JEE Main 2016 Set - F Question Paper FREE PDF Download and Analysis
FAQs on JEE Main 2016 (Set - F) Question Paper with Answer Keys & Solutions
1. How can I get the answer keys for JEE Main 2016?
Aspirants can access the JEE Main previous year question papers by clicking on the Vedantu links. These papers will assist students in effectively preparing for the exam in order to achieve good results and move closer to their dream college. For the official answer key, you must head over to their main website and download it. In Vedantu, you will find an apt description of the answers which will give you an idea of the right as well as wrong answers attempted in the question paper by you.
2. How can I challenge the JEE Main 2016 Set-F answer key?
You cannot challenge old answer keys, say of JEE Main 2016 now, as the portal accepts challenges only for a limited period of time after the date of release of the answer key. However following are the steps to challenge a JEE Main answer key in general (within the given deadline):
Visit the official website for more information.
From the drop-down menu, choose 'Challenge(s) regarding Answer Key.'
After this, you need to enter your application number and password to log in
All of the questions' question IDs and option IDs will be displayed on the screen.
Select any one or more than one of the Option ID(s) by checking the box to challenge any question.
Then, after picking your preferred option ID, click the 'Save your Claim Finally' button and go to the next step (s).
The option ID(s) that they challenged will appear on the screen.
As a PDF file, upload the papers that support your challenge.
In order to challenge the question in online mode, you must pay the required processing cost.
Note: If NTA accepts the challenge, the processing money will be reimbursed to the candidate's account. In addition, no challenge will be entertained unless the processing money has been received.
3. Where to get JEE Main 2016 Papers with Solutions?
There are four sets of papers in the JEE Main 2016 question paper with solution and answer keys. It may be downloaded in PDF version for free from Vedantu. There are 90 questions in total in these JEE Main Previous Year's Question Papers. Each part had a total of 30 questions, with 30 questions from Chemistry, Math, and Physics. You can download the JEE Main 2016 question paper for free from to learn more about the 2016 JEE Main paper. You can also use it to prepare for the JEE Main exam. To determine the paper's difficulty level and to learn about the kind of questions presented in 2016. The JEE Main 2016 question paper in PDF format, together with the solution and answer key, can be downloaded from the websites provided below.
4. When was the JEE Main 2016 exam held?
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) hosted the JEE Main offline exam on April 3rd, 2016, while the online exam took place on April 9th and 10th. A total of 1.5 million students took the exam. The JEE Main 2016 question paper (online and offline exam) and answer keys were made accessible on the official website shortly after the exam. However, we have put all of the papers, as well as the answer keys, here to make it easy for students to obtain the questions papers. Students can get the PDFs of the question papers, as well as the solutions and answer keys, by clicking the links.
In the JEE Main 2016 paper, there were four sets (E, F, G, and H), each of which had 90 questions. The question paper consisted of 30 questions (120 marks) from each of the three subjects: physics, chemistry, and mathematics. According to the marking scheme for the JEE Main 2016 paper, each correct answer received four points, whereas each erroneous answer received one point. In addition, there were no penalty marks for questions that were not attempted.
5. Was the JEE Main 2016 Set: F paper tough?
The overall toughness level of JEE Main 2016 was moderate with 37 easy questions, 40 moderately difficult questions and 13 difficult questions. Physics was moderate and conceptual, Chemistry was easy and theoretical, whereas Mathematics was comparatively lengthy and difficult.
6. What was the marking scheme for JEE Main 2016 (Set - F)?
Each correct answer carried four marks, and one mark was deducted for every incorrect response as per the negative marking scheme.
7. How can analyzing the JEE Main 2016 (Set - F) Question Paper benefit aspirants?
Analysing this paper allows students to understand the pattern, identify strengths and weaknesses in different subjects, and strategize accordingly for future exams.