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Marsupial Kangaroo is
(a) Viviparous
(b) Oviparous
(c) Ovoviviparous
(d) A distinct Category.

Last updated date: 07th May 2024
Total views: 395.7k
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Hint: These are the animals that are born as live young individuals. Therefore, they do not lay eggs. They include examples such as Human beings, cats, dogs, etc. Therefore the nutrition is obtained from the mother in the early days of life.

Complete answer:
Viviparous animals give birth to live young ones. Kangaroo is a marsupial that gives birth to an immature young kangaroo called a joey. Right after birth, it crawls up to its mother’s pouch where the rest of its development takes place.

Oviparous animalsViviparous animals
This refers to the animals that produce eggs that mature and hatch after being expelled from the body.This refers to the animals that give birth to developed live young individuals.
Lay either fertilized or unfertilized eggs.Give birth to young individuals.
May undergo internal or external fertilization.Undergo internal fertilization.
The development of the zygote occurs outside the female body.The development of the zygote occurs inside the female body.
The embryo receives nutrients from the yolk.The embryo receives the nutrients from the mother.
The chances of survival are less.The chances of survival are more.
Birds, Reptiles, amphibians, most fishes, insects, are the examples.Examples include most mammals.

So, the correct answer is ‘(a) Viviparous.

Note: Ovoviviparous animals are almost like that of viviparous species in which they have internal fertilization and therefore the young are born alive but they differ from them as there is no placental connection and the unborn young are nourished by egg yolk instead of the nourishment from the mother and the mother's body does not provide gas exchange.
Examples include sharks, snakes, etc.
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