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Magram explaining the above statement prepares a slogan for the campaign against female foeticide.

Last updated date: 17th May 2024
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Hint: When the female fetus is aborted from the womb of the mother before taking birth after the recognition of their sex through an ultrasound scan is known as female foeticide. Any type of sex recognition test even female foeticide is illegal in India.

Complete answer:
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 A slogan for the campaign against female foeticide is
 Female foeticide is a social injustice, don't do it!
 A female child is God's choice, don't neglect it!
 Please don't kill her, it's her life!
 Their life will give you immense joy, accept it!
 So, say no to foeticide, it’s a crime!
 It's a crime, refuse female foeticide!

Causes of Female Foeticide:
In the families who have a preference only for the male child, female foeticide has been the practice, especially in these families.
-Many parents don't have enough money as a dowry. That's why they don't want a girl child.
-Some families also believe that girls are always the consumer and boys are only the producer of the family.
-Some also believe that boys will carry their family names in the future and a girl will carry her husband's name.
-Some also cause stress to a new bride for the baby boy that's why they forced to have a sex recognition test.
-Therefore society is the major cause of female foeticide and new advancement in science and technology make this task even easier.

Ways to Prevent Female Foeticide
-The sex determination test of the fetus should be made illegal.
-Government should ban the availability of the medical equipment which is needed for sex determination and abortion.
-Government should terminate the license of those who are found guilty of practicing this type of crime.
-By educating others.

Note: -Therefore we must respect the daughters of a country. They should be given the same priority as boys.
-Girls do not get access to education, healthcare and more as boys. So the government should practice making things easily accessible for the girls.