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Three beakers labelled as A, B and C each containing 25 mL of water were taken. A small amount of NaOH, anhydrous \[CuS{O_4}\] and NaCl were added to the beakers A, B and C respectively. It was observed that there was an increase in the temperature of the solutions contained in beakers A and B, whereas in case of beaker C, the temperature of the solution falls. Which one of the following statement(s) is(are)correct?
(i) In beakers A and B, exothermic process has occurred.
(ii) In beakers A and B, endothermic process has occurred.
(iii) In beaker C exothermic process has occurred.
(iv) In beaker C endothermic process has occurred.

Last updated date: 20th Sep 2024
Total views: 368.9k
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Exothermic process will increase the temperature of beaker, while endothermic process will reduce the temperature of beaker.