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How are the modes of reproduction different in unicellular and multicellular organisms?
A. Unicellular reproduction mainly by asexual method, multicellular organisms reproduce by sexual and asexual methods.
B. Unicellular reproduction mainly by sexual method, multicellular organisms reproduce by asexual methods.
C. Unicellular reproduction mainly by propagation, multicellular organisms reproduce mainly by asexual methods.
D. None of these.

Last updated date: 08th May 2024
Total views: 399.3k
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Hint: In the reproductive system, an organism can reproduce without any type of involvement of another organism. It is a biological process by which the new individual organisms in offspring are produced from their parents. The very important fact is reproduction is a very important and fundamental feature of all known life, each of the organisms exists as the result of the reproduction.

Complete answer:
Unicellular organisms’ reproduction: -
They are single-celled forms while the multicellular organisms are made up of many cells. They reproduce asexually. This type of reproduction involves the single parent to produce their offspring. There are different types of asexual modes of reproduction that includes:
> Budding
> Multiple fission
> Fragmentation
> Binary fission
Mostly it depends upon the body and the complexity of it, reproduction in a unicellular organism is different from a multicellular organism.
Multicellular organisms’ reproduction: -
This type of organism possesses both types of reproduction like sexual and asexual also. This mode of reproduction by the organisms and it sometimes depends upon the prevailing conditions. On the other hand, we see a variety of reproduction in a multicellular organism like asexual, or vegetative, reproduction. In some rare cases, the reproductive body is multicellular but as in the soredia of the lichens and the gemmae of the liverworts, they are unicellular.
Sexual and asexual methods: -
Many kinds of organisms can reproduce sexually and asexually also. Like for example aphids, slime moulds, sea anemones, some species, and many types of plans are also included in this type of reproduction.

The correct option is (A) Unicellular reproduction mainly by asexual method, multicellular organisms reproduce by sexual and asexual methods.

The asexual reproduction does not include the fusion of female or male gametes. This type of reproduction always takes place in bacteria, hydra, and amoeba, etc.
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