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JEE Main - Properties of Solids and Liquids Notes (Free PDF Download)

Last updated date: 26th Jul 2024
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Score High in JEE Main 2024: Properties of Solids and Liquids Notes With Important Topics

Vedantu is providing JEE Main Properties of Solids and Liquids Notes with Important Topics to score high in JEE Main 2024. Expert Vedantu master Teachers prepare these JEE Main Notes to empower your journey toward success. You can easily download the FREE PDF of these Notes from Vedantu’s website. The main features of JEE Main notes are simplified concepts and compact notes on important topics and theories.


JEE Main Revision Notes


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JEE Main

Chapter Name:

Properties of Solids and Liquids

Academic Session:



English Medium



Available Material:

Chapter-wise Notes with PDF

The  Properties of Solids and Liquids chapter covers properties of solids and liquids including concepts of density, elasticity, surface tension, viscosity, and phase transitions. This is a crucial chapter for JEE Main Exams, and you can expect at least a minimum of 1 question from it. Check out how many questions were asked from the Properties of Solids and Liquids chapter in the last five years of JEE Main exams.

Year Wise Weightage of Questions: JEE Main Properties of Solids and Liquids 

Sl. No.


Average No. of Questions Asked

Marks per Question

Total Marks





















Over the last five years of JEE Main exams, about 1 questions were asked from Properties of Solids and Liquids. Now you know how much weight you have to give to this chapter. The teachers put in dedicated efforts to ensure the Properties of Solids and Liquids notes align perfectly with the JEE Main Syllabus. Get ready to do well – get your Properties of Solids and Liquids Notes and shine in JEE Main 2024!

Competitive Exams after 12th Science
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JEE Main - Properties of Solids and Liquids Notes (Free PDF Download)
Fluid Mechanics JEE [Revisited in One Shot] | JEE 2021 | JEE Physics | Rank Booster 🚀| Vedantu JEE
3 years ago

Important Topics from Properties of Solids and Liquids JEE Main 2024

Below are some important topics students must consider while studying the Properties of Solids and Liquids chapter. These topics are picked from the previous year’s JEE Main exams. Hence, before downloading the Revision notes, you can go through the list of important topics in this chapter:

  • Elastic behavior and Hooke's Law

  • Stress and Strain

  • Young's Modulus, Bulk Modulus, and Shear Modulus

  • Poisson's Ratio

  • Elastic and Plastic Deformation

  • Stress-Strain Curve

  • Factors affecting Elastic Moduli

  • Elastic Potential Energy

  • Viscosity and Viscous Force

  • Viscous Drag and Terminal Velocity

  • Stokes' Law and its Limitations

  • Streamline and Turbulent Flow

  • Bernoulli's Theorem and its Applications

  • Surface Tension and Capillarity

  • Excess Pressure Inside a Liquid Drop and Bubble

JEE Main Physics Notes: Chapter-wise links 2024

Download for Free and Learn JEE Main Physics Chapter-wise Notes. Get the links from the table below:

How Properties of Solids and Liquids Can Shape Your JEE Main 2024 Journey?

Discover the fascinating world of matter with the "Properties of Solids and Liquids" chapter, your passport to understanding the behaviors and characteristics of these fundamental states. Buckle up for an engaging journey through the secrets of solids and liquids that will spark your curiosity and broaden your scientific horizons!

Solid Exploration

  • Atomic Dance: Imagine solids as a crowd of atoms locked in a coordinated dance, forming a stable structure. Dive into the arrangement of atoms, crystalline structures, and the role of intermolecular forces.

  • Rigidity Unveiled: Ever wondered why solids are so firm? Delve into the mechanics behind their rigidity. Explore elasticity, stress, and strain, and learn why a rubber band stretches while a metal rod remains solid.

  • Thermal Tales: Uncover the thermal properties of solids. From conducting to insulating materials, understand why metals feel cold while wood feels warm and explore concepts like specific heat and thermal expansion.

Liquid Odyssey

  • Fluid Dynamics: Take a plunge into the world of liquids, where molecules flow and dance. Learn how viscosity affects flow, why honey is thick and water is fluid, and how to measure this fascinating property.

  • Surface Tension Magic: Ever seen a water droplet defy gravity on a leaf? Discover the magic of surface tension! Unravel its role in shaping water droplets, soap bubbles, and the behavior of tiny insects on water surfaces.

  • Capillary Action Adventure: Prepare for an interactive capillary action adventure. Explore how liquids rise in narrow tubes and plants transport water against gravity. Unlock the hidden forces at play!

Phase Changes & Beyond

  • Solid to Liquid Symphony: Witness the enchanting dance of molecules during melting and freezing. Dive into the world of phase changes, latent heat, and understand why melting ice absorbs heat.

  • Liquid to Gas Transformation: Unveil the mystery of evaporation and condensation. Learn why your favorite puddles disappear, and explore concepts like vapor pressure and boiling points.

  • Critical Point Conundrum: Venture into the critical point, where liquid and gas properties converge. Witness the peculiar behavior of substances under specific conditions.

Interactive Explorations

  • Virtual Labs: Step into the shoes of a scientist! Engage in virtual experiments that allow you to manipulate variables and observe their impact on solids and liquids.

  • Everyday Connections: Unearth the connections between chapter concepts and everyday life. From explaining why ice floats to understanding the science behind saucepan lids rattling, discover the science hiding in plain sight.

Embark on this captivating journey through solids and liquids, where concepts are demystified through interactive experiences and real-world applications. The Properties of Solids and Liquids chapter is your golden ticket to unraveling the remarkable properties that govern matter around us. Get ready to explore, experiment, and engage with the captivating world of matter in ways that make learning truly come alive!

Formulaic Support: Boosting Understanding with Revision Note Integration

If you want to learn well, you can use a clever plan by merging formulas and revision notes. Formulas are like short explanations of important concepts. You get a complete learning method when you use them with detailed revision notes. Revision notes build a strong foundation, and formulas help you grasp concepts and solve problems. This combination makes tough things simpler and improves memory. Following this approach can enhance your understanding and help you perform well in your studies.

Download Vedantu's JEE Main Physics Formulas for FREE. Blend it with JEE Main Notes, and you'll notice positive score changes.

Other Important Links for JEE Main 2024 Properties of Solids and Liquids 

Discover the links of extra resources beyond JEE Main 2024 Properties of Solids and Liquids notes. Check out other important links that open doors to learning, practice papers, mock tests, and insights. Boost your readiness, conquer challenges, and embrace success by using these resources made just for JEE Main 2024.

Here are the links for the additional resources of JEE Main 2024:

Enhance Your Results with Vedantu’s JEE Main Notes

As you work hard to do well in JEE Main 2023-24, think of Properties of Solids and Liquids Notes as your helpful friend. They simplify hard things, show what's important, and let you practice, which improves your study. Vedantu's JEE Main notes help you, and you'll understand things, solve problems without fear, and do well in the exam. Get the Properties of Solids and Liquids Revision Notes for FREE to get better and succeed in JEE Main 2024.

FAQs on JEE Main - Properties of Solids and Liquids Notes (Free PDF Download)

1. What are the most important topics included in the Properties of Solids and Liquids Notes for JEE Main 2024?

The following crucial subjects are covered in the Properties of Solids and Liquids Notes for JEE Main 2024:

Properties of Solids:

  • Elasticity and Hooke's Law

  • Stress and Strain Curves

  • Thermal Expansion

  • Shear Modulus and Bulk Modulus

  • Deformation under External Forces

  • Concept of Resilience, Toughness, and Ductility

Properties of Liquids:

  • Pressure in Fluids

  • Buoyancy and Archimedes' Principle

  • Surface Tension and Capillarity

  • Viscosity and Poiseuille's Equation

  • Bernoulli's Theorem

  • Critical Velocity and Reynolds Number

  • Streamline and Turbulent Flow

2. What is the weightage of Properties of Solids and Liquids Notes for JEE Main 2024?

The weightage of Properties of Solids and Liquids Notes for JEE Main 2024 is determined by the examination authority's mark allocation. The properties of Solids and Liquids is a vital issue in the Physics section that has a significant weightage in the JEE MainTest. For exact information on the weightage of each topic, refer to the official exam pattern and syllabus issued by the exam authority.

3. Which is the easiest topic of JEE Main 2024 Properties of Solids and Liquids Notes?

The topic Elastic Moduli is often considered one of the easiest within the JEE Main Properties of Solids and Liquids section. It deals with the study of the Young's modulus, shear modulus, and bulk modulus of materials, making it relatively straightforward to understand and apply in problem-solving.

4. How much time is required to prepare for JEE Main 2024 Properties of Solids and Liquids Notes?

The amount of time needed to prepare for JEE Main 2024 Properties of Solids and Liquids Notes depends on your familiarity with the concepts, study habits, and practice attempts. A few weeks of consistent study, involving active reading, problem-solving, and revision, should provide a solid foundation on average. However, it is critical to adjust your study schedule to your learning rate and set aside enough time for thorough comprehension and practice.

5. Where can I get other materials to supplement the JEE Main 2024 Properties of Solids and Liquids Notes?

Vedantu's website contains additional materials to help you prepare for JEE Main 2024 Properties of Solids and Liquids. These tools provide practice papers, video lectures, interactive quizzes, and conversations to supplement your JEE Main materials, improving your comprehension and exam readiness.

6. How can I make my own JEE Main Properties of Solids and Liquids notes?

Here are some tips on how to make your own JEE Main Properties of Solids and Liquids notes:

  • Start by reading your textbook or a good online resource on Properties of Solids and Liquids.

  • Take notes on the important concepts and formulas.

  • Organize your notes in a way that makes sense to you.

  • Add diagrams and illustrations to help you understand the concepts.

  • Practice solving problems from your notes

7. What is the Properties of Solids and Liquids in the context of JEE Main 2024?

In the context of JEE Main (Joint Entrance Examination), the properties of solids and liquids refer to fundamental characteristics that describe the behavior of matter in these states. These properties encompass density, compressibility, rigidity for solids, and viscosity, surface tension for liquids, which are crucial for understanding material behavior in physics and engineering applications.

8. Are there any common mistakes students make in Properties of Solids and Liquids problems?

Common mistakes students make in Properties of Solids and Liquids problems include confusing concepts like density and specific gravity, misapplying formulas for pressure and buoyancy, neglecting units, and misunderstanding phase transitions. Additionally, overlooking significant figures, mishandling conversion factors, and overlooking the effects of temperature can lead to errors.