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VDRL test is done to diagnose
A. Gonorrhoea.
B. Diphtheria.
C. Syphilis

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
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Hint: The VDRL test is a nontreponemal test and it is used for screening sexually transmitted diseases. VDRL is the abbreviated form of venereal disease research laboratory that tests a sample of blood for infections related to sexually transmitted disease. It is a common test used due to its simplicity, sensitivity rate and low cost effectiveness.

Complete answer: VDRL test or Venereal disease research laboratory test is a test to detect the presence of an antibody that is present in the bloodstream of a patient in response to an infection of syphilis. It is employed as a screening test for syphilis. The test helps to measure the antibodies produced by the immune system of the body. In case of any infection, the immune system of the body gets triggered by the presence of the foreign infectious agents like bacteria, viruses, to release antibodies. The antibodies are used to identify the causative agent of the infection.
The test is also known as syphilis-VDRL test. This test is used as a screening for syphilis. The bacterium, Treponema pallidum is the pathogenic bacterium which causes syphilis. The test is a routine part of prenatal care during pregnancy.
The test showing a negative result shows a normal condition. The normal condition shows the presence of no antibodies in the body and subsequently, there is no infection of syphilis. The screening test is mostly found to be positive during the secondary and latent stages of syphilis. The test may give false-negative results during the early and late stages of syphilis. This test however, must be confirmed with another blood test to make a further diagnosis of syphilis.
A positive test result shows the presence of infection of syphilis. If the test is found to be positive, the next step is for confirmation of the results that can be done with an FTA-ABS test. The test FTA-ABS is a more specific syphilis.
The VDRL test’s ability to detect syphilis depends on the stage of the diseases. The test sensitivity is nearly close to hundred percent when done in the middle stage while it is less sensitive when it is done during the earlier and later stages.
 The values related to normal ranges may vary slightly among different types of laboratories. In some conditions, some tests use different samples or test different samples.

> Hence, the correct option for the above question is option(C). Syphilis.

Note: The test VDRL test is used to detect the infection of syphilis. Syphilis is sexually transmitted and is caused by the bacterium, Treponema pallidum. This screening tool has a high rate of sensitivity and rate of accuracy is also good, especially in the clinical diagnosis of primary infection of syphilis. It is a type of non-specific test but it is very useful in following up the treatment in patients suffering from syphilis. The major shortcoming of the test is the detections of antigen by the antibody which are non-specific and this can yield a much false-positive reaction.