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Which one of the following is a dead tissue?
A. Parenchyma
B. Collenchyma
C. Sclerenchyma
D. Chlorenchyma

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
Total views: 390.9k
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Hint: The type of tissues that are not able to divide further is called permanent tissue. In plants, they can be divided into simple permanent tissue and complex permanent tissue based on the type of cells present in it.

Complete step by step answer:
Plant body contains both simple and complex permanent tissues. Simple permanent tissues include parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma.
1. Parenchyma forms most of the plant body. They contain living cells with a thin cell wall and more cytoplasm. They are of several shapes according to the function they perform. Functions of the parenchyma tissue include photosynthesis, food storage, and secretion.
2. Collenchyma is a kind of permanent tissue seen below the cortex in the dicotyledonous plants as a homogeneous layer. These are living cells and differ from parenchyma by having an unevenly thickened cell wall and absence of intercellular spaces. They are also called living mechanical tissue. So, these are the tissues that can give mechanical support to the plant body.
3. Sclerenchyma is the dead mechanical tissue in plants. They are made up of long and narrow cells. These cells contain a cell wall that consists of lignin. The major function of these tissues is nothing other than giving mechanical support to the plant body.
Chlorenchyma are actually parenchyma tissue that has chloroplasts in it. So, these tissues will be able to perform photosynthesis.
Hence option B is correct.

Note: Other than simple tissues, plants also have complex tissues in them. Examples are xylem and phloem tissue that together forms the vascular bundle. They possess several types of cells that together work as a single unit.