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Exotic breeds are
A) Used for cross-breeding
B) Allowed to multiply and replace local breeds
C) Cheaper
D) Resistant to local pests and pathogens

Last updated date: 25th Apr 2024
Total views: 394.5k
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Hint: It refers to the group of organisms that exhibits same characteristics at the time of mating of the two organisms. Also, when the two different organisms mate their offspring will be hybrid.

Complete Answer:
- The word exotic means foreign origin or not native. These breeds have a specific environment to live and grow.
- Exotic breeds might have to face some difficulties due to the change in the environment that is why they are environment specific. These exotic breeds crossed with the indigenous breeds once. Then they will be producing higher yields much better than that of the indigenous ones.
- Cross-breeding refers to the mating of two different organisms possessing the same characteristics but their offspring or baby will be hybrid not cross-breed.
Examples of the cross-breeding that can be found in many of the different groups of species in the world such as horses, cattle and dogs. So, exotic breeds are used for cross-breeding.

Thus, the complete answer is option A. i.e., used for cross-breeding.

Note: According to scientists there are about eight million of exotic breeds in the world.
- Exotic breeds have many advantages like they are highly tolerant to the various diseases. So, that is why they are less suffering from the dangerous diseases. They can also have high resistant capability towards the temperature, climate, parasites, etc.
- Exotic breeds come in the place of native breeds because they have high milk yield capacity due to the reason of long lactation periods.