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How much the temperature of scrotum in the male is lower than the temperature of the body
A) 0°C
D) 37°C

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
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Hint:The scrotum is placed below the abdomen and has a temperature lower than the normal body temperature.

Complete answer:
The scrotum is a part of the male reproductive structure that is located at a caudal position to the penis. It is a sack made up of skin and smooth muscle, dual chambered and carries the testis. The external spermatic fascia, testes, epididymis, and vas deferens are the main contents of the scrotum.
After generations of evolution, the scrotal sac has resorted to a hanging position where it can have a relatively cooler temperature than the body.
The function of the scrotum is to protect the testes and to keep them at a temperature several degrees below the normal body temperature. It is generally 2.5°C to 3°C lower than the normal body temperature. The scrotum thus protrudes from the body wall. The scrotum contracts due to many reasons like cold, exercise, sexual stimulation, etc. When contracted, it conserves heat, while relaxing its structure and position permits the circulation of air that affects cooling. At relaxation the scrotal sac is more relaxed and elongated. The relatively cool temperature of the scrotum is required for the production of viable sperm.
Perhaps the position of the scrotum keeps it cooler which is very important for the production of sperm.

Hence the correct answer is (B.) 3°C.

Note: The scrotum is homologous to the labia majora in females and the penis is homologous to the Clitoris.
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