NCERT Books for Class 12
FAQs on NCERT Books for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 2 - Solutions Free PDF Download
1 How many hours do students need to study every day to make sure they score well in the exam?
Although there is no perfect number as to how much one should study every day, somewhere around 2 to 4 hours is the minimum one shall invest during their preparation for the 12th standard board exams. Every student has a different potential and ability to grasp things, and hence we will have a different need to study. That being said, no smart student should feel complacent and no below-average student should feel too under-confident, as the board exams almost demand enormous efforts regardless of the caliber of the student.
2. How must one approach studying Chemistry for the Class 12 board exams?
Many students tend to think of Chemistry as the easier of the subjects and thus, end up taking it lightly. You should not commit this mistake and read Chemistry with just as much sincerity and respect as the likes of Math and Physics. Chemistry has three broad branches namely Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Inorganic Chemistry. All these three branches demand different things from students and the same pattern or strategy should not be followed while studying them. Physical Chemistry bends more towards solving the problems, Organic Chemistry tests the students’ ability to understand patterns and to predict the product of a chemical reaction, whilst Inorganic Chemistry requires you to memorize tons of elements, their behavior and their properties. Once these demands are understood, the student can then proceed to tackle them with a different strategy one at a time.
3. How should students strike the perfect balance between entrance exams and board exams?
The main reason why students usually find it difficult to do well in the board exams for Class 12 is because of the enormous amount of pressure that comes with appearing for entrance exams. Most students tend to prioritize entrance exams over the board exams and hence, end up scoring really fewer marks, despite their high potential. It is important to understand that, even though the manner in which the student is tested is different for both exams, the concepts covered in them and the overall syllabus is largely the same. It is not that studying for one is going to help you prepare for the other. Basically, you are studying the same concepts and applying them in two different ways. Once you understand this and try to get a good understanding of the core Chapters and what they're trying to say, it is not difficult to score well in both exams, without necessarily preparing for one more than the other.
4. Are tuition necessary, or is self-study sufficient to get a respectable will score?
In the new era where tuitions have sort of become a necessity for every student, regardless of their performance and ability to understand, it is important that we do not follow the crowd and opt for tuitions only if the need for them is felt. It is hard to deny that attending tuitions does in fact help you get a better score in the exam, and also possibly make you a little more serious and disciplined, if you genuinely are sincere enough to study in the Classes taken in college, and study obediently and regularly at home, then it is not completely necessary that you attend tuitions. There is also plenty of material available online at nominal costs and sometimes even for free, which can help you prepare for the exam. We recommend checking the website for more details regarding the same.
5. How can students ensure that they get great internal marks, which can boost their overall score?
Apart from the board exams, a good proportion is also allotted to internal assessment where the students are judged on the basis of their overall performance in practicals, attendance in Classes, orals, and other such parameters. This analysis is done within the college itself by the teachers who have taught the students all throughout the year. This is a golden opportunity that every student has to boost his score even before the exams have begun. one must put a sincere effort into making sure he attends the Classes regularly, maintains the decorum of the Class, actively participates in the Class activities and also submits every assignment before the deadline. It is also very important that the students attend every practical Class and understand how experiments are performed. On the day of the practicals, being present well before the exam begins, being prepared with your journal, lab coats (if necessary), are some things that should be taken care of. This will make sure that you get a good internal score which could count for a lot in improving your final score.