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Scientific name of the shoe flower is
A) Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
B) Solanum nigrum
C) Oryza sativa
D) Helianthus annuus

Last updated date: 28th Apr 2024
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Hint: Scientific name is assigned to any particular living organism so that it gets a universally accepted recognition. A scientific name comprises two different parts – the first part is named genus while the second represents species.

Complete Answer:
Let us analyse each of these options to find the correct answer.

Option A: Shoe flower or the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is a representative of the tropical hibiscus species which is a flowering plant belonging to the Hibisceae tribe under the Malvaceae family. This tropical hibiscus is widely cultivated across both the tropical and subtropical regions. It is widely made available as an ornamental flower.
The species of shoe flower or the China Rose was re-named by Carl Linnaeus in the year 1753 in his book named ‘Species Plantarum’. The term rosa-sinensis refers to the ‘rose of China’. Therefore, this is the correct option.

Option B: Solanum nigrum is commonly referred to as Makoi or black nightshade. Therefore, this is the correct option.

Option C: Oryza sativa is commonly referred to as Asian rice. Therefore, this is the correct option.

Option D: Helianthus annuus is commonly referred to as the sunflower. Therefore, this is the correct option.

Thus, the correct option is A) Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.

Note: In Pacific Islands, the species of Hibiscus rosa sinensis are widely used as edible contents in salads. There are various uses of hibiscus,
- It has helped in controlling blood pressure.
- It helps in promoting skin growth.
- It was used to treat cancer, constipation, etc in Africa.