Essay on Internet
FAQs on Internet Essay: The Impact of the Internet on Modern Life
1. What is the Internet?
The Internet is a computerized network of information. It is a system of interconnection of computer networks that link several billions of devices.
2. What are the Advantages of the Internet?
The Internet has brought information to our doorstep. It has made possible man’s access to countless websites, information programs, scientific discoveries, global political, social, economic and cultural developments and happenings, libraries, entertainment and much more.
3. What are the Disadvantages of the Internet?
Some of the disadvantages of the Internet: people especially, the youngsters are getting highly addicted to the Internet. There are a lot of thefts, fraudulent activities and unscrupulous business happening, which have become a threat to humankind.
4. How has the Internet has Become a Boon to India?
The Internet in India has made revolutionary changes in the metros, small towns and villages. It has created a plethora of job opportunities. The rise in the use of the Internet has led to the growth of cyber cities, cyber cafes and Internet parlors across the country.