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Pollination carried out through water is?

Last updated date: 09th May 2024
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Hint: Pollination is the process of transfer of the pollen grain from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma. They cannot reach stigma by itself as they lack the feature of locomotion. So, various external agents like wind, water, animal, gravity are required to carry out the process.

Complete answer:
So let us start with the definition- what is hydrophily?
Hydrophily can be defined as the type of pollination in which the pollen is carried away by the flow of water, particularly in rivers and streams so that it reaches the stigma.

Now let us see which of the four options is in accordance with the pollination caused out through water.
> Option A- Anemochory: Anemochory is the dispersal of seeds along with fruits and other plant parts carried by means of wind. It is one of the most effective dispersal methods. In this seeds are light and small.

> Option B- Hydrophily: Hydrophily is a form of cross pollination carried out by means of water. Present in Zoostera, Vallisneria.

> Option C- Hydrochory: Hydrochory is the dispersal of seeds along with fruits and other plants part by water. In this floating devices are forms like mesocarp in Coconut.

> Option D- Anemophily: Anemophily is a form of cross pollination in which pollen is distributed by means of wind. Present in Coconut palm, Maize.

Hence, The correct answer is option (B).

Additional information:
Self Pollination- It can be defined as the transportation of pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same flower or can be another flower of the same plant or the flower of a plant which is genetically similar or clone.

Note: Use of suffix -chory suggests the method of seed dispersal. Use of suffix- phily meaning “liking for” or “tendency towards”. Thus, anemochory and hydrochory are related to dispersal of seeds whereas anemophily and hydrophily are related to forms of pollination.