Types and Meanings of Pig Sounds
Pigs are one of domesticated animals we rear for various purposes. They make different sounds to communicate with other pigs and humans. They have their own language to communicate. Each type of pig sound means something unique. Here is what you need to know.
What is a Pig Sound?
The noise or sound a pig makes is called a pig sound. A pig makes different types of sounds. The common English word used to describe such sounds is oink. Apart from this sound, a pig grunts, squeals, barks, and make coughing noises.
Types of Pig Sounds
Unlike other animals, pigs make sounds difficult to spell and interpret. Here is a list of a pig's sounds according to its mental condition.
Happiness and Excitement
A pig makes grunting and hot panting sounds when it is excited or happy. It makes such sounds when it meets fellow pigs or known humans. Mother pigs use such sounds to communicate with the piglets. They bond with their kids by making sounds of content.

A Happy Pig
Agitation, Anger and Aggression
When a pig is agitated, angry or aggressive, it makes screeching and teeth grinding sounds. These sounds show that the pig is not happy with something. Its anger is expressed by making shriller and sharper sounds. Unhappy guinea pig noises are also similar but in a lower pitch.
Stress and Fear
A pig screams at its highest pitch when it is stressed or afraid. It makes such sounds and tries to flee from the place. Hence, screaming pigs means they have spotted something unusual and threatening.
Pigs also bark when they are in distress. It is not similar to a dog’s bark but resembles an ‘arf’. These sounds are quick and have short intervals. Such sounds are also made when a pig is spooked.
A playful pig or piglet makes very short barking sounds too. The body language is entirely different from what it shows during experiencing stress and fear.

A Baby Pig Playing
When a pig wants something, it makes screeching, hollering and screaming sounds. These sounds are loud and forceful and mean that they want something. The body language changes to confidence, and they make eye contact with the humans or other pigs.
Do You Know?
Pigs cannot sweat. They use mud or roll around on cold surfaces to lose body heat.
Pigs are found to be smarter than dogs.
Pigs sing and communicate with newborns.
Pigs are unable to look up due to their necks.
Pigs like to sleep nose to nose.
They dream and have excellent memories.
Pigs also have a good sense of direction.
Tips for Parents
Explain the different sounds made by a pig. Describe how pigs are social animals to the kids. Use pictures and audiovisual files to help kids understand the types of pig sounds. Assist them in understanding the words used to explain the sounds a pig makes to communicate its state of mind.
FAQs on Type of Pig Sound
1. What is a pig squeal?
A pig sound made at a high pitch is called a pig squeal. Such sounds are made when pigs fear something or want to alert the other pigs in a herd.
2. What are guinea pig noises, and what do they mean?
Guinea pigs wheek when they see food. They chutter while playing with other pigs. They rumble when they feel loved. They hiss to threaten and show aggression by chattering teeth.
3. Why do we domesticate pigs?
Pigs are farm animals domesticated for their meat. Guinea pigs are good pets. Pigs are also used for scientific research and studies.