The chapter, the story of cricket of. Class 7, explains the entire cricket world. It starts by telling us everything about the sport's history and how it came into being. This is one of the earliest forms of the game in which people play with a ball and a bat in England. The story of cricket class 7 summary will also define the terms for a better understanding of the sport, such as 'bat' and more. It will also take us through the evolution of the game from previous years to the present.
The chapter explains to the reader every detail of cricket, including the history of the game, rules, players involved, and every detail. In addition to the use of technology in this sport, it will also teach them about cricket equipment and modern cricket. Readers learn about its roots, which date back to 500 years ago, beginning with history. Also, see how the hockey stick curving outwards was first used as a bat.
The chapter Story of Cricket goes on to the cricket rules and students will see how they started back in 1744. The rules will help them settle the matter in the event of any umpire facing any conflict. The stumps must be 22 inches high and the bails must be six inches, as per the rules. Likewise, the ball should be about five or six ounces in weight. The first cricket club had its origins in Hambledon in the 1760s.
History of Cricket
Cricket is one of the many games played in England over the past 500 years with a ball and bat. It evolved around the 17th century as a separate game. Initially, the bat used to be like the hockey stick curving outside in the middle of the 18th century. The only format of any game played for five days and can still end in a draw is the test matches played in cricket.
Cricket is generally believed to have survived for many generations as a children's game before it was increasingly taken up by adults around the beginning of the 17th century. Cricket might have been derived from bowls, assuming that bowls are the older sport, by the intervention of a batsman trying to stop the ball from hitting it away from reaching its target.
When two men in Sussex were prosecuted for playing cricket on Sunday instead of going to church, the first reference to cricket being played as an adult sport was in 1611. A dictionary defined cricket as a boys' game that same year, indicating that adult participation was a recent development. In 1744, cricket laws were written stating that two umpires must decide all disputes. The height of the stumps must be 22 inches, and the bail must be six inches. The ball must be between 5 to six ounces in size.
In the 1760s at Hambledon and 1787 at the Marylebone cricket club, its first cricket club was formed. Bowlers gave variation to bowling after 1770.
In the story of cricket, the students get to know about all the facts related to its history.
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Equipment of Cricket
The game's equipment refers to the instruments used in cricket, such as the bat, ball, stumps, gloves, pads, etc. The essential mechanisms are all made of pre-industrial, natural materials. Even today, both the bat and the ball are not industrially produced by hand. The bat consists of two parts, the blade made of willow tree wood and the handle made of cane. Cricket declined to use industrial or human-made materials such as plastic, fibreglass, and metal to redesign its instruments. But in terms of protective equipment, technological advances have affected cricket. The discovery of vulcanized rubber contributed to the introduction in 1848 pads and shortly afterwards of protective gloves. Cricket is now impossible without helmets constructed from lightweight metal and synthetic materials.
Rules for Playing Cricket
Cricket is a game played on a large field, known as a ground, between two teams of 11 players, each with a bat and ball.
There are two umpires in place during games to apply the law and ensure the cricket rules are maintained throughout the game. Referees are responsible for the decision-making and notification of these decisions to the scorers. Two scorers react to the signals of the umpires and maintain the score.
In cricket, the primary purpose is to score as many runs against the opponent as possible. The captain of both teams will throw a coin before the game starts, with the winner of the toss being able to determine which team bats and fields first.
Every cricket game consists of periods known as innings, and before the game, usually one or two, the number of innings that each team has will be decided. One team bats the ball during an inning while the other tries to catch.
FAQs on Summary of the Story of Cricket: The Origin and Evolution of Cricket
Question 1: Why Does Cricket Have a Broad Audience in India and Not in China or Russia?
Answer: Both China and Russia are communist nations and do not play cricket. Therefore in communist countries, cricket is not played like that, so there is less viewership. As a former British Empire colony, India has been playing cricket since pre-independence. As a colonial sport played against the colonizers and then the whites, it gained popularity. India is one of the oldest countries to play cricket, contributing to its broad audience in the world.
Question 2: From Where was Cricket Originated and How is Test Cricket Considered as Unique in Various Ways?
Answer: Cricket established itself as a leading sport in London and the South-East Counties of England in the first half of the 18th century. Travel constraints limited its spread, but in other parts of England, it was slowly gaining popularity, and Women's Cricket dates back to 1745 when Surrey played the first known match. Test cricket is unique since it can last for five days and can still finish with a draw. Even half of this time is needed to complete no other game. For 90 minutes, a football match is played. Even nine innings of a baseball game are less than it takes to complete a one-day match.