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Cold-blooded animals are the one which has………...
B)Low body temperature
C)Cold habitat
D)No regulatory system of body temperature

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
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Hint Animals that are not capable of controlling their body temperature and become sluggish in the cold weather are known as cold-blooded animals. Most of the time, the temperature of the body fluctuates when cold-blooded animals move in different surroundings with different temperatures.

Complete answer
-Cold-blooded animals are those animals that are not able to regulate their temperature of the body based on the surrounding temperature.
-Cold-blooded animals do not have a constant body temperature that's why their body temperature fluctuates when they move in different surroundings with different temperatures. Therefore, these animals are not able to survive at extreme temperatures.
-Reptiles, fishes, amphibians, insects, and other invertebrates are examples of cold-blooded animals and are also known as poikilothermic animals.

Additional information
-Three types of thermoregulation mechanisms are demonstrated by cold-blooded animals. These are
Poikilothermy, Ectothermy, or Heterothermy.
-A state where the internal temperature of the animal's body varies but their core temperature remains the same is known as Poikilotherms.
-A mechanism in the utilization of external energy like the sun is used by the animals to control their body temperature is known as Ectotherms.
-A mechanism when the temperature of the body changes drastically when the animals move from one environment to another is known as Heterotherms.
-Cold-blooded animals have limited control over their body's temperature and most of the animals use the combination of three mentioned mechanisms of thermoregulation to regulate their body temperature.
-These animals have to depend on external factors like sun and water to control their body temperature as their body temperature changes very fast when they move from one temperature to another.
-Lizards and crocodiles are very good examples because during the hot seasons they stay in the water and move towards the land by burrowing the pits. So, they can keep their body warm during the cold season.

So, the correct answer is, "No regulatory system of body temperature".

-Cold-blooded animals are distributed in the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem as they are highly dependent on the environmental temperature for their metabolic activities.
-Cold-blooded animals have a complex genomic structure in comparison to the warm-blooded animals that occupy the same ecological niche.