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Why is apple called a false fruit? Which part(s) of the flower forms the fruit?

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint: Fruits formed from any organ other than the ovary.

Complete answer:
False fruits are those fruits in which the accessory floral part also contributes to fruit formation along with ovary.
In the case of apples, the major fleshy part is developed from the thalamus and the ovary. The fleshy receptacle forms the main edible part of an apple.

Additional Information:
-False fruits are also called as false fruits, spurious fruits, pseudofruit, or pseudocarp.
-A false fruit is a fruit in which some of the flesh is derived from the floral ovary but from some tissue exterior to the carpel.
-The false fruit can enclose a flower from the cup of the flower.
-The major part of the Apple which is the fleshy part is developed from the thalamus, not from the ovary.
-False fruits may sometimes also develop from parts of the calyx.
-False fruits are parthenocarpic, they develop without fertilization and do not contain seeds.
-In true fruits, the pericarp of the ovary wall is present.
-The seeds are the result of fertilization.
-The false fruits may be an apple, strawberry, coconut, mango, etc.
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Note: The false fruits developed from various accessory tissue, they are: Hypanthium-derived (apple, pear), perianth-derived (Nyctaginaceae), receptacle-derived (strawberry, pineapple, and mulberry), and calyx-derived (Syzygium jambos).
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Why is apple called a false fruit? Which part(s) of the flower forms the fruit?

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