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Struggles for Equality Class 7 Notes CBSE Political Science Chapter 9 (Free PDF Download)

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Struggles for Equality CBSE Class 7 Notes Political Science (Civics) Chapter 9 - PDF Download

Throughout history, we have heard of people who have joined hands to fight against inequality. But, why do the people have to face discrimination even when the Indian constitution treats every individual equally? The NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 9 Notes provide an insight into the struggles people have to go through to attain equality and how they did so.

We provide you with NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 9 Notes which are curated following CBSE syllabus and allow the students to go through these notes comprehensively and quickly to make the revision process easier.

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Access Class 7 Social Science Chapter 9 - Struggles For Equality Notes

Financial Inequality

  • As we have read previously, Kanta, a domestic worker enjoys equal suffrage. But when it comes to taking her child to a doctor, she has to go to a government hospital while her employer gets private medical care. Kanta & countless such other people living a life of poverty can’t afford houses in prime locations. Nor can they send their children to a private school. So citizens might enjoy equal voting rights but there is the fog of financial inequality that engulfs the society.

  • This financial inequality then spills over to the business and professional sector as well. First of all, a poor student can’t afford education in the premier institutions of the country. So he/she has much fewer opportunities than her richer counterparts. She has to remain happy with medium paying job. 

  • On the other hand, your book gives the example of juice seller who cannot compete with giant brands who can advertise well, employ thousands of people & use advanced technology. The poor juice seller has to contend with a limited scope of his business.

Gender-Based Inequality

  • Apart from such financial inequalities, there are also other forms of inequality. In Bollywood, the female actresses are much paid lesser than their male counterparts. This wage gap also exists in many other professions. The female workers get paid less for same amount of work than their male counterparts do. 

  • Not just in case of wages, the women are also subject to inequality in other aspects of professional life as well. Some work is normally considered to be men oriented work although there is no logic behind that notion. We also have mentioned in the previous chapter how jobs like bus driving, masonry etc are occupied by males - 99% of the time.

Caste & Religion Based Inequality

  • Another kind of inequality which we have learnt in the previous chapters is caste or religion-based discrimination. You have read the story of Omprakash Valmiki who was not allowed to sit in front in his class, who was made to sweep the whole playground while his classmates watched him. Him being a Dalit made him a subject to such discriminatory practices. On other hand, the Ansaris were unable to get an apartment because of religious discrimination.

When Border Between these Discriminations Merge

  • Inequality in India is not black & white. Sometimes the one kind of discrimination merges with another kind & you cannot fathom where one ends and another begins. For example, in urban areas, it is Dalits who perform the role of manual scavenging (yes, even to this date). 

  • We generally see that it is Dalits who have to go to the neck-deep pool of liquid waste in drains. On one hand, they are also employed exclusively in this murderous job because they are Dalits, and on other hand, these Dalits are so poor that they cannot escape this life of degradation.

The Fight for Equality

  • As said earlier, that nobody is going to grant rights that these marginalised people deserve. It is up to victims of inequality that they fight to take back what is rightfully theirs. 

  • There are many ways this struggle for equality can happen. Sometimes, like Rosa Parks, act of a single person can also inspire other members of the community to stand up & ask for equality. Sometimes it is group of persons in the community that take proactive measures to try and eliminate the aspects of inequality.

The Coming Together of Marginalised Folks

The fact that the people of particular community, gender or class are marginalised works as unification thread. These people often come together & fight for the common cause. Your textbook tells the story of the Tawa Matsya Sangh group of villagers that came together and formed a ‘Sangh’ or group. There are many other communities like the beedi workers, the domestic workers, the slum dwellers etc who are fighting in their own unique ways.

The Story of Struggle for Equality

Your book tells the story of Tawa Matsya Sangh.

  • When a dam was built around the Tawa river, villagers living in the area (Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh) got displaced as their villages got submerged in water after the dam became functional. But the peaceful villagers still compromised with it and took up fishing as a new means of livelihood. They used to catch some fish from the reservoir. But the government helped the pvt. contractors to get the rights for fishing in the area. They banished the villagers from that area. The villagers were then left with nothing. So they came together & formed the Tawa Matsya Sangh. The organisation protested, blocked roads & lobbied the government. Ultimately they were successful in getting the fishing rights back to the,. But the organisation did not just stop here. It set up a cooperative to help other villagers get fair prices for their catch. The cooperative also shouldered the responsibilities of marketing.

  • The activism of Viji Penkoottu tells another inspirational story. In the early 2000s, the female workers in textile industry in Kerala were subjected to inhumane working conditions. They were not allowed to sit or even go to the toilet there. Viji Penkoottu relentlessly fought for the rights of the women workers. When the established trade unions did not show any support to the cause of the female workers, Viji formed a trade union for the women and by the women. Ultimately the shops in Kerala had to allow women to sit & go to the toilet. But Viji did not just stop there. She campaigned like a superwoman & to give this change a legal validation. In 2018, the government was forced to bring a crucial law which officially prevented female workers from being subjected to such inhumane conditions.

Indian Constitution - The Holy Book of Equality

Thanks to the visionaries leaders like B.R Ambedkar (who incidentally was a Dalit), the Indian Constitution unequivocally proclaimed that each and every Indian citizen is equal before the eyes of the law. It has outlawed any discriminatory practices, injustices & untouchability. Whenever a group of people or any organisation fights to establish equality in any particular sphere, it shows the Indian Constitution as the reference point - and rightly so - the Indian words of the Indian Constitution are considered final in case of any legal issues.

Class 7 Social Science - Civics Chapter 9 Struggles for Equality Notes

NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 9 Notes - Struggles for Equality

The Indian constitution considers every Indian equal before the law irrespective of the religion, sex, caste, creed, or colour. Each adult in India has the right to vote and is provided with the ‘power over the ballot box’ which allows them to select their representatives. 

However, this equality does not extend to all. The increasing privatisation has led to the depletion of resources for the poor people as these are not affordable for them. The critical reasons for inequality in people’s lifestyle in India are poverty and the lack of resources. Other significant factors include discrimination of people based on their caste, religion and sex. 

The primary reason of Dalit, Adivasi and Muslim girls dropping out of school is the combined outcome of social discrimination, quality school facilities and poverty even though women form 48% of the population according to 2001 census. 

Struggles For Equality

Throughout the world, many people have gained recognition because of their fight towards equality and speaking up against the discrimination they’ve witnessed. One of the famous examples of struggles for equality is the Tawa Matsya Sangh in Madhya Pradesh. Not just this, several people have struggled for justice for themselves or their community in some form or the other. 

Tawa Matsya Sangh

Whenever the government starts building dams on some locations, dislocation of thousands of people takes place. Villages are uprooted completely forcing people to migrate to new locations and build new homes. Most of these people are poor, and often many of them live in basis. This dislocation of people disrupts their lifestyle and has become quite a common problem among many. As a result of this, people join hands to protest against it and even form organisations to get their rights. 

Tawa Matsya Sangh is a fisher worker’s cooperative who are fighting for the rights of the forest dwellers who got displaced from the Satpura Forest of Madhya Pradesh. 

The Tawa flows through Betul and originates from the Mahadeo hills of Chhindwara district and later joins the Narmada in Hoshangabad. The construction of Tawa Dam began in 1958, and it was completed in 1978. This led to the submerging of large areas of land and forest. 

In 1994, private contractors were given fishing rights by the government for fishing in the Tawa reservoir. The contractors tried to drive the villagers away, but they remained intact and started protesting against them. This led to the formation of Tawa Matsya Sangh who organised protests demanding their right to continue fishing. Finally, 1n 1996, they gained the fishing rights for the reservoir by the Madhya Pradesh government. The TMS led to a substantial increase in earnings of the fish workers and even gained their rights to livelihood. 

The Indian Constitution As a Living Document

The constitution of India is referred to as a ‘living document’ in the various movements taken up for struggle and equality. These communities so formed in a democracy always try to push the limits for recognition of equality on all issues. The equality in a democracy substantially affects all the communities and further includes the social and economic equality of the country as well.

Chapter Summary - Struggles for Equality

In Class 7 Chapter 9 - Struggles for Equality, students explore the inspiring stories of individuals who fought against discrimination. The chapter delves into historical events, emphasizing the significance of equal rights. Through engaging narratives, it highlights the struggles of those who sought justice and equality. Students gain valuable insights into the importance of unity, compassion, and the ongoing battle for fairness in society. This chapter serves as a window into the past, fostering an understanding of the challenges people faced and inspiring a commitment to building a more equitable future.

Key Takeaways from Struggles for Equality Chapter

Explore key takeaways as you learn about the importance of equality, draw inspiration from historical heroes, understand unity in diversity, recognize the power of every voice, and glean valuable lessons from past struggles for a fair and just society.

1. Equality Matters:

Learn about the importance of treating everyone fairly and equally.

2. Historical Heroes:

Discover inspiring stories of individuals who fought against discrimination and injustice.

3. Unity in Diversity:

Understand the strength that comes from people standing together, regardless of differences.

4. Every Voice Counts:

Realize the power of speaking up against unfairness and working towards positive change.

5. Learn from History:

Gain insights into historical struggles, encouraging a commitment to creating a more just and equal world.

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Unlock the power of understanding with Vedantu’s Revision Notes for Class 7. Tailored to simplify complex concepts, these notes offer an efficient tool for last-minute exam preparation, ensuring a thorough grasp of the chapter's inspiring stories and important lessons.

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For an enhanced comprehension of this subject, NCERT - Class 7 Chapter 9 - Struggles for Equality, thoughtfully prepared by experienced educators at Vedantu, is your invaluable companion. These notes break down the complexities of Struggles for Equality into easily digestible sections, helping you grasp new conceptsand navigate through questions effortlessly quickly in the last minute as well. By immersing yourself in these notes, you not only prepare for your studies more efficiently but also develop a profound understanding of the subject matter.

FAQs on Struggles for Equality Class 7 Notes CBSE Political Science Chapter 9 (Free PDF Download)

1. Why are the online vendors progressing as compared to the street vendors?

Ans: The digital methods have a higher reach in the present day as compared to offline platforms. The ease of use and multiple channels makes it easier for online vendors to sell their products. However, on the other hand, if the street vendor tries to sell the same product as online vendors, it isn’t feasible, as he can’t reach the customers and does not have enough resources as well to do so. The process is likely easier for online vendors when it comes to the selling process.

2. How does the constitution provide the fundamental rights to the people?

Ans: The constitution has been written for the welfare of Indian citizens. Indian democracy consists mainly of three pillars which include the legislature, executive and democracy. These three pillars mainly provide service to the people of India. Following this, these three pillars provide the fundamental rights to the Indian citizens.

3. What are the benefits of using the Revision Notes for Class 7 Civics Chapter 9?

Ans: The NCERT Class 7 Civics Chapter 9 Notes are the most effective approach to rapidly and efficiently review key and crucial subjects during examinations. They are written in a clear, simple, and concise way, allowing students to rapidly comprehend all of the complicated concepts shortly before the exam. You should have Class 7 revision notes on hand if you want to quickly prepare for the basics. The notes will assist you in thoroughly and properly preparing each topic.

4. Where can I get the Revision Notes for Class 7 Civics Chapter 9 for free?

Ans: You can conveniently get the Revision Notes for Class 7 Civics Chapter 9 for free on Vedantu where you can get comprehensive and expert-written notes that are ideal for any examination. The notes adhere to the CBSE curriculum and are NCERT specific to make sure that they are apt at any given time. They follow the latest exam pattern and cover all the concepts in a strategic manner to give off the perfect explanations for all the topics.

5. What is gender-based inequality?

Ans: Gender related inequality refers to discrimination based on a person's gender. Female actresses in Bollywood, for example, are paid far less than their male counterparts. Similar wage discrepancies exist in a variety of other professions. Female workers get paid less than their male counterparts for the same amount of labour. Women experience prejudice not only in terms of pay, but also in other aspects of professional life. Despite the fact that this is nonsensical, several occupations are historically believed to be men's jobs.

6. What is caste and religion based inequality?

Ans: Caste or religion-based discrimination is another type of inequality that we learned about in the previous chapters. You may recall the story of Omprakash Valmiki, who was not permitted to sit in the front of his class and was forced to sweep the entire playground while his classmates looked on. He was subjected to such discrimination because he was a Dalit. The Ansaris, on the other hand, were not able to obtain an apartment due to religious prejudice.

7. Why is the Indian constitution referred to as a living document?

Ans:In India, movements and fights for equality frequently refer to the Indian Constitution to emphasise the importance of equality and justice for everyone. For example, the fishworkers of the Tawa Matsya Sangh believed that by participating in the campaign, the Constitution's provisions would become a reality. They utilised the Constitution as a "living document," i.e., something that has actual value in our lives, by referring to it frequently. In a democracy, groups and people are always working to expand the concept of democracy and strive for more equality on existing and new concerns.