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Panting after vigorous exercise is due to
a. Oxygen debt
b. Continuity to deep breathing even after exercise
c. Continuity of mouth breathing started during exercise
d. The requirement of rapid dissipation of energy

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
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Hint: Panting is the process of breathing quickly, short, hard, and loudly through the mouth because the person has done something very energetic such as exercise. In painting a person is out of breath. Pant is to breathe rapidly in short gasps as after exertion, to produce loud puffs while moving.

Complete answer:
- Lactic acid and carbon dioxide are formed in the muscles of the body during a vigorous physical exercise.
- By the flow of required oxygen to the muscles, the production of lactic acid can be prevented thus, the body uses more oxygen than replenished.
- After a vigorous exercise people pant because of a decrease in the oxygen level in the body.
- During exercise, more oxygen is required by muscles and oxygen from the body's RBCs.
- The heart is required to pump more blood and the lungs are required to supply more oxygen which results in a rapid heartbeat and heavier breathing.
- The dissipation of energy is the wastage of energy.
- Continuity of deep and mouth breathing after exercise causes health conditions such as asthma, dyspnoea, etc.

Hence, the correct answer is option (A).

Additional information:
- In dogs, panting is normal after excitement, exercise, and when it's hot.
- People breathe heavily during and after exercise because due to increased physical activity muscle cells respire more than usual. The heartbeat increases and the rate and depth of breathing increases.
- During exercise, more oxygen is taken into the blood and more carbon dioxide is removed from the cell.

Note: During exercise, more oxygen is required by muscles and oxygen from the body's RBCs. The heart is required to pump more blood and the lungs are required to supply more oxygen which results in a rapid heartbeat and heavier breathing. For people who do not regularly exercise in them even mild exertion can cause heavy breathing. So, more oxygen is required during and after exercise to overcome panting.