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What was the importance of the Lahore session of 1929 in the history of India?

Last updated date: 16th May 2024
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Hint: Lahore session was formulated with a specific and important demand for the freedom of India. It commenced in 1929 under the Presidency of Jawaharlal Nehru.

Complete answer: On 19th December 1929, The Indian National Congress, under the Presidency Of Jawaharlal Nehru, formulated the Lahore Session and passed the historic ‘Purna Swaraj’ or Complete Independence Resolution. On 31st December 1929, the national flag was unfurled on the bank of river Ravi. For this reason, the Lahore Session of 1929 is important in the history of India. The Viceroy of India in 1929, Lord Irwin announced that dominion status will be granted to India in the coming future. This declaration triggered a backlash in England as politicians over there were not in favour of this. Under pressure, when Irwin met with Nehru, Jinnah, Sapru and Gandhi, he told them that dominion status can not be promised anytime soon. Irked they were from this news, they started a resolution of Purna Swaraj now which began a large-scale political movement against colonial rule.
Purna Swaraj was a 750 words document and it was more like a manifesto having no legal or constitutional structure. It articulated the resulting economic, cultural and political injustice Indians have been inflicted upon and also this clearly indicated the launching of a civil disobedience movement against the British rule. Some pointers from the manifesto is as follows -
-It is the right of every countrymen to enjoy the fruit of their toil, have life necessities and full opportunities of growth and that British government deprives and oppresses them of their rights and people have a further right to alter it.
-Indian economy has been ruined and revenue derived from people here is out of proportion. Average income is far too less and taxes are very high.
-Village industries have been destroyed
Education system has torn us from our moorings and our training has made us hug the very chain that binds us tight.

Note: The Indian Constitution was formally adopted on January 26, 1950. Public declaration was made to make this day memorable in our history. Now, on this day, we celebrate Republic Day.