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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Chapter 7 - Girija Kumar Mathur

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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 7 - Girija Kumar Mathur PDF Download

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 7 are drafted as per the latest syllabus pattern for students. Scoring in Hindi is a tough proposition for those who only refer to various types of guides during their exam preparation. However, it is equally important to go through the Ch 7 Hindi Class 10 Kshitij. As a Class 10 Board aspirant, you should always remember that there can be no alternatives to the NCERT textbook. What’s more, the NCERT textbook is ideal for students to score high marks.


NCERT Solutions for Class 10


Class 10 Hindi

Subject Part:

Hindi Part 2 - Kshitij

Chapter Name:

Chapter 7 - Girija Kumar Mathur


Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

  • Chapter Wise

  • Exercise Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

But if you want to save time during the exams, these solutions would help you get the best of marks. The Class 10 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 7 NCERT Solution have been formulated in an easy-to-understand manner. This makes it simple for the students to comprehend the important points of the Chapter. Also, Chapter 7 of the textbook comprises an array of literary meanings. If you have these solutions by your side, you can have a better understanding of the whole chapter. Subjects like Science, Maths, English, Hindi will become easy to study if you have access to NCERT Solution for Class 10 Science, Maths solutions and solutions of other subjects. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Grasp the Nuances with NCERT Solutions Class 10 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 7

प्रश्न अभ्यास 

1.कवि ने कठिन यथार्थ के पूजन की बात क्यों कही है?

उत्तर: कवि ने कठिन यथार्थ के पूजन की बात इसलिए कही है क्योंकि उनके अनुसार मनुष्य का मन पुरानी यादो और भविष्य के सपनो से दुखी होता है और अगर हम जीवन की कठिनाइयों का सामना नहीं करेंगे तो हम किसी मंजिल तक नहीं पहुँच सकते है। मनुष्य को जीवन की कठिनाइयों का डटकर सामना करना चाहिए और उसे स्वीकार कर सकारात्मक भाव से उसका सामना करना चाहिए तभी हम अपने जीवन की भलाई के लिए कुछ कर सकते है अन्यथा सब झूठ है। 

2.भाव स्पष्ट कीजिए

प्रभुता का शरण-बिंब केवल मृगतृष्णा है,

हर चंद्रिका में छिपी एक रात कृष्णा है।

उत्तर: प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ कवि गिरिजाकुमार माथुर द्वारा रचित कविता 'छाया मत छूना' से ली गयी है। इन पंक्तियों के माध्यम से कवि यह बताने का प्रयास करते है कि मानव अपने बड़प्पन और प्रभुता के कारण अनेक उलझनों में फँसा रहता है। इससे उसका मन विचलित रहने लगता है जो हज़ारो शंकाओ को जन्म देता है मनुष्य को इन प्रभुता को भूलकर अपने लिए उचित मार्ग का चयन करना चाहिए। सुखो के बाद दुखो का आना भी निश्चित ही है। इस सत्य को स्वीकार कर हमें तैयार रहना चाहिए हम दोनों ही भावो को एक साथ समान रूप से जीकर हम मार्गदर्शन कर सकते है न कि प्रभुता में फँसकर ।  

3.’छाया’ शब्द यहाँ किस संदर्भ में प्रयुक्त हुआ है? कवि ने उसे छूने के लिए मना क्यों किया है?

उत्तर: कवि ने छाया शब्द का तात्पर्य बीते दिनों की सुखद स्मृतियों से लिया है कवि के अनुसार मनुष्य जीवन में सुख और दुख साथ साथ नहीं चलते है। परंतु वह बीती यादे हमारे दिमाग में सदैव बनी रहती है। अपने वर्तमान समय के मुश्किल पलों को बीते पलों की यादो से जोड़ना अत्यंत कठिन होता है। इसलिए हमें अपनी बीती यादो को भूलाकर वर्तमान की सच्चाई को स्वीकार कर उसे भूतकाल की यादो से अलग रखना चाहिए।

4.कविता में विशेषण के प्रयोग से शब्दों के अर्थ में विशेष प्रभाव पड़ता है, जैसे कठिन यथार्थ।।

कविता में आए ऐसे अन्य उदाहरण छाँटकर लिखिए और यह भी लिखिए कि इससे शब्दों के अर्थ में क्या विशिष्टता पैदा हुई?

उत्तर: दुख दूना -दुख दूना से तातपर्य दुख की अधिक मात्रा से है। 

जीवित क्षण - यहाँ जीवित क्षण से अभिप्राय बीते हुए पलों की सजीवता से है।

सुरंग संधियाँ - यहाँ सुरंग संधियों से अभिप्राय यादो के रंगों से है

एक रात कृष्ण - यहाँ एक रात कृष्ण से रात की कालिमा अर्थात्‌ अन्धकार से है।

शरद रात - यहाँ शरद रात से अभिप्राय रात की रंगीनता  और मोहकता से है।

रस वसंत - रस वसंत से अभिप्राय वसंत के रस मोहकता को मधुर बनाने से है। 

5.'मृगतृष्णा’ किसे कहते हैं, कविता में इसका प्रयोग किस अर्थ में हुआ है?

उत्तर: गर्मी की चिलचिलाती धूप में रेगिस्तान में चमकती रेत पानी के समान दिखाई पड़ती है लेकिन जब उसके करीब जाकर देखते है तो निराशा हासिल होती है। कवि ने प्रकृति के इसी भ्रामक रूप को मर्ग तृष्णा कहा है इसका प्रयोग कविता में प्रभुता की खोज के लिए किया गया है। इस तृष्णा के जाल में फँस कर मनुष्य हिरण की भाँति भ्रम में पड़ कर इधर उधर भटकता है।

6.'बीती ताहि बिसार दे आगे की सुधि ले’ यह भाव कविता की किस पंक्ति में झलकता है?

उत्तर: ‘बीती ताहि बिसार दे आगे की सुधि ले' यह भाव कविता की निम्न पंक्ति में झलकता है -

क्या हुआ जो खिला फूल रस-वसंत जाने पर?

जो न मिला उसे भूल कर तू भविष्य का वरण कर।

7. कविता में व्यक्त दुख के कारणों को स्पष्ट कीजिए। 

उत्तर: 'छाया मत छूना’ कविता' में कवि के अनुसार मनुष्य का दुख का कारण उसका अपनी कामनाओं और लालसाओं के पीछे भागने की प्रवृत्ति को माना है क्योंकि इससे अतृप्ति के सिवाय कुछ नहीं मिलता है। हम अपनी पुरानी स्मृतियों के सहारे नहीं जी सकते है, हमें वर्तमान में जीना सीखना होगा उन्हे छूकर याद करने से दुख और बढ़ जाता है। समयानुसार व्यवहार न करने से जीवन में दुखो कारण बढ़ सकता है व्यक्ति बड़प्पन और प्रभुता में फँस कर दुख को और बढ़ाता है। 

Grasp the Nuances with NCERT Solutions Class 10 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 7

There is no denying the fact that Hindi as a language has revolutionized India. As it is a common communication platform and the national language of India, it makes sense to learn this beautiful language. With the Hindi language, you can imbibe the values of cultural pride in your mind. Keeping such factors in mind, the NCERT solutions of Class 10 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 7 have been formulated by experienced teachers. As these solutions have been formulated by expert teachers, you can know the correct format to write answers.

There has been a lot of emphasis on the importance of following the right format nowadays. If you don’t follow the right format during examinations there are possibilities of marks deduction. Going through these NCERT solutions would thus help you master the desired writing style. Students also tend to delay the exam revision process. For those students who have a tendency to postpone the revision process, these solutions are quite ideal. To be frank, Ch 7 Kshitij Class 10 is a bit difficult to understand if you don’t go through the textbook basics carefully. These solutions with a simple-to-understand format would help you get the best out of your exam preparations.


How to Prepare for Class 10 Hindi Examinations?

Well, there is no doubt in the fact that learning a language can be quite overwhelming. You have to find the right solutions to the questions given in the NCERT textbook. The question and answer format followed by these solutions would help you ace your examinations. So, here are some ways with the help of which you can perfect your exam preparations.

  • Manage Time Wisely

If you get stuck in one question, then it would consume your time. With the Class 10 Hindi NCERT solutions Kshitij Chapter 7, you would have a great way to learn about the significance of time management during examinations. Also, these solutions follow the latest guidelines issued by CBSE which is an added bonus.

  • Practice the NCERT Solutions Thoroughly

In order to obtain good marks, it is imperative to practice CBSE solutions thoroughly. These NCERT solutions are prepared by experienced teachers. You would get to know the best ways to approach a question to impress the evaluators. Students can learn and practice as per their own schedules.

  • Emphasize Greatly on Spellings

You have to perfect your Hindi spellings as well as vocabulary stock if you want to score smartly in the examinations. Most often students tend to downplay the importance of spellings that can be detrimental to their prospects of scoring good marks.


Why Opt for Vedantu Kshitij Chapter 7 Solutions?

Vedantu NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Kshitij Ch 7 have been prepared by the in-house subject matter experts. What’s more, they have been revised by experienced teachers who know the intricacies to score good marks in Hindi in Class 10. Also, you can easily download the PDFs and take printouts of these solutions for further reference.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Chapter 7 - Girija Kumar Mathur

1. Are These Solutions Easy to Download?

Ans: Yes, as these solutions are in the PDF format, they are easy to download.

2. How can These Solutions Help with Time Management?

Ans: These solutions have been written in a simple-to-understand format. You would know the importance of time management with these solutions.

3. How Beneficial are the Solutions for Girija Kumar Mathur Class 10?

Ans: NCERT solutions are your one-stop choice for scoring good marks as they have been drafted as per the latest CBSE guidelines.

 4. How many questions are there in Chapter 7 of Class 10 Hindi Kshitij?

Ans: According to the Hindi NCERT book Kshitij, there are a total of nine questions for Chapter 7 of Class 10. The exercise at the end of the Chapter consists of nine questions that cover all the possible questions from Chapter 7 of Class 10 Hindi Kshitij. The question includes the short and long types of questions and answers. You can solve these questions with references from NCERT Solutions and can find more questions to solve as well. You can access the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 7 of Class 10 Hindi Kshitij free of cost on the Vedantu website and the Vedantu app.

5. Is Chapter 7 of Class 10 Hindi Kshitij difficult to understand?

Ans: The concept of understanding is subjective. Hindi is a language subject and those who are well versed in the language will find the chapters a tad easier to understand than others. The language used in this Chapter is not very difficult to decipher but you might not find direct answers to all questions like in your previous classes. Therefore it is important that you know the Chapter well before attempting the examination.

6. What is the moral of Chapter 7 of Class 10 Hindi Kshitij?

Ans: Chapter 7 of Class 10 NCERT Hindi book Kshitij conveys the message that everything happens at a certain time. Do not stress yourself if you have not achieved something you should have at a certain time. Such ideal goals can stress one out and do not allow an individual to live in the moment and be at peace. For a better understanding of each and every paragraph, you can download NCERT Solutions from the page NCERT Solutions for Chapter 7 of Class 10 Hindi Kshitij.

7. What should I learn from Chapter 7 of Class 10 Hindi Kshitij to secure good marks?

Ans: The goal while studying this poem is to interpret the meaning of the poem the same as the poet wanted to convey. Your first step is to read a poem at least twice and understand what the poet is trying to convey. The next step is to read the message that the poet wants to convey from the notes you have made in class. If you have not made any notes you can refer to NCERT Solutions for Chapter 7 of Class 10 Hindi Kshitij.

8. Where can I find extra questions to practice for Chapter 7 of Class 10 Hindi Kshitij?

Ans: A five-marker question can be easily expected in the question paper from Chapter 7 of Class 10 Hindi Kshitij in the board examinations. Practice will ensure that you don’t lose these five marks because of careless mistakes. You can find extra questions to practice for this Chapter in NCERT Solutions by Vedantu. NCERT Solutions provide you with short and long types of questions to practice. These extra questions were curated after a keen observation of previous years’ question papers.