NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 3 - Miyaun Miyaun
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 2 Hindi Chapter 3 - Miyaun Miyaun
1. Why was the girl scared?
If you read the poem and follow the Miyaun Miyaun Class 2 NCERT solutions, you will find that the girl was sleeping peacefully when a mouse bit her nose. She was so scared that she started weeping.
2. What did the girl do to scare the mouse off?
As per the Class 2 Hindi Chapter 3 Miyaun Miyaun, the girl figured out how to scare off the mouse. She started to make cat noises. The mouse was frightened when she made cat noises and fled.
3. How can you prepare the chapter better?
The poem is easy to memorize. Follow the classroom lectures and try to find out the meaning of all the lines. Once you are done with the poem, proceed to the exercise and try to answer the questions on your own. Follow the NCERT solutions Class 2 Hindi Miyaun Miyaun to find out the best answers and use it to prepare better.
4. What is the concept of Chapter 3 -Miyaun Miyaun of Class 2 Hindi?
Chapter 3 is a story of a girl who got scared of the mouse that bit her nose and could not sleep at night but she wanted to have a peaceful sleep. This made her think of an idea to make the mouse go out of the room. Her presence of mind and the idea that she implemented has been beautifully presented in the form of a poem. This poem is very interesting and teaches you that one can be out of any problem if you think and act accordingly.
5. What was the idea that she implemented to check the mouse out of the room?
The mouse bit the little girl's nose and she started crying out of pain. She could not sleep as she was scared that the mouse could come again, but she wanted to sleep peacefully. She knew that mice were scared of cats so an idea stuck in her mind. She started making the meow meow sound of a cat. This made the mouse go here and there and finally out of the room. The immediate action of a little girl made her have a good night's sleep.
6. What do you learn from the lesson Miyaun Miyaun of Class 2 Hindi?
This chapter teaches that in life we come across many situations where sometimes the problem could be small or big. We should not just panic or just stop thinking. We should try to think of a way to get out of the situation. Everyone has the mind to think but one should know to act according to the situation. Such chapters always motivate us. Children also will learn the important messages and surely implement them.
7. How can Vedantu’s NCERT solution help in preparing Chapter 3 of Class 2 Hindi?
Chapter 3 Hindi of Class 2 is a beautiful poem and with a good concept. The summary and the explanation provided by Vedantu is systematic and easy to understand. The memorization is very easy. Once the students understand the concept it becomes easy to learn. The solutions to the questions are in simple language. The syllabus is prepared by the experts. The guidelines of the CBSE are followed very accurately. The students referring to Vedantu can have a thorough preparation of the language. All the resources provided by Vedantu are free of cost and also available on the Vedantu App.
8. What are the tips to prepare Chapter 3 -Miyaun Miyaun of Class 2 Hindi?
The following are the simple tips to be well versed in the language:
Class 2 Children will be very young and just have started learning the language. The first step is to make them read. Let them know the summary and the storyline of the chapter.
Let them read the chapter at least twice or thrice so they get to know the words and the way to pronounce them.
Once they read, let them practise writing small words.
Once they are familiar with writing the words they can be given small sentences to write. This will help them to know sentence formation.
Practising reading, as well as writing, is important to be perfect in any language.