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NCERT Books Free Download for Class 12 Biology Chapter 12 - Biotechnology and its Applications


NCERT Books for Class 12 Biology Chapter 12 - Biotechnology and its Applications Free PDF Download

Free NCERT Books download for Class 12 Biology Chapter 12 - Biotechnology and its Applications on Students can also download the NCERT Textbooks Solutions in PDF for Class 6 to 12 all subjects. Register for Biology tuition to clear your doubts and score more in your exams.

Competitive Exams after 12th Science

NCERT Books Free Download for Class 12 Biology Chapter 12

NCERT books prescribed for the CBSE syllabus have an all-around approach to reach every student in a much lucid and comprehensive way. The text, as well as the solutions, are compiled keeping in view with the easy access to the students. The use of easy terminologies makes the process much easier for students to grab concepts and have greater retention power. 

NCERT PDFs for all class ranges can be accessed easily through Vedantu and once downloaded online can be accessed in offline mode as per students’ requirements. CBSE NCERT Biology book covers 12 chapters which are also provided with numerous questions and exercises for evaluating the performance and in-depth understanding of a student. It covers all the easy as well as the hard topics.  Some of the important units covered in the book are-

  • Reproduction

  • Genetics and Evolution

  • Biology in Human Welfare

  • Biotechnology

  • Ecology

Chapter-12 deals with Biotechnology and its Applications, the basic concept of which is biotechnological applications in agriculture, medicine, transgenic animals, and ethical issues. The chapter deals with the industrial production of all biopharmaceuticals and agriculture.  The contents which seem difficult can be analyzed through the solutions provided in the solution book. Some of the essential questions dealt with under the topic are as follows:

  • What is gene therapy? Explain with illustration

  • What are cry proteins? How has man exploited this protein to his benefit?

  • Suggest a method to remove oil from seeds based on your understanding of DNA technology and the chemistry of oil.

  • Does our blood have proteases and nucleases?

To find out answers to all these questions, students must download the NCERT Solution of Chapter 12  and give it a thorough read for a better understanding of the topic.  

Why Are NCERT Books Important?

Let us know why are the NCERT books considered so important:

  • Enhances the knowledge of the student on the topic concerned.

  • Helps to have an in-depth analysis of a particular topic and subtopic.

  • Aids in evaluating one’s own performance and rework on those which need more attention.

  • Builds up confidence and encourages one to perform better.

  • Students are completely new to the topics and therefore, having suitable answers for a particular question can ease the process of learning. 

  • Helps in familiarizing oneself with the pattern of the questions in the examination.

  • Proves beneficial in competitive examinations as well.

Students can easily download NCERT Books for Class 12 Biology Chapter 12 - Biotechnology and its Applications on Students can also download the NCERT Textbooks Solutions in PDF for Class 6 to 12 all subjects. Registering for Biology tuition to clear your doubts can help in better performance and help score more in your exams.

Question: How to download Class 12 Biology Chapter 12 NCERT Book for CBSE?

Answer: Students can download it from Vedantu. On this page, Students can download Class 12 Biology Chapter-12 PDF Solutions of the Book 

Being at the threshold of taking the boards’ examination as well as preparing oneself for various other competitive exams in near future like JEE Mains or NEET, grasping the content of the subject becomes quite essential. With the solutions provided by subject experts from Vedantu, students can readily get accustomed to the future examinations and the topics that need to have better comprehension. It is only with these solutions that a holistic knowledge of the topic can be grasped.

Instead of preparing answers on their own, these readymade solutions can help save a lot of time for candidates and concentrate more on covering up their syllabus. Once aware of the pattern of the solutions, one can easily solve the previous year's papers without any difficulty. No two chapters are the same and therefore each needs a different approach to cover up the syllabus. With particular logical explanations and suitable diagrams, it is made much easier with the help of NCERT Solutions.

Thus, we, at Vedantu, provide all the solutions for various subjects that deal with making the learning process much easier for students. One can easily visit the site to get all necessary information and download PDFs as and when required. With the right strategic approach and knowledge, one can come out with flying colors. 

FAQs on NCERT Books Free Download for Class 12 Biology Chapter 12 - Biotechnology and its Applications

1. Why are NCERT PDFs of Class 12 important?

The NCERT downloadable PDFs help in grasping the content of the topics easily while making the learning process much easier. The text comes much handy and can be accessed as and when required even when one is not at home. Once downloaded, the texts do not require an online network connection for their access and can be smoothly run in the offline mode as well.

2. How can I access the NCERT PDFs for various subjects of Class 12?

The NCERT PDFs of various subjects can be downloaded from the official site of Vedantu and from the drop-down menu available, one can easily select the subject of one’s requirement and work on the concerned topic. One can also download the Vedantu app for getting structured online PDFs of different subjects along with their study material. All the texts and the corresponding solutions provided in the app help in a greater retention process. 

3. Which books to refer to for Biology preparation in Class 12?

Class 12 Biology covers all the important topics required for the preparation of the board exam as well as various other competitive exams. Students should definitely get hold of NCERT books available for all classes and all subjects, to understand the concept of the topics in a better way and go ahead with their preparation. The book comes in handy along with many examples and exercises for students to solve which boosts their confidence and pace of preparation.

4. How to score perfect marks in Class 12 Biology?

Students should get hold of NCERT books and download the pdf of the solutions available in the Vedantu app and its site. They should make it a point to go through every solution very carefully while solving the questions. They should also get hold of previous year's questions to understand the pattern of the question being followed every year. This will help in enhancing the pace of the preparation and also aids in concept clearing methods. Once an in-depth analysis of the topic is made, he/she should try to solve questions related to the same. In such a way, one can choose to score great marks in Biology.

5. How should I download the previous year's papers for Class 12 Biology?

Previous year papers are easily available online and can be downloaded through the Vedantu app or its official site. Students should download the app in their cells or laptops and reach out for the last 10 years' papers easily without any additional hassles. All the solutions to the questions are also provided in a methodical way for making the procedure easier for candidates. In this way, one can easily prepare for all those important questions which have been repeated for consecutive years and make a note of the same for future references.