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How is a myelinated nerve fiber different from the non-myelinated nerve fiber?

Last updated date: 28th Apr 2024
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Hint:Nerve fiber is a long, slender projection of a nerve cell or neuron that typically conducts electrical impulses. These conduct information from the sensory neuron to the central nervous system.

Complete answer:
1. Myelinated nerve fibers are nerve fibers that are insulated by a myelin sheath whereas unmyelinated nerve fibers do not have a myelin sheath.
2. Myelinated nerve fibers are white in color whereas the unmyelinated nerve fibers are gray in color.
3. The myelinated nerve fibers have nodes of Ranvier while unmyelinated nerve fibers do not have nodes of Ranvier.
 a)Nodes of Ranvier are spaces between the myelin coatings on the neuron’s axon. The nodes of Ranvier serve to facilitate the rapid condition of nerve impulses.
  b)Due to the presence of nodes of Ranvier in myelinated nerve fibers, the speed of transmission of nerve impulses is high in myelinated nerve fibres and in unmyelinated nerve fibers the speed of transmission of the nerve impulses is low.
4. Most neurons in the central and peripheral nervous system are myelinated because they require fast condition speed such as neurons involved in spinal reflexes unmyelinated neurons can be found in both peripheral and central nervous systems.
5. Due to presence of myelin sheath myelinated nerves do not lose the impulse during condition whereas unmyelinated nerve fibers can lose the nerve impulse during condition.
6. The nerve fibers with long axons are myelinated whereas the short axon nerve fibers are unmyelinated.

Note: Myelin is a fatty substance that insulates the nerve cell axons so as to increase the speed at which information travels from our nerve cell body to another.