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Lower eyelid of Frog is
A.Large and opaque
B. Small and semitransparent
C. Nearly immovable
D. Both B and C

Last updated date: 07th May 2024
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Hint:-Frogs have three eyelids: upper eyelid, lower eyelid and third eyelid. These three eyelids keep frogs#39;s eyes clean and moist. The lower eye is small and it is not movable.

Complete step-by-step solution:-Frog#39;s eyelids help them to keep their eyes clean and moisturized. Frogs have three eyelids: upper eyelid, lower eyelid and third eyelid. Lower eyelid: The lower eyelid in the frog borders the ventral side and is spreaded in a small region and it stays still and is not movable. The lower eyelid is thinner than the upper eyelid. When the eyeball of the frog retracts into the socket then the lower lid spreads over the surface of the eye. Upper eyelid: upper eyelid of the frog is made up of a skin fold. It is slightly movable as the upper lid blinks. The upper and lower eyelid is transparent to opaque. Third eyelid: the third eye is also known as nictitating membranes. it acts as a protective covering of the frog#39;s eye. So, we have asked about the lower eyelid and the options are: Large and opaque, Small and semitransparent, Nearly immovable and Both B and C. As we know, the lower eyelid is spreaded in a small area so we can say it is small. As we said the lower eyelid is translucent to opaque, so it is semitransparent and the lower eyelid is immovable. So, both options B. Small and semitransparent and C.Nearly immovable are correct and the correct option is D. Both B and C.

Note:- The third eyelid is also known as nictitating membrane. Nictitating membrane is a semi-
transparent lid, it covers the eye completely and helps the frog to see underwater and hide from