Previous Year Question Paper for ISC Class 12
FAQs on Previous Year Question Paper for ISC Class 12 - Free PDF Solutions
1. Are the solutions provided by Vedantu good enough for Revision?
Vedantu is the leading online platform for providing solutions for all subjects and chapters for all classes in the ICSE board. The solutions are written by experienced teachers and abide by the guidelines of the board. They are good for revision for the students and for referring to while answering questions. The solutions help them understand the concept easily as they are given step by step in an easy-to-understand language. The solutions also make it easy to refer to while revising as they are in a concise format in one place.
2. How does solving the ISC Sample Papers help?
Sample papers can be considered as the best way to prepare for the ISC exam. Solving the Sample papers and going through them before exams can be the best practice a student can have as they give an idea about the paper pattern. Sample papers at Vedantu have in-depth analytical questions which give students an idea about what questions can be asked in the exams. Thus if students refer to the Sample papers before their ISC exam, they can score better marks
3. What are the key features of the Sample Papers at Vedantu?
Vedantu has one of the best teams of experts in every field. The sample papers and mock test papers they prepare are done only after thorough research on the previous year’s papers. Because of this, the students can more or less come to know what kind of questions could be asked in the exams, what topics can they study harder and what topics they can leave because they have low weightage and less appearance in the papers. Thus, sample papers at Vedantu can be your best choice if you want to study smarter.
4. Why is it important to solve the Previous Year Question Paper for ISC Class 12?
Attempting the board papers from previous years gives your knowledge about the pattern of the paper and the types of questions to expect in the exam. Practicing papers will help you understand how to answer questions in the exam and what you should write. Answering papers will also help you to manage your time better while answering the actual exam. You must not waste your time and answer all the questions in the given time period.
5. What are some tips to keep in mind while answering the Question Paper for ISC Class 12?
Students should keep in mind the following things to score well in exams:
Attempt all the questions. Do not leave any questions unanswered. Write whatever you know. Writing something will fetch you some marks which are better than a zero for not answering.
Do not waste too much time to solve one question when you get stuck. Move on to the next question if you are not sure about the question.
Read the question paper thoroughly before attempting.
Make sure the answer sheet is neat and organized.