/, the Online Application Form for JEE (Main) - Session 2 is accessible from February 15, 2023, to March 12, 2023, up till 9:00 PM.
100. Will JEE Main 2025 be conducted in two sessions?
Yes, JEE Main 2025 will be conducted in two sessions. Session 1 was conducted in January, and the second is scheduled for April.
101. When will the JEE Main 2025 Session 2 be conducted?
The JEE Main 2023 Session 2 will be conducted in April 2025.
102. What will be the mode of examination for JEE Main Session 2
Except for the Drawing Test for B.Arch, which will be administered in "Pen & Paper" (offline) mode, JEE (Main)-2025 Examination Session 2 will solely be administered in "Computer Based Test" (CBT) Mode.
103. How can I complete the JEE (Main) 'Online' Application Form for Session 2 in 2025? Are there any instructions the students should follow before completing the application form?
The Information Bulletin's section on "Important Information at Glance" does include instructions on how to apply for JEE (Main) 2025 online.
Please read Information Bulletin Appendix-VII for additional information.
104. Does an applicant need to complete a different application form for each session?
Yes. Each session's portal will open with an application form for the candidate to complete and pay the necessary examination fee. The candidate must submit applications for both sessions at a time.
105. What should be done if a candidate chooses English as their test language but wishes to take the exam in Hindi?
The language mode must be filled out completely when applying online.
The candidate may also select his or her preferred medium of question paper on the day of the CBT examination.
106. Is submitting a thumb impression required for the JEE (Main)-2025 application?
No thumb impression must be uploaded to the JEE (Main)-2025 online application form.
107. What should I do if a "continuous timeout" or a "file not found the problem" appear when I try to fill out the JEE (Main) 2025 online application form?
While completing the application form, ensure you are using a recent version of Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer and a reliable internet connection. Clear the browser's cookies and history if it repeatedly times out, then retry during off-peak times.
108. Are candidates required to send or hand-deliver any document(s), including the confirmation page, to NTA?
No, candidates are not needed to mail, fax, WhatsApp, email, or hand deliver any document(s), including the confirmation page, to NTA.
109. Does a candidate have to appear in all 02 Sessions, or may they be spaced out?
The candidate makes the decision. A candidate does not have to appear for both Sessions. The best JEE (Main) - 2025 NTA Scores will be considered for the production of the Merit List/Ranking, though, if a candidate participates in more than one Session.
110. Are JEE (Main) -2025 exam dates conflict with any other national or state-level test?
The NTA will screen out such issues and set the dates accordingly.
111. Are there any resources available to candidates for the JEE (Main) exam in 2025?
Yes. Here are the helpline numbers and email addresses:
The hotline numbers are 011-40759000 and 01169227700.
Email address: jeemain@nta.ac.in.
112. Who should be contacted if an admit card still needs to be received?
Please inform the applicants that postal mail will not be used to deliver admit cards. The candidate must access the NTA website to download the admit card. Candidates can contact NTA via jeemain.nta.nic.in or by calling 011 40759000 or 011 69227700 for any assistance.
113. What should candidates bring to the exam hall?
At the exam centre, the candidate must have the following items with them: a passport-size photo attached to their admit card. A single passport-size photo, which needs to be attached to the attendance form on the day of the exam. It is encouraged that candidates refrain from bringing any additional items to the testing locations. At the center, there won't be any plans made for the storage of any materials. Both the NTA and the center disclaim any liability for any damage, delay, etc. For more information, please see the information bulletin.
114. Has NTA altered the JEE (Main)-2025 Session 2 syllabus?
115. Does the JEE (Main)-2025 have any negative markings?
Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) will make up Part A, and questions with numerical responses will make up Section B. Candidates must attempt any 05 (five) of the 10 questions in Part B. Both Section A and Section B will receive a failing grade.
116. How many times may a candidate take the JEE (Advanced) exam in 2025?
The JEE (Advanced) 2025 Information Brochure has more information. Kindly click on this link: jeeadv.ac.in
117. How long are the Category Certificates (SC/ST/OBC/EWS-Gen.) and PwD certificates valid?
Please abide by the regulations of the appropriate admissions institutions in this regard.
118. What pin code will be used in the address area for candidates who are foreign nationals (OCI/PIO)?
Such candidates must enter 000000 in the Pin Code area.
119. Will JEE (Main) 2025 be used to select students for admission under Direct Admission of Students ABROAD (DASA-2025)?
Yes. In its O.M. F.No.35-9/2016-TS.III MHRD dated December 21, 2018, the Ministry of Education of the Government of India accepted JEE to select students for admission under the Direct Admission of Students Abroad (DASA) program. Starting with the academic year 2024–2025, this might be relevant. The JEE (Main) Computer-Based Exam (CBT) has been administered by the NTA in India and abroad for admission to undergraduate programs at IITs, NITs, IIITs, and CFTIs. The JEE(Main) rank from the academic session 2024–2025 is used to determine admission to DASA.