Introduction Paragraph on Wonders of Science Easy Essay
Imagine a world where humans get up to see that they have to walk miles to get water, they don't have access to talk to their relatives who live far away. That world would be without science. Science has been a blessing for human beings. There have been many wonders of science that have made our lives easier and comfortable. Science has played an important role in the life of human beings, it has empowered us all. It has made the dreams and imagination of the man come true. By understanding and implementing science, man has got a lot of information that has helped in the development of methods that helps in agriculture, medicine, communication, and various other fields.
Man throughout history has been able to invent new things by only observing the events around him. Science could be defined as the systematic way of knowledge and living. By gaining knowledge, man has been able to apply it around him to change it. Even though science has helped in making the world a better place to live in, it has also made tools that have resulted in its destruction.
Below, short and long wonder of science easy essays and frequently asked questions about the wonder of science essay are given. Through these essays, students can ask a question to themselves whether science has led to the creation or the destruction of the world.
The Long Wonder of Science Essay
The development of science started many centuries ago when our ancestors started exploring and understanding the world and its needs. The things we are surrounded with which could be anything such as smartphones, table fans, AC, etc are the result of science. Humans are exceptional creatures, God has given us the ability to think, react and change the world. Millions of years ago, humans used to hunt and eat and eat their life peacefully. But as time passed, we started thinking and made our lives easier. When the cavemen felt that they needed to defend themselves from the wildlife around them, they started inventing weapons that could help them hunt and defend themselves whenever required. Then came the age of agriculture where humans were able to think and grow fruits and vegetables on their own as they had to collect food during the winter season. Centuries passed and with that also there was an increase in the thinking ability of humans. Science was just the byproduct of what humans could do. It could be defined as the systematic way of knowledge and living. With time, humans used science to make life comfortable. We live in a world that is filled with the miracles of science. Imagine a person without smartphones or electricity. Life would have been not so interesting. With science, we have been able to create an impact on the life of millions of people, we also successfully helped a man step on the moon.
Science has just been the by-product of humans thinking, if a person thinks about helping society then he or she will invent things that will make the lives of millions easier and on the other hand, if a person wants to destroy society, he or she is capable of doing so with the same technology. Science can never be good or bad, but it is the thought of humans that makes scientific inventions good or bad.
Advantages of Science
Throughout history, we have heard about many scientists who have worked for a better tomorrow. Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Thomas Alva Edison, etc are a few of the renowned scientists of the world who worked day and night for society. Through the application of science, many scientists were able to invent new things that only helped in making the lives of millions comfortable. Let us take the example of electricity, we cannot imagine our lives without electricity, the world runs on electricity, it helps in lighting our houses, entertains us through TV, helps in running our electric cars and the banks also work on electricity. If there was an electricity cut for merely a minute all over the world, there would be chaos. Trains, mills, factories, aeroplanes, computers, etc are all the inventions of science that run on electricity. The credit of electricity goes to Nikola Tesla, a Serbian American inventor, physicist, a mechanical and electrical engineer. He was the one who designed the modern alternating current and the light. It is because of these inventions we are able to live our lives peacefully. The modern world without science would be helpless and we should thank inventors like Nikola Tesla for it. Here are few other advantages of science:
Travelling has become more simple and quick. Those days are gone when a person had to walk or had to cycle himself or herself to reach a destination. Because of science, anyone can reach a destination within a couple of minutes. Inventions of science such as Bullet trains, Electric cars, and buses are helping everyone to reach their destination in a matter of minutes.
With the help of science, we are able to communicate with people all around the world. With the introduction of long-distance telephone calls such as STD and ISD, we can talk to our friends and family members who are living far away from us. Smartphones are also one of the greatest inventions of science. Through smartphones we can contact anyone, we can entertain ourselves, and can also study online.
A century ago millions of people died due to plagues and diseases, but not due to the advancement in science, humans have a chance to fight all these diseases. Over the past few decades, science has helped in curing people of many dreadful diseases. Tuberculosis was considered to be a curse to mankind, it had shattered lives and families of millions, but through advancement in science, we humans have a definite chance to fight this disease. The same thing could be said about cancer, Chemotherapy is an advancement in science that has helped millions to fight and win against cancer. In the field of surgery, the advancement in science has been exceptional. Organ transplantation, open-heart surgery are a few of the wonders which man has achieved in the field of surgery only because of the advancement in science.
Through the use of numerous technologies, the living standard of everyone has improved. The tasks which were impossible a few decades ago are becoming possible and it is all because of the wonder of science. The computer is one of the examples of the wonder of science. Through computers, humans are able to do complex calculations and work quickly. Quantum computers are able to do a number of calculations within seconds. With the help of a computer linked to a satellite, we are able to know the important events happening all over the world.
Life has become simple and secured, all because of science. Through science, we were able to harvest multiple yields of crops within a short amount of time. Through science, we were able to bring atomic energy to life, which is an endless source of energy. With the use of electric cars, which is also a wonder of science, we are able to conserve natural resources.
Disadvantages of Science
Science could be considered as the by-product of man’s thinking which could be either bad or good for the society in which we live. Throughout history, science has led to inventions that have eased our lives but also have invented things that have destroyed millions of lives all around the world. Science has given us the most lethal weapon of all, the atomic bombs. They are capable of destroying big cities and destroying millions of people within a fraction of seconds. These inventions are misused and are used to cause harm to everyone. Many illegal activities are done by the use of science such as accessing someone else’s data or hacking a person’s account to access all their information. Nature has been at harm due to the due advancement of science. Many birds die from the radio waves that are released from the towers, smartphones, and other electronic devices. The vibrations produced from cell phones also cause heart attack and sometimes even brain failure.
We all remember the bombing at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II, millions of people were killed during that time and the ones who survived have developed diseases such as cancer due to the radiations that were released while bombing. The chaos and the destruction it caused during World War II were also because of science. Nature is also getting harmed because of the way humans have been using industrial technologies.
The Wonder of Science Short Essay
Science is the knowledge of nature and humans throughout history have been able to decode that knowledge and use it to make life easier. From being a caveman who hunted just to eat for the day to send a man on the moon through the application of science, humans have come a long way. Through thinking and analyzing, humans have been able to use and apply science to various things in nature for better or worse. Science could be defined as observing, identifying, investigating, and explaining the natural phenomenon happening around us. The development of science started many years ago when our ancestors started applying science all around us and now we live in a society that is completely dependent on the many wonders of science. We may not even realize it, but all the things that surround us today, all the technologies, accessories and the medicines, and other spheres of life are the wonders of science. It would be very difficult to even imagine a world that is without all the wonders of science. The world without technology, transport, medicine, etc. would just be a nonfunctional land. Everything around the world would stop and we will cease to exist as we all are completely dependent on the wonders of science. Electricity is one of the examples of how science helps mankind. We cannot imagine our lives without electricity. The banks, houses, and almost everything we see around us run on electricity. Through the advancement in medical science, humans have been able to cure people of deadly diseases. Tuberculosis had taken millions of lives in the 18th century, but now due to the advancement in medical science, the disease can be cured. Other medical surgeries have also given an opportunity for a person to have a second chance in life. Organ transplantation is the miracle of science that saves thousands of lives all around the world.
Every coin has two sides to it and in a similar way, the advancement in science has also caused a lot of destruction. There are many examples that are proof of how scientific advancement has had a negative impact on people's lives. Factories have polluted the air and also disposed of the industrial waste into the water bodies that have eventually led to the pollution of water bodies. Similarly, the air has been polluted due to the use of vehicles which is a creation of science. Many people have been killed in the past and also in the present due to the atomic bombing. The radio waves released from smartphones, other electronic devices, and electric towers have been found to kill the birds and also cause many heart and brain diseases.
After going through the long and short essay, we hope you have got the idea of how to write an essay on the wonders of science, now let us take a look at the wonder of science conclusion.
The Wonder of Science Conclusion
To conclude, science has been a greater help for humans, and even though it has helped us to make our lives easier it has also destroyed the natural beauty of the environment. Science is a beautiful gift to humanity and it is the duty of everyone to use it for helping others in society. Our former President of India, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam once said “Science is a beautiful gift to humanity, we should not distort it”. Sciences have been a help to the modern man and it all depends on us to use them properly. Humans are called the master of science and we can earn that name if and only if we use science for helping society and not destroying it.
FAQs on Wonders of Science Essay
1. Name one Advantage of Science?
Ans- Through the application of science and technology, life has become easier. Many scientific discoveries have helped in making mankind advanced. Life has become simpler and secured, all because of the different wonders of science.
2. Who is Considered the Father of Modern Science?
Ans- Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) is regarded as the founder of scientific science, having made significant contributions to mechanics, astronomy, cosmology, arithmetic, and philosophy.