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In sexual reproduction of algae fusion between one large, non-motile (static) female gamete and a smaller motile male gamete is termed as
A) Isogamous
B) Anisogamous
C) Oogamous
D) None of these

Last updated date: 04th May 2024
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Hint: Isogamous may be defined as fusion of similar motile gametes. Anisogamous may be defined as gametes that take part in fusion but differ in size as well as physiological behavior.

Complete answer:
Sexual reproduction is the development of new organisms by combining genetic information from two different sexes. Oogamous is defined as a condition where one gamete is small and the other is larger as well as non-motile. It is a familiar form of reproduction. The smaller one is referred to as a male gamete (sperm cell or spermatozoid) while the larger gamete is considered as a female egg cell. In some algae, the gametes can be dimorphic. When spermatozoid combines with egg this sexual reproduction is called oogamy.
Algae can regenerate by both sexual which involves male and female sex cells and asexual reproduction occurs by spore formation.
Algae can be unicellular or multicellular, lack of defined body, found in moisture.
They are eukaryotic.
Types of algae
- Red algae- found in marine and freshwater. Pigments like phycocyanin and phycoerythrin are responsible for red colour.
-Green algae- it contains photosynthetic pigments: chlorophyll a and b, xanthophylls.
- Blue-green algae- Also known as Cyanobacteria. They contain blue and green photosynthetic pigments. The blue pigment is phycocyanin and the green pigment is chlorophyll.

Examples of algae: Ulothrix, Fucus, Porphyra, Spirogyra.

The correct answer is Oogamous.

Note: They are photosynthetic algae that increase oxygen content of their environment. These are free living and harmless to humans, some can form a symbiotic relationship with other organisms.