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Rheostat is having how many terminals for connection to circuit?
A.2 terminals
B.3 terminals
C.5 terminals
D.1 terminal

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
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Hint:Rheostat is a component which is connected to the circuit to provide resistances of different value. We can vary the resistances by rheostat, so that the current passing through the circuit can be controlled.

Complete step-by-step answer:
Rheostat is a device connected in the circuit to vary the resistance. We can provide the resistance required by just adjusting the wiper. Rheostat is generally having 3 terminals in the circuit. We can use these 3 terminals. But not at the same time. We can use only two terminals at a time. Here we have a question how many terminals rheostat has for connection to circuit. It has 3 terminals.
Hence the correct option is option B.
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Additional information:
(i)Rheostat is used when the circuit has to provide high voltage or current. It has 3 terminals A, B & C. We can use only 2 terminals simultaneously. It can be either A&B or B&C. Terminal A&C are the fixed terminals. Terminal B is a variable terminal which is also called a wiper.
(ii)The terminal B is called a wiper. As it is used to change the resistance applied to the circuit. It is connected to a nichrome wire rounded insulated ceramic core. So, rheostats are called variable wire wound resistors.
(iii)It acts as a tuner to the circuits. It changes the brightness of the light by changing the resistance given to the circuit. And it is used in the radio to the sound from high to low and vice versa. And also used in the electric motors to change the speed.
(iv)We use rheostats of different resistances in the laboratory based on our purpose.

Note:If the question is given as to how many terminals in the rheostat can be used simultaneously connected in the circuit means, we can say 2 terminals. But here the question is how many terminals it is having to connect. So, the answer in 3 terminals. Rheostat are the components that are used in the place where adjusting the current or varying of resistance required in the electric circuit.

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