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Do some animals understand your language? Which animals?

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
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Hint: Some animals follow what we say if we train them. But that's not understanding language. It's like if they are doing it correctly, they get a reward. They slowly get used to it, but it isn't understood.

Complete answer:
Animals don't understand the language in a sort of “language” but they understand what you would like to mention by your gestures, body language, and tone. Yes, on training or spending some time with certain animals they begin understanding our language. These are animals like parrots, monkeys, dogs, etc. Some animals like parrots are often taught language.

Additional Information: Some years ago, x had a parrot. One day, his parrot started saying, “earthquake! earthquake!” Everyone ignored it thinking that the parrot was just talking nonsense. The next day, the news said that there Was a minor earthquake.
Animal languages are sorts of non-human signals that show similarities to human language. Animals communicate by using sort of signs like sounds or movements. Such signing could also be considered complex enough to be called a sort of language if the inventory of signs is large, the signs are relatively arbitrary, and the animals seem to supply them with a degree of volition (as against relatively automatic conditioned behaviors or unconditioned instincts, usually including facial expressions). In experimental tests, signals can also be evidenced through the utilization of lexigrams (as employed by chimpanzees and bonobos). While the term "animal language" is widely used, researchers agree that animal languages aren't as complex or expressive as human language.

Note: A 2016 study showed that dogs really do understand human speech. This is not special to our canine friends Potbelly pigs, chimpanzees, and elephants all understand some human language. Scientists believe we may even be ready to ask dolphins at some point.