There are different topics a speech can be written and delivered. Before the students learn to write a speech on rainwater harvesting and understand the content to be written there are a few crucial pieces of information the students need to learn to write an impactful speech.
What is a Speech?
Speech is a form of communication made by a speaker in front of an audience on a specific topic. A speech helps the speaker express their thoughts in spoken language. A speech can be formal or informal based on the nature of the topic of the speech.
Types of Speech
Speech can be classified into four categories based on its purpose:
Informative Speech- This type of speech is given by the speaker with the primary focus being passing on information. These speeches are knowledgeable and relevant to your audience as they share the same interest in the topic. For example, a teacher talks about the Hydrologic cycle of water.
Demonstrative Speech- This type of speech is a lot more like an informative speech. A demonstrative speech also has the primary focus of delivering information. The difference between informative and demonstrative speech is mainly that the demonstrative speech is used to give a demonstration about the “How”.
For example, How to bake cookies? Even though it involves information on baking cooking it also gives you the step-by-step process of performing the task based on the information.
Persuasive Speech- This type of speech does not have information or demonstration. The primary focus of a persuasive speech is to influence one’s mind and make changes in their life. For example, Donate your eyes - this topic of speech persuades or convinces an individual of the act learned.
Entertaining Speech- This type of speech does not have any information, demonstration, or influence upon the audience. This type of speech is merely for keeping the audience hooked. For example, a compere at a wedding.
Tips on Preparing for a Speech
Some of the tips are:
Observe, analyze and understand your audience
Understand the type of speech and decide on the narrative accordingly
Always be prepared with additional content
The topic has to be based on your audience, the type of speech, and also based on the occasion.
The speech has to be well constructed, that is the content has to be placed in an order. This makes it easy for the audience to connect and understand.
An Overview of Rainwater Harvesting Speech
Rainwater harvesting is the collection and storage of rainwater, instead of allowing it to flow away, for future use. The collected water is contained in percolating wells, shafts, etc. It is often used for drinking purposes and the extracted water can be used in irrigation, plantations, domestic use, etc. One of the oldest and easiest methods for storing freshwater is rainwater harvesting. Here we have provided a long speech and a short speech on rainwater harvesting for Classes 5 to 12 along with 10 lines for writing a speech on rainwater harvesting for Classes 1 to 4.
Long and Short Speech on Rainwater Harvesting
Long Speech on Rainwater Harvesting
Today, I am here to deliver a speech on rainwater harvesting. The climate is constantly changing, mostly due to changes in the atmosphere, resulting in an unprecedented rate of temperature change. The length of different seasons has also been altered.
The period of the rainy season and the winter season was shortened (less than 4 months), while the summer season was increased by more than 4 months. The amount of precipitation and its groundwater recharge has also been drastically decreased. In response, the groundwater systems such as tube wells, etc. have now begun to collapse at many locations.
People do not get water for their domestic needs; it becomes difficult to plant crops; reservoirs dry up, etc. In short, the lack of water is huge. The government is spending large sums of money to combat these issues.
The harvesting of natural water (rainwater) plays a very important role in this situation, diluting the problem of water shortages.
Different methods of water harvesting have been developed, which are in use worldwide for a very long time back. "As mentioned, few of the very earliest Middle East agriculture was focused on the diversion of "wadi" flow to agricultural fields, a kind of water harvesting and irrigation recycling of harvested water.
The water harvesting systems were reported to be used in the Negev desert (Israel) around 4000 years ago or more, where water harvesting was carried out by clearing the hillsides of vegetation to increase the runoff and directing the runoff to the fields on the plains.
Similarly, from at least 1000 years ago, floodwater farming has been documented in practice in the desert regions of Arizona and northwest New Mexico. The micro-catchment technique for tree growing was identified in southern Tunisia, which was discovered by travelers Pacey and Cullis (1986) in the nineteenth century.
The "Khadin" scheme in India, in which floodwater is impounded behind earthen bunds, and crops are planted in the field based on the residual moisture content due to impounded water infiltration.
Farmers have also documented the use of conventional and small-scale water harvesting systems in sub-Saharan Africa. The method of water harvesting is documented in some West African countries by constructing a simple structure using stones. The practice of water harvesting has been documented in Sudan and the Central Rangelands of Somalia through the construction of the Bund system.
There are different advantages and uses for rainwater harvesting; however, harvesting systems have to work and maintain to ensure water quality. Water has to be distilled and filtered for use as well. Rainwater should be collected by every person, so it can be used for other occupations. The water on the surface and roof should be protected from pollution as it helps to increase the level of groundwater.
Short Speech on Rainwater Harvesting
Today, I am here to deliver a speech on rainwater harvesting. Water harvesting is, in a broad sense, defined as the collection of runoff for its productive use.' It is possible to harvest rainwater (overland flow/runoff) from the roofs and ground surfaces or intermittent or ephemeral streams (watercourses).
A variety of methods of water harvesting are available for various applications. The efficient use of harvested water includes the growth of provisions for domestic and livestock feed, the supply of crops, the processing of food and trees, and the construction of water bodies for the cultivation of fish and ducks.
Water harvesting incorporates different methods or activities focused on the use of runoff from un-cropped areas to replace the cropped areas with the harvested water.
In addition, it is also important to store water for irrigation, domestic, or livestock use, but the use of harvested water for crop production is often given priority. In general, in arid and semi-arid areas where droughts occur very frequently and irrigation is not feasible, water harvesting is found to be very suitable.
While Water Harvesting in the Area Of Water Scare is Very Conducive to Crop Cultivation, the Rate of Adoption is Still Much Lower, for the Following Reasons:
Reluctance to preserve runoff areas that are clean and weedless.
High-cost participation.
Strong labor requirements for building and maintaining the facilities for water harvesting.
Small land availability for water-harvesting structure building.
In Addition to the Above Factors, There are also a Few Important Points that are Likely to Adversely Affect Water Harvesting:
High risk of damage to crops due to long-term stagnation of the area's water.
Increased risk of soil erosion and soil depletion in the catchment area.
Intensive soil erosion is possible in the region.
Rainwater harvesting can also be carried out on an industrial and household basis. You can provide your freshwater supply, reduce your water bill and make sure you never run out of water. All you need is sufficient equipment and knowledge of the rainwater harvesting process.
Lines for Speech on Rainwater Harvesting
Some of the lines are:
Rainwater Harvesting refers to the storage of rainwater in a pit or well that has been specially built for rainwater harvesting.
It is a mechanism in which the rainwater is not permitted to wash out, but is collected instead.
Rainwater irrigation, as it becomes scarce, is a way to sustain freshwater for summers.
The water obtained during the rainwater collection process is also passed through the percolation process.
Percolation is the process through which, before being processed, rainwater is passed through a natural filter system.
For many domestic and irrigation purposes, rainwater thus collected can be used.
The harvesting of rainwater also helps to recharge groundwater supplies.
Runoff water from the field is directed into specially built pits, wells, or tanks during rainwater harvesting.
The rainwater harvesting method has been used to conserve rainwater for decades.
Several ancient cities around the world were entirely dependent on rainwater harvesting.
FAQs on Speech on Rainwater Harvesting: Saving Water for Future
1. What makes speech writing effective?
A speech is deemed to be effective if it conveys the core message of the speech. Students need to choose the core message of the speech wisely to be able to successfully deliver the speech. Research and understanding of the topic is an important element, once the student has researched and has a thorough understanding of the speech topic the same has to be planned in a structured layout to make an everlasting effect of the speech written and delivered.
2. What are the skills speech writing can develop?
Speechwriting can enhance a lot of skills in students. It allows students to think creatively and consider all different aspects of creating interest in the audience. Writing speech enhances critical thinking skills. It builds confidence in an individual and develops a personality. As a lot of research is involved in understanding the topic, students are able to improve their communication skills and at the same time develop the ability to research.
3. Where should you not use the Rainwater harvesting system?
Rainwater harvesting cannot be implemented in certain conditions where it is made out of asbestos sheeting. There is a possibility of unwanted and unsafe water being harvested if the rainwater harvesting system is installed. The water collected will be contaminated and not safe for human consumption as it could be caused to many health issues. The use of a Siphonic drainage system for collecting water from the roof can cause the flow of water through the pipe faster and result in faulty filtration. These are a few examples where it is best to avoid installing a rainwater harvesting system.
4. What are the components of a Rainwater harvesting system?
The rainwater harvesting system involves different components at various stages from transporting the rainwater through the pipes, filtering the water before storing it in tanks for reuse. There are 8 components involved - catchments, coarse mesh, gutter, conduits, first-flushing, filter, storage facility, and lastly recharge structure. All these different components have to function in order for the rainwater harvesting system to complete the entire process of using rainwater for reuse.
5. Why is rainwater harvesting an apt solution for densely populated regions?
Water scarcity has become a major problem in densely populated regions. These regions have a poor supply of water even for daily consumption. The industries also face shortcomings as the supply of water is of utmost importance in factories and companies to carry out basic functions. The scarcity of water is mainly faced during the dry season and hence adapting the rainwater harvesting system these regions can benefit by storing water for the dry season.