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Write the name of the theory of inheritance given by Walter Sutton.

Last updated date: 05th May 2024
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Hint: This theory puts forward that chromosomes are the carriers of genetic material and the basis of In-heredity are chromosomes. This theory is parallel to the Medals law of genetics, where traits are pointed out the first time.

Complete answer:
The theory of heredity or the theory of inheritance was the name of the theory given by Walter Sutton. This theory also explains the linear structure of chromosomes with genes in particular sites which was mentioned as loci.
The theory was written in 1902 by Walter Sutton. He showed that chromosomes exist in pairs as one of mother and one father which separates in the meiosis and his studies for this theory were done on grasshoppers.
The theory is also known as the "Sutton-Boveri Theory" as Theodor Boveri a German anatomist and zoologist who used sea urchins supported the theory with his findings. He found that for proper embryonic growth and maturation, chromosomes are necessary. As both have contributed to the theory it was called "Sutton-Boveri Theory". Walter Stanborough Sutton was an American physician and a geneticist who was born on April 15, 1877, and died on November 10, 1916.

Note: -Walter Sutton was born in New York and went to Columbia University for studying more on zoology, where his significant work was born, but he couldn't complete his Ph.D. and returned to Kansas.
-Theodor boy also pointed out that a Cancerous tumor originates from a single cell.
-Walter Sutton died at the age of 39 due to severe appendix.