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On Equality Class 7 Notes CBSE Political Science Chapter 1 (Free PDF Download)

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On Equality Class 7 Notes Political Science (Civics) Chapter 1 - PDF Download

In a diverse democratic society such as India, there are several instances present that portray prejudice and discrimination of certain communities. Therefore, there always must be a platform which enforces the rights of individuals and provides equality to all. The Class 7 civics chapter 1 notes help students in building a strong understanding of what is equality in Indian Democracy and how it must be executed. The role towards enforcement of equality portrays the formation of laws that should be properly conformed to by the executive power of democracy which can at times also make mistakes. Therefore forming strong opinions regarding the significance of the right to equality is very important for students.

Access Class 07 Social Science Chapter 01 - On Equality

1. Equal voting rights 

In a democratic country like India, all adults, regardless of their religious beliefs, education level, caste, rich or poor, can vote. This is called the universal adult franchise, and it is an important aspect of all democracies. The idea of ​​universal suffrage for adults is based on the idea of ​​equality. 

2. Other types of equality 

In addition to poverty, Indians also experience inequality based on the caste system. 

3. Recognition of Dignity 

When people are treated unequally, their dignity is violated. Dignity is a person's right to be valued and respected for himself and to be treated ethically. 

4. Equality in Indian Democracy 

The Constitution of India recognizes that all people are equal. This means that all people in the country, including men and women of all caste, religious, tribal, educational and economic backgrounds, are considered equal. 

● The recognition of equality includes the following constitutional provisions: 

i. All are equal before the law. 

ii. No one shall be discriminated against because of religion, race, caste, place of birth, or male or female. 

iii. Everyone can enter all public places. 

iv. The untouchables have been abandoned. 

5. Government steps to achieve equality 

The two ways in which the government has tried to achieve equality guaranteed by the constitution are: 

i. First pass the law 

ii. Second pass a government plan or plan 

iii. One of the government steps includes a lunch plan. 

6. Equality in other democracies 

i. In many democracies around the world, equality remains a key issue in community struggles. 

ii. For example, in the United States of America, African Americans whose ancestors were slaves brought over from Africa continue to describe their lives today as fundamentally unequal. They are treated extremely unequally in the United States and have passed private laws on their right to equality. 

iii. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, religion, or national origin. He also stated that all schools will be open to African American children and that they will no longer need to attend separate schools created specifically for them.

Class 7 Social Science Civics Chapter 1 On Equality Revision Notes

Civics On Equality Class 7 Notes PDF

The regular functioning and enforcement of democracy require the issue of equality along with equal protection of rights.

The first chapter of civics regarding democracy and equality class 7 entails the various aspects and grounds on which discrimination relating to equality takes place. It aims to explain the different basis of confirming equality amongst all citizens within the Indian Democracy.

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Voting Rights

The equality in regards to the right to vote involves the inclusion of the universal adult franchise which in the most basic sense refers to the ideology of 'one person, one vote' for every citizen who has reached the age of 18. This idea provides meaning to equality before the law by treating every citizen equally regarding the decision-making process of election of certain people who govern the country.

Recognition if Dignity 

Democracy chapter 1 class 7 CBSE starts by recognizing the dignity of every individual residing in the country. The dignity of a person is situated at the heart of the understanding of equality. This is because of the reason that when an individual is discriminated against on the ground of equality, their dignity gets affected at a person and moral level. Therefore, to reach equality before the eyes of the law, everyone must be treated ethically where the person's dignity is not harmed.

Equality in Indian Democracy

Article 14 of the Constitution of India provides for equality and non-discrimination based on all genders, caste, economical backgrounds, educational backgrounds, tribes, and religions. It precludes the provisions of equality of each person before the law, and that no person shall be discriminated against based on the aforementioned grounds, that every individual has access to public places, and finally the abolishment of untouchability. 

However, numerous cases have emerged over the decades that provide instances of discrimination based on equality. In India, discrimination on the basis caste is highly prevalent. In such an instant, the people belonging to "lower castes'' are set aside from all other castes and are treated with extreme inequality even today. They face multiple problems and difficulties through the span of their lives. Such instances are against the very institution of the Constitution of India and should be reported and abolished from their very origin.

The government of India executes the idea of equality through enforcement of laws along with government schedules as well as programmes such as the mid-day meal programme, etc.

Challenges Faced by Equality on Other Democracies of the World

Even in the current world, numerous democratic countries around the world face the challenge of conforming to the right to equality before the law. This can be understood by understanding the example of racism towards African-American communities within the USA which are largely discriminated against and which face huge difficulties throughout their lives. Such discrimination overlaps the right to equality based on any race.

Benefits of Class 7 Civics Chapter 1 Notes

These notes are written by some of the expert teachers in the field in a very lucid manner for easy comprehension by students. They make it easier for a student to effectively prepare for exams and give special consideration of more difficult areas.


The PDF format of "On Equality" Class 7 Notes allows easy access, enabling self-paced learning and revision. These notes are valuable for exam preparation, quick revision, and clarifying doubts related to equality and social justice. Studying this chapter fosters a deeper understanding of equality's importance, critical thinking, and analytical skills. Knowledge of equality is essential for a fair society and harmonious coexistence. "On Equality" Class 7 Notes equip students with comprehensive knowledge about equality principles, social justice, and challenges in achieving equity. Utilizing these notes helps excel in exams, build awareness of social issues, and appreciate equality's significance for a better world. Happy learning!

FAQs on On Equality Class 7 Notes CBSE Political Science Chapter 1 (Free PDF Download)

1. What is the significance of the Universal Adult Franchise?

Universal adult franchise is relevant for the following reasons: 

  • It's focused on the principle of equality; 

  • This ensures that all adult people, i.e. those 18 years of age or older, have the right to vote irrespective of their socio-economic status;  

  • The universal adult franchise is an integral part of government; 

  • The functioning of a democracy corresponds to people residing and stipulates it as ‘of the people, by the people and for the people’.

  • It makes the government more responsive to the public.

2. What does article 15 of the Constitution entail?

There shall be no discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth under article 15 of the constitution of India. This includes two forms, 

Firstly, there shall be no discrimination against any person solely based on religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them and such right shall be protected by the state.

Secondly, no resident of the country, be subject to any disability, responsibility, limitation or condition on the grounds of faith, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them, concerning the following:

  • Access to stores, public restaurants, hotels and public entertainment venues; 

  • The use of tanks, bathing ghats, wells, roads and public recreation areas has been maintained wholly or partially by State funds or has been allocated to the use of the general public.

3. What is a democratic government Class 7 Political Science Chapter 1?

A democratic government is formed by the people. People participate in forming the government by casting votes and choosing their representatives. The most important feature of a democratic government is equality. In a democratic government, all people of a country are treated equally and no discrimination is made based on their caste, colour, creed, or sex. The other features of a democratic government include justice for all and the resolution of conflict.

4. What were the effects of starting midday meals in elementary schools?

Starting midday meals in elementary schools produced many positive effects. This scheme involved giving food to the children in school. This led to an increase in the number of children coming to elementary schools. The nutrition and health of children studying in elementary schools improved. Parents who could not afford to give proper meals to their children started sending their children to schools so that they can get proper food and this led to an increase in the number of children in elementary schools.

5. How is the importance of equality explained in Class 7 Political Science Chapter 1?

Equality plays an important role and it has been recognized in the constitution of India through different laws. According to equality, every person of India is treated equally before the law. All the citizens of India have to follow the same laws, rules, and regulations. No discrimination can be made based on caste, colour, creed, sex, or region. No person can be stopped from entering public parks, malls, cinema halls, etc. Thus, equality means that every person has the same rights in a democratic country like India.

6. How was Kanta unsure about equality?

Kanta was a housemaid. Her daughter got ill but she could not ask for a holiday from her employer because her employer will cut her salary. After finishing her work, Kanta took her daughter to a government hospital where she had to stand in a long queue. She also did not have money to buy medicines therefore she had to take money from her employer to take her daughter to the hospital. Thus, all these things make Kanta unsure about equality because she did not get equal treatment.

7. Write down the differences between a private hospital and a government hospital?

In a private hospital, people do not have to stand in a queue and they get better treatment facilities. In a government hospital, people have to stand in long queues for their turn. They do not get better medical facilities in the government hospitals. In a private hospital, people have to pay more money for getting treatment whereas in a government hospital people do not have to pay much for the treatment.