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List the two countries which do not have federalism.
A. India and the USA
B. Germany and France
C. China and Sri Lanka
D. USA and Canada

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
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Hint: Federalism can be interpreted as a government that is composed of two governments. One of which is under Central and the distinction is in several districts or territories which insures the population from distributing power, boosts effectiveness and participation of residents, and removes imbalances.

Complete answer:
The term 'federalism' emerged from the Latin phrase "foedus'' meaning 'treat' or 'pact'. Federalism was the year 1789. Federalism is also formulated as the proportion of the powers between two firstly borrowed in the constitution of the United States in governments which are at a similar level.
Federalism is a significant character as the government at the state level is further near to the residents in their respective states and can rapidly reach out to the citizens' desires.
Federalism assists in performing any public activity better efficiently as it is not always reasonable for the Central government to work exclusively and sack the public desires of the whole nation from one point. Federalism the central government appears to know the crises from the base such as the panchayats can give the central government a more logical view of the persisting circumstances. Also, authorizing the state government to create their own policies by providing power and to sack in their way lessens the tension on the central government.
Illustrations of the organization or government state encompass the United States, India, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Germany, Canada, and Switzerland. Argentina, Nigeria, and Australia. Some characterize the European Union as the spearheading prosecution of federalism in a multi-state situation, in an indication named the government federation of states.

Thus option (C) is correct.

Note: China and Sri Lanka have a unitary pattern of government. Under the unitary system, either there is only one level of government or the sub-units are inferior to the central government. The central government can pass on laws to the regional or the local government.