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In which of the following is translator apparatus present?
A. Ovules of mustard
B. Pollen grains of mango
C. Pollinia of Calotropis
D. Ovules of pea

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
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Hint: They are commonly known as milkweeds because of the latex they produce. The latex of these plants is used as an arrow poison.

Complete Answer:
- A pollinium is a hard sac-like distinct structure formed from a mass of pollen grains stuck within one another.
- The pollinia of the nearby anther lobes are connected by small stalks known as caudicles to a sticky centre. These are transferred during pollination as a single unit. This is commonly referred to as a translator.
- The translator and a pair of pollinia are together termed as Pollinial-apparatus. Pollinium is observed in families like Asclepiadaceae and Orchidaceae.
- Calotropis is a genus of plants belonging to Asclepiadaceae.
- In calotropis, each translator consists of two parts: corpusculum and a pair of arms called caudicles.
- The corpusculum attaches to the stigma disc margins between the anthers and the pair of arms are attached to the adjacent anther's pollinia.
- These sticky discs attach themselves to the legs of visiting bees that pull out pollinia when a bee moves away. When such a bee visits another flower, the pollinium may pollinate the flower.

Thus, the correct answer is option C, i,e., Pollinia of Calotropis.

Additional information: Pollen grains are globular structures. They may be either monosiphonous, i.e., with one pollen tube or polysiphonous, i.e., with more than one pollen tubes.The wall or covering of the pollen grain is known as sporoderm and is made up of two layers called exine and intine.

Note: Pollination is the transfer of the pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the flower. Pollination results in seed production, and is necessary for the reproduction of many plants.