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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History Chapter 6 New Questions and Ideas


NCERT Class 6 History Chapter 6 Questions and Answers - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for History Class 6 Social Science Chapter 6, ‘New Questions and Ideas,’ according to the latest CBSE Class 6 Social Science syllabus explores the inventions of new ideas and philosophies in ancient India, focusing on key figures like Buddha and Mahavira, and the impact of their teachings on society.

Table of Content
1. NCERT Class 6 History Chapter 6 Questions and Answers - FREE PDF Download
2. Glance on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History Chapter 6 New Questions and Ideas
3. Access NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History Chapter 6: New Questions and Ideas
4. Topics Covered in Chapter 6 History Class 6 - New Questions and Ideas
5. Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History Chapter 6 - New Questions and Ideas
6. Important Study Material Links for Class 6 History Chapter 6 New Questions and Ideas
7. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History- Other Chapter-wise Links - FREE PDF
8. Related Important Links for Class 6 History

In NCERT Class 6 History Chapter 6 questions and answers, students understand the significance of these new thoughts and their influence on Indian culture and traditions The Class 6 History NCERT Solutions offers clear, step-by-step explanations for Class 6 History Chapter 6 New Questions and Ideas to help students master the content.

Glance on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History Chapter 6 New Questions and Ideas

  • NCERT Class 6 History Chapter 6 Questions and Answers covers the rise of new philosophical and religious ideas in ancient India, focusing on key figures like Buddha and Mahavira.

  • It explains the historical background that led to the development of the new ideas and their impact on society.

  • The chapter highlights how the teachings of Buddha and Mahavira influenced Indian culture, traditions, and social norms.

  • The chapter covers Mahavira’s teachings on Jainism, which include the principles of non-violence (Ahimsa), truth (Satya), and non-possessiveness (Aparigraha). Mahavira’s emphasis on strict asceticism and self-discipline is also highlighted.

  • The chapter explores the establishment of monasteries (viharas and mathas) and the role they played in the spread of these new ideas.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History Chapter 6: New Questions and Ideas

1. Describe the ways in which the Buddha tried to spread his message to the people.

Ans: Buddha tried two fundamental methods to get his message out to the masses:

a. He chose Prakrit because it was a common people's language, allowing him to reach a wide number of people with his message.

b. Instead of simply following him, he encouraged others to think forward.

2. Write whether true or false:

(a) The Buddha encouraged animal sacrifices.

Ans: False - Buddha taught people not to kill and to respect other people's lives, especially the lives of animals.

(b) Sarnath is important because it was the place where the Buddha taught for the first time.

Ans: True - Sarnath is the site of Gautama Buddha's first Dharma teachings and the birthplace of the Buddhist Sangha after Kondanna's enlightenment.

(c) The Buddha taught that karma has no effect on our lives.

Ans: False - According to Gautam Buddha, the consequences of our acts (karma), whether good or negative, affect us both in this life and in the afterlife.

(d) The Buddha attained enlightenment at Bodh Gaya.

Ans: True - It's where the Buddha attained enlightenment under a hallowed Bodhi Tree.

(e) Upanishadic thinkers believed that the atman and Brahman were ultimately one.

Ans: True - The atman, or individual soul, and the brahman, or universal soul, were described by Upanishadic thinkers. They believed that the Atman and the Brahman were one in the end.

3. What were the questions that Upanishadic thinkers wanted to answer?

Ans: They were looking for answers to the following questions:

a. What exactly is life's actual purpose?

b. What happens after we die?

4. What were the main teachings of the Mahavira?

Ans: Mahavira's main teachings are:

a. Those who seek the truth must leave their homes.

b. The ahimsa rule must be followed by the truth seeker. It implies that no living being should be harmed or killed.

5. Why do you think Anagha's mother wanted her to know the story of the Buddha?

Ans: Anagha's mother wanted her to know about Buddha's life so that she could learn from it because we all know that he was a great thinker whose teachings are very essential in our lives.

6. Do you think it would have been easy for slaves to join the sangha? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: Slaves found it difficult to join the sangha since they needed permission from their lord. However, he was unable to do so because he was constantly at the mercy of his master. They were not treated as human beings at all.

7. Discuss the reasons why the Chinese pilgrims came to India


  • India is the birthplace of Buddhism, and Chinese pilgrims, such as Faxian, Xuanzang, and Yijing, travelled to India to learn more about the original teachings of Buddha. 

  • The pilgrims aimed to collect Buddhist scriptures and texts that were not available in China. By bringing these texts back, they helped spread and preserve Buddhist teachings in their homeland.

  • Chinese pilgrims came to visit sacred places associated with Buddha’s life, such as Lumbini (his birthplace), Bodh Gaya (where he attained enlightenment), Sarnath (where he gave his first sermon), and Kushinagar (where he passed away).

8. Make a list of at least five ideas and questions mentioned in this lesson. Choose three from

the list and discuss why you think they are important even today. 


The list of ideas and questions mentioned in this lesson:

  • The concept of Ahimsa (non-violence) in Jainism

  • The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism

  • The principle of Karma and Rebirth

  • The significance of community and sangha in Buddhism

  • The role of meditation in spiritual development

  • The rejection of the caste system by Buddha and Mahavira

  • The importance of ethical conduct in daily life

The Concept of Ahimsa (Non-Violence) in Jainism: The principle of Ahimsa, or non-violence, is crucial in promoting peace and harmony in society. In a world where violence and conflict are prevalent, the practice of non-violence encourages individuals and communities to resolve disputes through peaceful means. Ahimsa also extends to the treatment of animals and the environment.

The Rejection of the Caste System by Buddha and Mahavira: The rejection of the caste system by Buddha and Mahavira highlights the importance of social equality and justice. Despite progress, caste-based discrimination still exists in many parts of the world. Their teachings remind us of the need to treat all individuals with respect and dignity, regardless of their social background. Equality helps in building more inclusive and fair societies, where opportunities and rights are accessible to all.

The Importance of Ethical Conduct in Daily Life: Living ethically by being honest, kind, and fair helps us build trust and cooperation with others. In today's world, where we often face moral challenges, following ethical principles ensures that we create a just and harmonious society.

9. Find out more about men and women who renounce the world today. Where do they live,

what kinds of clothes do they wear, what do they eat? Why do they renounce the world? 


  • Men and women who renounce the world today, such as monks, nuns, sadhus, and ascetics, come from various religious traditions including Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, and Christianity. 

  • They often live in monasteries, ashrams, remote locations, or even urban areas dedicated to teaching and service.

  • Their clothing is simple and modest, like the saffron or white robes of Hindu sadhus, the habits of Christian monks and nuns, or the plain robes of Buddhist monastics. 

  • Their diets are typically vegetarian and very simple, reflecting their commitment to non-violence and minimalism.

  • They renounce the world to pursue spiritual growth and enlightenment, seeking to detach from materialism and find inner peace, while often dedicating themselves to serving humanity and teaching others.

Topics Covered in Chapter 6 History Class 6 - New Questions and Ideas

History Class 6 Chapter 6 Topics

  • The Story of the Buddha

  • Upanishads

  • Jainism

  • The sangha

  • Viharas

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History Chapter 6 - New Questions and Ideas

  • The solutions provide detailed explanations of the emergence of new philosophical and religious ideas in ancient India, making it easier for students to learn the core concepts.

  • The History NCERT solutions provide hands-on practice using several examples making sure that all the topics are completely covered.

  • It can be of significant use to instil the values of conceptual understanding and critical thinking in students.

  • Class 6 History Chapter 6 New Questions and Ideas Question Answer Get well acquainted with the topics in an interactive manner.

Important Study Material Links for Class 6 History Chapter 6 New Questions and Ideas

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Class 6 New Questions and Ideas Important Questions


Class 6 New Questions and Ideas Revision Notes


The NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 6 - New Questions And Ideas, offered by Vedantu, are an invaluable resource for young learners. This chapter encourages students to explore new perspectives and ideas in the world of social science. By providing these solutions, Vedantu ensures that students grasp essential concepts, such as how civilizations evolve, and the significance of asking questions. These solutions are presented in a clear and accessible manner, aiding in better comprehension and exam preparation. They play a vital role in fostering a strong foundation in social studies, sparking curiosity, and preparing students for future academic endeavours in this subject.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History- Other Chapter-wise Links - FREE PDF

Related Important Links for Class 6 History

Along with this, students can also download additional study materials provided by Vedantu for CBSE Class 6 History –

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History Chapter 6 New Questions and Ideas

1. Why Should One Refer to History Class 6 Social Science Chapter 6 Question Answer?

Class 6 Social Science Chapter 6 Question Answer at Vedantu develops a strong base where students do not rely on just mugging up the answers but understand the concept of Chapter 6 - New Questions and Ideas Class 6 History. Vedantu provides detailed answers to NCERT questions which are provided by subject experts to make sure precise and up-to-the-mark solutions are delivered to students. Vedantu also provides key concepts of the chapter to ensure a detailed summary. NCERT Solutions aids students in completing assignments and preparation for exams independently. Also, students can expect a lot of questions that are answered by subject experts to help them get hold of the subject.

2. What are the key learnings of New Questions and Ideas Class 6?

CBSE Class 6 History Chapter 6 is teaching us all about The Buddha and his teachings which he preached. Students will know how he spread the teachings of Buddhism and only rested during monsoons in monasteries. It also highlights the key takeaways from Lord Mahavir’s life and the genesis of Jainism.

3. Does the Vedantu NCERT Solutions for Chapter 6 of Class 6 History provide accurate information for the board exam preparation?

Vedantu offers students accurate solutions framed by the experts according to the CBSE guidelines. All the solution PDFs are created in an interesting way to make the students learn the concepts efficiently. The solutions of Chapter 6 of Class 6 History are written in a detailed as well as easy-to-understand language making it easier for the students. These solutions will help the students to score high marks in their exams.

4. Can the Vedantu NCERT Solutions for Chapter 6 of Class 6 History help students to fetch good marks in the exam?

Yes. The NCERT Solutions of Chapter 6 of Class 6 History offered by the Vedantu help the students to score high marks in their exams. All the solutions have been framed by the subject experts to help the students with their practice and preparation for exams. All the solutions are written and thoroughly reviewed by experts who have vast experience in the respective subject. The detailed solutions bolster students' understanding of important concepts. 

5. What were the main teachings of the Buddha according to Chapter 6 7 of Class 6 History?

The main teachings of Buddha are that life is full of suffering and unhappiness because of our cravings, unfulfilled desires and dissatisfaction. Buddha suggested that this constant desire can be removed by  following moderation in everything. He taught people to be kind, love and respect each and every life including animals. He believed that our actions i.e ‘Karma’ whether it’s good or bad will affect us in this life and the next life. 

6. What were the reasons for the less popular Jainism in Chapter 6 of Class 6 History?

Jainism was less popular because most of the men and women felt it difficult to strictly follow the main principles or rules as desired by the Jainism founders and preachers. But, thousands of people who preached Jainism had left their homes to learn and teach the new way of life. Many more people stayed behind and were supported by providing food by those who became monks and nuns. Jainism was mainly supported by traders. The majority of Indians who were farmers found it difficult to follow the rules as they had to kill insects to protect their crops.

7. Describe Buddha’s life in brief according to Chapter 6  of Class 6 History.

The original name of Buddha was Siddhartha Gautama who was a  Kshatriya and belonged to a small ‘gana’. Budhha left the comforts of home at an early age and went in search of knowledge. He roamed for several years meeting and discussing with other contemporary thinkers. In Bihar, there was a place called Bodh Gaya in which Buddha meditated for several days under a peepal tree. Here, he attained enlightenment after meditation which gave him the name ‘the Buddha’ which means the wise one. He also went to Samath and taught people and spoke about ‘tanha’, ‘Karma’, etc. For the rest of his life, he travelled and preached until he died at Kushinagar.

8. What topics are covered in History Chapter 6 Class 6 Question Answer?

Chapter 6 History Chapter 6 Class 6 Question Answer covers the emergence of new philosophical and religious ideas in ancient India, focusing on the teachings of Buddha and Mahavira, the principles of Buddhism and Jainism, the concept of Ahimsa (non-violence), and the establishment of monasteries

9. How do the solutions address the principle of Ahimsa (non-violence) in Jainism?

The solutions explain the principle of Ahimsa in Jainism, highlighting its significance and how it was practised by followers of Mahavira.

10. How do the solutions help in understanding the establishment of monasteries?

The solutions provide insights into how and why monasteries (viharas and mathas) were established, their role in spreading religious ideas, and their significance in ancient Indian society.