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How can you contribute to the maintenance of green wealth of your locality? Make a list of actions to be taken by you.

Last updated date: 28th Apr 2024
Total views: 379.2k
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Hint: Green wealth of any locality is very beneficial for the humans who are the residents of that locality. It can decrease the level of pollution emerging from vehicles, factories etc. It reduces the risk of various types of diseases in infants and senior citizens.

Complete answer:
• There are many steps I can take for the maintenance of green wealth of my locality:
• By maintaining the plants and trees present in or around my locality.
• I can plant more and more trees.
• By encouraging the people around my locality to plant more trees by informing them about the importance of green wealth.
• By spreading the awareness that deforestation can lead to severe damage to our environment (global warming, droughts and low amount of oxygen) and human beings (diseases like cancer, heart attack).
• By protecting and providing the water to existing trees present in the locality.
• By teaching about the benefits of trees and harmful effects of cutting trees, we can maintain the green wealth of our locality.
• By spreading the awareness about energy preservation and reducing pollution, we can contribute towards maintenance of green wealth.
• By reducing the use of products which are made from trees and plants.

Note: Deforestation leads to an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the environment and soil erosion which causes the destruction of forest habitat and the loss of biological diversity of both plants and animals. The increased amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases leads to depletion of the ozone layer.