Class 12 English Flamingo Rattrap Question Answers - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 4 The Rattrap
1. What according to you made the peddler think that he had undoubtedly fallen into a rattrap?
The peddler had stolen money from the crofter and tried to flee through the forest. However, he soon got lost, he stood there and recalled his thoughts on the world being an enormous rattrap. This is when it hit him that he had fallen prey to the rattrap by letting himself get tempted by the bait. The same thought disturbed him when he was on his way to the ironmaster's home. The ironmaster had realised that the peddler was a thief and threatened to get him caught. He realised that worldly baits had once again deceived him and led him into temptation.
2. Where did the idea of the world being a rattrap come to the peddler from?
The peddler utilised much of his time in knitting thoughts. He sold rat traps for a living, and this gave him the idea of the world being a large rattrap. As he had never been treated warmly by the world, the idea interested him much.
3. What are the instances in the story that show that the character of the ironmaster is different from that of his daughter in many ways?
Edla and her father had opposing views on life and had distinct approaches to it. Edla cared more about a person's feelings than her father did. She continued to invite him over for Christmas dinner even after his name was known. She possessed exceptional persuasion skills and was able to persuade both her father and the peddler to accept the invitation. She felt sorry for the peddler and wanted to do everything she could to make his Christmas pleasant. She did not consider the possible consequences, as her father did. He was afraid that because he was impoverished, he would steal anything from the house, but Edla refused. The peddler changed his habits and established himself thanks to her efforts and clean heart.
4. The story has many instances of unexpected reactions from the characters to others' behaviour. Pick out instances of these surprises.
There are several nuanced situations in which the character receives surprising responses from the people he encounters. He was so used to being pushed away and despised that being treated properly was the last thing he expected. Even though the peddler had only come in for a little warmth, the crofter greeted him warmly. Later, the ironmaster encouraged him to visit his home, which we later realized was a mistake. He met his daughter, Edla, who encouraged him to stay over for Christmas even though he was a peddler. Edla's kindness and hospitality profoundly transformed the peddler's attitude on life.
5. What made the peddler finally change his ways?
After a chance encounter with the manor of Willmanssons, the peddler's outlook on life shifted. He was always looked down upon and never treated kindly since he was impoverished. Over time, this led him to believe that the entire world is a rattrap and that human comforts and feelings are nothing more than cheese used to lure people into it. On the contrary, he was greeted with open arms. He fed him nicely and looked after him meticulously. Edla left a lasting influence on him and his life, despite his inability to trust their good intentions. Her real concern for the kid and understanding of nature had a positive impact on him. With an open heart and a star, he accepted the world and life.
6. How does the metaphor of the rattrap serve to highlight the human predicament?
Throughout the tale, the hawker invoked the metaphor of rattrap. It meant that the world is a rattrap and that we, like mice, are enticed by wealth, emotions, and other human pleasures (symbolic of cheese). Those who are drawn in by greed are enslaved by the world's shackles and will never be able to escape it. The entire world is consumed by the chase of these pleasures and forgets to appreciate what life has to offer. The author concentrates on convincing the reader that material purists aren't the only people we should be concerned about. Slowing down to appreciate the minor blessings that life bestows on us can have a profound influence.
7. The peddler comes out as a person with a subtle sense of humour. How does this serve in lightening the seriousness of the theme of the story and endear him to us?
Even after being received with hospitality and affection, the hawker had no positive intentions. The narration has a serious and grim tone to it, but there is a subtle sense of laughter hidden beneath the melancholy. The peddler regarded the world as a gigantic rattrap and had a pessimistic attitude regarding life. He never tried to change his mind about the world since he had furnished his brain with ample facts to support it. The ironmaster laughs at this metaphor as well. His underlying humour was evident in the Christmas present he gave Edla, and these times help to soften the story's sadness.
8. Where can I find the Class 12 Rattrap Question Answer?
You can find Class 12 Rattrap Question Answers here on Vedantu to download for FREE in PDF format for students to study anywhere, anytime, on the go.
9. Are the solutions to the Rattrap Questions and Answers sure to appear in the examinations?
NCERT Solutions to The Rattrap Questions and Answers cover all the textbook questions and answers. These are sure to appear in the examination and students will largely benefit and score high marks if they familiarise themselves with the solutions given.