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Who proposed the ‘Binomial Nomenclature System’?
A. Whittaker
B. Mendel
C. Carl Linnaeus
D. Tippo

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
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Hint: As we know that Binomial nomenclature means a biological system of naming an organism which contains two terms where, first term is the genus and the second term is the species of the organism itself. There are a number of local names of only one organism which makes it difficult and confusing to understand so to get rid of it each organism is known by their scientific names. Both the names or terms should be written in Italic form or underlined.

Complete answer:
The concept of Binomial Nomenclature was introduced by Carl Linnaeus. Binomial nomenclature is a standardized naming system which is used by all the scientists and it has two words.
The scientific name of tiger is ‘Panthera tigris’; Homo sapiens is the scientific name of humans, etc.
The scientific name or both words must be written in Italic and the name of genus has to be capitalized and is always read first.
All the scientific names are usually in Latin and when they are handwritten they are highlighted or underlined. The genus name starts with capital letters and species starts with short letters.
Option(A) Whittaker- Five kingdom classification is proposed by Whittaker and he proposed that organisms should be divided into kingdoms based on characters like cell structure, mode of nutrition, body organization, reproduction, etc. There are five main kingdoms.
Option (B) Mendel- Mendel proposed three laws of inheritance.
Option (D) Tippo- He classified plant kingdom in two sub divisions i.e. Thallophyta and Embryophyta.

Hence, the correct answer is option (C) i.e. Carl Linnaeus.

Binomial nomenclature means a biological system of naming an organism. It contains two terms where the first term is the genus and the second term is the species of the organism itself. The scientific names are usually in Latin. If they are handwritten they are highlighted or underlined.
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